falling leaves on Meyer lemon tree

Weston, FL


I'm new to this forum. Purchased a Lemon tree from HD a few months ago. It has produced numerous small fruits. Lately it has dropped alot of it's leaves. It is a small patio variety and I have it in the recommended size clay pot. It only gets watered when the sprinkling system goes on about twice a week. I have just started fertilizing it with a citrus fertilizer.

Should I be concerned with the leaf loss? As I am new to South Florida (2.5 years) and lemon trees can anyone tell me when they can be picked and what should they look like when ripe?


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

A photo of the lemon tree and its pot would help make some determinations. Although there are several reasons for leaf drop, given that you have the tree in a clay pot and only water it when you water the lawn, lack of water is the probable cause. Citrus should be watered thoroughly. Then the top 1"-2" of soil should be allowed to dry before watering again. Citrus prefer moist soil, but suffer root rot if the soil remains wet. My dwarf citrus trees are planted in 24" and 30" fiberglass or resin because they are light weight and easier to move for the winter.

I posted this on another thread:

"The lemons began to mature between 6 - 8 months after forming. After they have turned yellow, taste is the best way to tell if they are ripe. They don't mature at the same time so keep in mind the color they reached when you harvested the best tasting ones and go by that."

The ripe lemons are slightly smoother.

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