Yucca, You Must Die

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

That sounds painful. LOL

Coldwater, MI(Zone 5b)

Not painful enough to keep them out of my yard!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

There's nothing that deer won't eat! They'll even browse Monkey-puzzle (think of chewing a mouthful of razor blades)


Coldwater, MI(Zone 5b)

Rabbits are just as bad. I lost several shrub Roses to a couple of rabbits a few years back. I couldn't believe they would eat those tiny little thorns but they eat the bushes right down to the ground....

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

This is a funny thread!!! *Mike TV voice (Willy Wonka) DIE YUCCA DIE!!!!


Oh and I have 2 Yucca in my front bed that Sugarweed gave me from her mom's yard. Now I'm scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!

Ok now who wants to start a Kudzu thread!! :)


Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

Okay, I went out and sloshed through a foot of water to take a peek at my flower bed. Guess what is poking it's head (s) out? Yup. That dang yucca. Apparently I didn't dig down far enough. ACK!

Greensboro, AL

I feel like this is going to be the next hot hit out of Nashville. That dang yucca. Boing. Boing. Boing.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Well, at least it wouldn't be about your dog that died or your wife that left ya;
it would be about a yucca that won't die and won't leave ya either! ♫

(Now how do we fit an old pick-up truck into this?)

Coldwater, MI(Zone 5b)

"Tried to pull it up,
with a chain hooked to my truck
but it growd right back!

Ran it over with my tire
hopen it would just expire
but all I got was a flat!

Dont know what to do
spit at it with some chew
but it didn't even care!

What a mess I'm in
my wife she's drinken' gin
and the yucca's grown back"


Sing to the melody of the "Chicken Song"

This message was edited Mar 23, 2007 8:40 AM

Greensboro, AL

My dogs think Ive gone nuts, Im laughin so hard!

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)


I'll bet growin could set you right up on that score...

What's the old saw? Play a country music record backwards...

•your spouse comes back
•your dog comes back
•you get your money and truck/boat/etc. back

Then, would the yucca "leave"?

Thornton, IL

Play a country music record backwards...

Actually, it's a Black Sabbath record. And then you only kill what the voices tell you to.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

...and you can hear Ozzie sqauw, "Kill the Yucca. Kill the Yucca." Which makes me wonder, Kevin. Are you desparate enough to try a little black magic? Some herbs and powders, an hour of gutteral chants, a strange, little dance or two around the Yucca. Your neighbors will be freaked, it's probably a sin, but sometimes desparate times call for desparate measures, and it is a Yucca.


Greensboro, AL

I like yuccas. I think we need to organize to rescue yuccas from evil intentions.

Like maybe an underground railroad to find them a safe home.

This message was edited Mar 22, 2007 5:27 PM

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

gloria, I spent an hour digging out Yucca roots this afternoon. I thought, "Oh, these are just baby sprouts...no biggie." HA!! Double HA! Luckily, the clay was a soupy mess so I dug out some HUGE tubers. In fact, if anybody wants some...dmail me!! I have lots of babies...

Thornton, IL

Actually, I think you fellers got your answer awhile ago. Put a sturdy, preferably black, plastic bucket on the plant and it will die. It will smother. And keep the soil moist, esp if you have clay soil, this will kill any deep roots. In theory...

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

PGZ5--there are not enough buckets to smother these. It will take liquid poison. The shovel has been tried, and they are back with increased vigor. Use your best Emperor from Star Wars voice, "Now Yucca, you WILL die"

Thornton, IL

But won't that poison the ground as well? Is there a tarp big enough to do the job? I'm thinking you may want to plant something else eventually.

Lamar, AR(Zone 7b)

ROFL Patrick!!!

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

I dug mine out years ago and any time I saw a sprout coming up I'd dig down and chop it out. In time it just gave up. I eventually moved away from all my invasives. The worst being a type of bluebell and bindweed. Yucca has nothing on those two.

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

PGZ5--when you cut the leaves off at the base, there is a "stump" about 1/2"-1" diameter. I'll paint that with herbicide. Should cut down on collateral damage. There are all sorts of good plants intermingled, so no tarp action.

Loon--I have the bindweed too! Woohooo! Actually, I find it easier to control than Yucca. I let the vine get some length to it then put it into a milk jug of Brush-B-Gon and let it soak it up. Works great.

Thornton, IL

Actually, I asked my classmates for help with your dilemma, & a farm kid I go to school with had this suggestion: inject the mother plant (or stump) with diesel fuel (not gasoline), he said a cattle syringe would work well for this, and it wouldn't poison the ground since it would be systemically taken up by the plant. I asked where in the world you would get the syringe, the farm & feed store? He said his grandpa had a store of them, since they used to raise buffalo, but that they weren't so easy to come by now. Maybe Soferdig would know?

Ann Arbor, MI(Zone 5b)

You know I didn't pay any attention to the post (it's one of those that didn't really interest me so I scrolled on by -- whether I should have to or not ;o)). Not because of Kevin, of course, since most of his posts would interest (unless it's another one of those viburnum posts -- ya seen one, ya seen em all.....)

But then I was actually thinking last year that I sorta did like the look of Yuccas. Sometimes. Mainly in other people's gardens. But the flowers are sorrta cool.

And then I was thinking I DO have 5 acres now. Surely room for at least 1 yucca. Just to sorta try it out.

But then, if I read between the lines here (I'm a little slow..), I think y'all are telling me that I shouldn't do it. Right? Like planting bindweed?

Greensboro, AL

david5311: Im planting yuccas at all potential pathways of stray dogs and little boys who like to sneak onto my property.

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

Gloria, my stray little boy liked to hide in my yucca and play with his dinosaurs....they had that Jurassic look to them. Of course, mine weren't sharp...

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Don't do it David!!!!

PGZ5--I'm also a vet(retired)...... syringes are no problem.

Greensboro, AL

Mine are very sharp, with thorns all along the edges. Good at keeping little boys from cutting the fence to get my pecans. And play with my rabbit. And leave the water running in my greenhouse. Bad. Bad. Little Boys.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

yucca does not self sow, does it? at least not in MD, that I'm aware. just an expanding clump.

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

Mine are very very sharp. One little stab hurts like heck, I couldn't imagine walking into one.

Greensboro, AL

they do produce seeds after the lily like flower stalks that go up in late summer. occasionally, you will find one in a weird place such that it may have been planted by birds. But mostly it expands by offsets.

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