Do Petunia cuttings root?

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I know, it's probably a dumb question, but I am pinching my petunias and throwing away pretty good sized lengths, and I want to make sure I can't root them before I do any more.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I wish I knew the answer.... so I'm watching this thread!

Meanwhile, put the cuttings into water... :-)

Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

I don't know about all of them, but I had some cascading petunias in a basket and my DB accidentally broke off a long stem. I couldn't bear to lose all the lovely flowers so I put it in a vase - and imagine my surprise when it not only kept blooming but sprouted roots! So at least that kind does. Not sure about the normal kind, but I would imagine so. Good luck!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OOhhh, so not only might the cuttings root -- they might even do it the easy way -- in water!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

.....that's good news and bad news. I would definitely say I am cutting challenged. LOL! I'm going to see what I can get from them. They are Tidal Wave Silver, so sort of a Wave-type.

Thanks for the info, I'll come back and let you know how many I killed, er, I mean rooted.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooh, Suzy, that's a nice one! I've got 10 of them started from seed... growing slowly... just 1 pair of true leaves so far, and I just up-potted them, so I don't expect to see much more top growth for a while (they'll be busy growing roots).

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

You most definatley can root your cuttings. Just giv e them a dip in rootign hormone and keep most but not to damp. Take s em a litl e bit to get going but once they do they wil take off. It especially good to do cuttign for those cutivars that you want to have the same color form next year.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Good to know! I've been overwintering the same 2 colors of trailing coleus for several years now, but never thought to do it with petunias... and seeds for the "wave" ones are on the expensive side. :-)

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I always wait until the end of summer and take cuttings from petunias....stick them in rooting hormone and stick 3 to a 3" pot with a lite mix....or you can also propagate in water while enjoying the blooms...I have new one now that I have already stuck in a vase in the kitchen....

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Well, when they start, they go and go and go! Mine have been transplanted 3x now and are in 6" pots with 8" diameter foliage. I think the package had 10 seeds, but I only wanted 4 plants, so I sent the rest of the seed up to Weezingreens in Alaska.

You once mentioned that the pelleted seed hinders germination, and I must agree on that one! Those petunias took a long time to germinate, but others I got in a trade where the covering came off in the mail germinated very quickly. I wish I had had more lights because I have a LOT of petunia seed. I love the smell -- I might be in the minority, but I do love it.

It looks like there are 6 things radiating out like legs that will bloom, not soon, but a couple weeks? I need to get them pinched back because I started them way too early (I've never grown Petunias from seed before and I thought they took a really, really long time.)

Today I planted out Bachelor buttons and Blue flax plus I'm hardening off primroses and 3 Foxy Foxgloves. I had a sort of industrial accident on the Foxgoloves and the seeds are in the pot, just covered. Waaay covered. I was going to spread out the soil with the buried seeds very nicely outside in the bed where I wanted them to grow, but it was cold and the place where I wanted them was covered with leaves and it all seemed like a lot of trouble.

Hot weather the next 3 days, medium weather the following three days, and back to near freezing night time temps the following three days....sheesh!


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Suzy, you planted Bach. button seeds???? Geez, I can give you lots of those darn plants! I am pulling them out by the hand full everywhere. They seed all over, so watch out!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Well, I think I should've started my petunia seeds in January rather than mid-Feb! They were slower than I thought they'd be, maybe it was the pellets. When did you start yours, Suzy?

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Critter, I didn't write it down in my journal (naturally, the one thing I'd like to know iisn't listed) but I think it was Jan 19th when I started the petunias. Don't fret, though; once theyget to a certaingrowthstage, theyreally take off.

Daisyruffles, I really, really wanted these. I have gardened for a long, long time, and I have never had some of the most common flowers, ever. The reason is because I read the White Flower Farm book (memorized it, actually) and he had me convined I only wanted perennials. So I bought and bought and bought from WFF exclusively and had some of the most fabulous perennial gardens which always got buried by construciton as we'd add on and add on this house. I never bothered to have the plants moved or given away - some like Baptisia, because they were too hard to move with a tap root, and some because I was sick of them.

Running off to Chocago for a few days, so I won't be answering posts right away, but I'll see them when I return.


North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Critter here's a shot of my wave's. The ones that are blooming were started Jan 21, and the ones on the right were started Feb. 17. The 2nd bunch is just about to bloom as well so I should think yours are just about there.


Thumbnail by Lala_Jane
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, mine are still pathetically small! They have 4, maybe 6 true leaves now... I am hoping they've been busy filling up their little pots with roots and that soon they'll take off, but.... *sigh*

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I am impressed, Lala_Jane!!!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

.....and then there are the ones that will be ready in a month.....and the ones that will be ready in 6 weeks....and the ones that.....LOL! I got a tad carried away when I saw how well the first ones did. I collected all my own seed (first time) so I had an abundance, and I have to admit I was really tickled when they actually germinated.

ehh mine took off from seed right away and they were pelleted..still tiny tho..dont have a greenhouse or a light set up so i have to start late and keep in a protected place outside once they come up. have to handle the pelleted seed very carefully or the pelleting disenegrates..tidal wave silver, just like yours suzy, and tidal wave purple, tidal wave hot pink..also merlin blue and merlin rose
ack BB will grow everywhere here too...its been a few years and theres none left but they are soo easy. but i hated them once they flopped down...i have the blue miniature seeds..i might start those on a whim

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I will have to take a picture of the ones I have from seed, Jill. I threw some seed in my new bed and had a very large white plant come up and start growing over the Winter months, and now it is a mound of white flowers...and another I threw some seed off a plant I had in a basket into a bucket I use to start plants in and it has a gorgeous pale pink one with veins now blooming...will see if I can get pictrues tomorrow..they are very easy to grow from seeds...just throw some in the warm soil where you want them and forget about them...that is what I do...I really like the older ones too!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Yes, but we don't have your ultra-long growing season, Janet. If we direct sowed them (or they sowed themselves) they wouldn't bloom until July 4th!

I have some monsters outside right now. We're getting down to 30-32 degrees, so I hope they'll be ok! Tomorrow I'll put them in my plastic germinator greenhouse for the week (next week) I'll be on vacation.

I'm going to BUY red petunias -- everybody's pictures are so pretty!


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Well, duh! That makes sense doesn't I was certainly not thinking about that. I have lived here in Georgia all of my life, so that just wouldn't have popped into my mind....the shorter growing season, makes sense!!!

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