anyone ever tried any electronic squirrel repellers

Brooklyn, NY

squirrels ate every single last peach on my 2 peach trees last years, and broke some branches in the process. I am considerring buying an electronic squirrel repeller this year - such as-,
has anyone ever tried them- do they work?

Danbury, CT(Zone 6a)

The link didn't work for me. I've never tried a squirrel repellent. I'd be interested to know if anyone has. We are lousy with them here. One got down my chimney Monday (It's covered now, so won't happen again) and made a huge mess in that room. I'm pretty sure they are the ones that go into my veggie garden last summer too.

Brooklyn, NY

try this link-

if it doesnt work- go to the home page and search for transonic

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I'm a little late to respond to this, but I just stumbled on it. We did try one of these ultrasonic things a few years ago. Not the same make or model but the same idea, I believe. The one we got emitted a high pitched noise humans weren't supposed to hear, and yet it drove us nuts. Meanwhile, the squirrels so didn't mind it that just to prove their point they actually pooped on it.

Brooklyn, NY

thanks wicker- i opted for haveahart traps- i have relocated 3 out of 5 squirrels that were living in my yard- so far seems to be working- i have ripening strawberries that they have not been attacked as yet

Baltimore, MD

Congratulations on getting strawberries. Even with the squirrels under control I cannot keep the birds away from mine so I need to net them. Keep an eye out for the birds.


Brooklyn, NY

i netted my berries last year but it was such a huge hassle- the netting was so difficult to work with and really difficult for me to apply - it took me practically a whole day to cover 2 small beds and I knocked off many ripening blueberries in the process- so this year, with my squirrel problem appearing under control, I decided to try and forgo the netting- my strawberries just started ripening on sunday and so far so good.

Tallahassee, FL

yankee flipper is a great divice! its a tad bit expensive but its so much fun to watch!!

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Squirrels are raiding my garden now, stealing and ruining the squash. There are acorns all over the ground just a dozen yards away, but no, they gotta get into my squash.

And of course a fence is no good against squirrels.

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

I've tried the electronic repellers; squirrels don't like the noise but it does not work well. I do recommend the Havahart traps which work beautifully. The Havaharts successfully eliminated my squirrel problem in a humane way whereas the electronic device did not.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I was thinking a bug zapper minus the grill and peaches as close as I could get them to the zapper part.

Baltimore, MD

I don't think a bug zapper will do enough for squirrels (it would not be lethal).

My squirrel control program now consists of Havahart traps, lethal traps, lethal snares, and my very own bait-and shoot squirrel hunting range outside my window. This year I think I shot 6 with my pellet run, got 4 in Havaharts, and 2 in snares (Google squirrel pole to see what that is). The lethal trap I bought recently so no catches there.


Brooklyn, NY

the have a hart a hart traps ended up not working for me- although i trapped and relocated about 10 squirrels, more squirrels simply came and took their place and ate every last peach and nectarine. this year i may try and get a contractor to build netting around my peach and nectarine trees. that way, instead of paying $100 per peach, ican pay $500. yay!
interestingly, the squirrels were not interested in my apples, strawberries, blueberrries- they only went for the peaches and nectarines.

has anyone yet found a successful way of controlling squirrels?

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