dietes vegeta from seed, need help.

Mandeville, LA

I recently recieved some dietes vegeta seeds in a trade...Has anyone grown this from seed? Could you give me pointers such as, when/how to start, how long till foliage, how long till bloom..etc...??

I adore this plant and can hardly wait to grow the plants...please help me out garden friends. ;)

Spicewood, TX(Zone 8b)

Eltel says on the listing for these here: that they are easy to grow from seed. Also, I copied the following from T&M's seed germination database here (number 10, halfway down the page):

Successful germination of seeds of some lilies requires a period of warmth followed by one of cold.

Method 1. Put seeds in a screw top jar in moist (not wet) peat and keep at 70-75F for 3-4 months. Inspect regularly, any normal seedlings (that is having root and seedling leaves) should be pricked out as they germinate. Any seeds which produce roots but not seedling leaves, sow in a pan and keep at 32-40'F for 3 months. Seed leaves and normal growth will follow.

Method 2. Sow in a pan in summer (warm spell); put in a frame (or outside covered by a piece of glass) for the winter. Seeds will germinate in spring. Soil Humus rich (peat or leafmould) lime free and very free drainage (use 1/3 grit). Never overwater, keep bulbs almost dry from November to March."

Good luck!

Hi I also recieved some dietes but they are bicolor. I started in the little peat pop ups about 1 month ago and have been watering about every other day. I have had sprouting foilage for about a week. I cant tell you much more than that.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I grew Dietes from seed this past spring. I sowed the seeds on top of a seed flat, lightly covered and placed on a heat mat @72*. after a month, they had not germinated, so I put them in a cool area of the green house (60*). After another month, they hadn't come up so I moved them back to the heat mat. They came right up. Don't give up on them, they will eventually come up. They are about 8-12 inches tall now.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

remember these plants are from South Africa and cant take the frost. I lost all of mine last winter.


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