A Lost Cedar Waxwing need advise

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey there birders,
I had a visitor this morning about 10:00am in my neighbors flower bed. I was out working in the bed at the side of the house when something moved. It was a cedar waxwing under a holly bush eating berries from the ground. I went in and got the camera and took several shots. The DH took others, some like this one, very close shots. We walked right up to it, so I thought it might be injured, or stunned from an accident. DH thought it was a Juv. but the book I have shows them as streaked and not a full mask, so it may be a young adult.
Anyway we left it alone all day and really forgot about it almost. But I had a bird feeder near my front door recently and there are seeds still on the concrete there. This afternoon I was out front again and the DH walked out of the garage to talk to me and saw it. We had just seen a cat leave that same area only minutes before when we can home from shopping. So since it hadn't flown away we knew it would be supper if we didn't do something.

Thumbnail by Sheila_FW
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

DH had coffee in his hand, bent over and sat it in front of the bird, and with the other hand caught it, first try. We had a small carrier and quickly got it and put the CW in it. I grabbed a few holly berries, grass, leaves, and a bowl of water.
Right off he try to flutter to the holes and the door, and ended up in the water LOL! So the Sat. night bath is over. It jump up on the edge and got a drink. It is quite calm, as is their nature, but not sure why he is on the ground. They are here around quite a lot this year and come to drink in my pond, but never eat on the ground that I am aware of.
Question....Now what do we do?? Anyone know of a bird rescue in Fort Worth?

Thumbnail by Sheila_FW
Marlton, NJ

Oh thats so sad, I hope you find a rescue place soon. Thanks for helping him.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

It is big enough to eat berries and drink water, but I just don't understand why it didn't fly. Unless it has a bad wing, I don't see anything wrong with it. I went out just now and it is sleeping, so I turned the lights off except for a nightlight size bulb. I will check in when the morning gets here.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Maybe someone at one of these links can help:



Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

That much, I printed the list and will call when the hour gets a little later. There is two on the list that are very close by.
From reading, the bird I have may be a young female. So 'she' ate this morning, and drank water too. I think we may have a sucess if I can keep the right berries, etc for her to eat. Too bad it is Sunday or I would head for The Wild Bird Store.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

If you have some, add in a few mealworms as well as berries - they eat a lot of insects (almost entirely insect diet in the summer), and the protein will help recovery.

If you run out of 'traditional' red berries, some coarsely chopped apple (with the skin still on) will also be accepted. Also make sure that any berries you feed are not fermented - they like them like that, but (just like people!) get drunk and disorderly if they eat too many. That could actually be what happened to it in the first place.


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Resin, yes I do have some mealies!!
She is really calm now, I had to change her water about three times because she is taking baths LOL!! I reached in to get the water and she was perched on the side and wouldn't move. I slowly put my finger in front of her and she stepped onto my finger and I put her off on a branch I had put in for a perch. I heard her pecking this morning early so I know she is eating too.
Since it is Sunday I am going to wait until after noon to call the rescue lady.

Off to get the mealies out!!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

It ate good early in the morning and a couple of mealies too. I got ahold of the rescue place and spoke with them about it. He referred me to someone in FW, and when I called, I was glad to hear they were only 5 minutes away from me. I took her over there and he put him in a large fly cage to see if there was wing problems. She would fly a few feet, but then hit something and slide down or fall. (I think the first rescue guy hit it on the head saying she may have been malnourished or dehydrated and weak) So since she couldn't recovery easily from a fall or balance problem, he put her in a cage by herself. Hopefully they will let her out to test her wings often.
We enjoyed watching her while she was here. It was great to see her eating and drinking and bathing every five minutes too! I know she will recover, so happy ending!!

Thumbnail by Sheila_FW
Marlton, NJ

Thats great news Sheila!! Thanks for taking such good care of her and keeping us updated!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Try to get updates if you can!


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I plan on it. The lady wasn't there she was out of town so I only delt with her husband, so I want to meet her. They had a Grouse, 2 night Herons, a Bittern a Free range chicken, and others too numerous to mention. The pidgeons they have had laid eggs! It was quite interesting, so yes, I will be checking back with her.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

That is one lucky bird to have such a conscientious rescuer!

Hebron, KY


It's great that you and your hubby could help that CW! ;-)


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes it was! I am also glad to know how close the rescue lady is for the future.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Any news?

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

No, but I plan to call this weekend and see if I can drop in and meet her. I work so I don't have time through the week unless it is evening. Will let you all know, and take my camera this time!!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

How marvelous Sheila!

Been so busy outside I missed this last weekend.....lucky bird to be found and protected from some bad o' puddy tat. Way to go!!


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