Black ants infesting a Penta

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I know someone is going to direct me to the bug files or something, but this may be a Florida thing. So I'm posting here first.

I have a friend who emailed me asking about little back ants that infested her penta's. They are infesting the roots.
She went to remove and replace the ones she had in the ground with new ones and saw that they were infested with little tiny black ants, she said about the size of fire ants but not fire ants. These are black from what she can tell.

She says she put the new ones next to a side walk close to the plant bed with the infested penta's and
a day or so later the new ones are now infested!!
Anyone have any idea what kind of ant would do this?

I know there was a black colored ant that was found down in homestead a while back that was called ...
white footed or white toed black ant and they are supposed to be really nasty . I dont know if they have made it this far yet but I've heard they are next to impossible to get rid of if they get into your house.
I know you cant spray them with anything or they will stop eating and start breeding.

Could it be these? Anyone know if they are here yet?

Thanks again,

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

are they really fast movers? they might be "crazy ants". that's what they called them in the keys and they really do infest big-time. ivory soap and water will kill any ant instantly, not the nest, just the ones it hits. i sprinkle fire-ant killer in and under pots that are prone to any kind of ants and then water it in. they leave.

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