Malva Sylvestris

Kitchener, ON(Zone 5a)


I'm new at collecting seeds and I want to make sure that I am actually getting the seeds off this beautiful plant! What I have collected are found where the flower used to be. It is a circle of (hopefully) seeds that break apart into approx. 8 seeds per. They have turned brown and easily come apart. The reason I am double checking is because these are like no seeds that I have seen before! Since they form a circle, the outer edge is round, yet the sides are flat as they were once connected to another seed on either side. Does this make any sense at all???!!! Ha!

I just thought of what they look like - a mini donut that has been equally divided into 8 sections! Mmmm.

This message was edited Wednesday, Aug 1st 2:30 PM

This message was edited Wednesday, Aug 1st 2:30 PM

Kitchener, ON(Zone 5A)

That is exactly what the seeds looked like on my prairie mallow which is related.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Yup.... your're doing fine. Those are the seeds. The little round pods are called cheeses... I guess because they resemble a cheese wheel. All malvas have similar seed pods including Hollyhocks and Marsh mallow.

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