ACK!!! Time is running out!!

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

In my desperation to satisfy my gardening urges, I purchased way too many seeds this winter. Now, I'm kind of freaking out because I am slowly realizing that I have many left to plant, and some of them still need stratification. Guess they'll have to go in the fridge. Plus, where the heck am I going to plant all these things? I know what's going to happen...I'm going to panic when it's time to get them in the ground and just put them in any old place...then when everything starts taking off, it's going to look like my 4 y.o. designed it! Hey, y'all wanna come to Ohio and give me a hand? Or at least give my plant babies a good home? hehe Tamara, who perpetually resides in Fantasyland

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Tamara, I know how you feel, I also have bunches of seeds, and I am going to post a question about certain ones as to whether I can and if so, low, to sow them. What you need to do is make another huge bed - quickly, LOL. I just did, but the dog sleeps in it now (until we put up an electric fence for a while, till she learns).

I know I cannot sow all my seeds, so I will have to store them well for next year.

Don't despair, I know you are having fun with this, you will get lots of wonderful plants and if you get too many, give them away, there is always some poos soul that has no clue how to raise them themselves. Sorry, I can't come to Ohio right now.


Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

I just went and checked all my WS containers, and I found 2 more with seedlings! I was so excited to go check my chart and see which ones they were. Turns out they were both lupine, sown 2 wks apart. Pretty neat they germinated the same day! I am going to go gangbusters today and plant my fanny off. Hopefully, I'll make a dent in the "to be sown" pile of seeds. Tamara

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Good luck, Tamara. I have lots of seedlings up now, and it is close to 80 here, so I opened holes, where I had the slits cut in the "shoulder" of the milk jugs. Yesterday I also took some take off the sides of the jugs, so I hope this will provide enough aircirculation. It is a bit windy, so I did not want them to be blown about (and possibly dried out) and that's why I did not take the tops off completely.

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Tamara..I haven't even looked at mine..gee some could be sprouting,I never thought about and I only need to plant another 200 kinds of seeds this year..sure plus we are in the middle of a move 40 minutes away from here,so every plant I already have in the ground is going to have to be lifted and moved,there will be holes all over this

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

How do the new owners feel about you digging up the yard?
I planted 10 containers yesterday and DD brought me more containers in the evening so I can do some more now. I only have 4 more kinds of seeds to plant and then will do second containers for those I want more of. Most of my seed pkts. have seeds left in them. I will save them for next year or trade them.
We have a cold spell and snow in the wind so I figure I still have time.

Lima, OH(Zone 5b)

zone5girl, is there room for me in your Fantasyland?.....I feel my husband may be sending me there for the same reasons. I have the strangest dreams of my front yard looking like a picture from a Dr. Seuss book. I am trying to make a plan; but there does not seem to be enough room to plant everything (which is my husband's concern)....but I just keep planting....

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Tammylp, You are more than welcome! Our motto in Fantasyland land is "the more the merrier!". ;-) Tamara

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

There are no new owners.yet..we haven't even put anything on the market..I will fill in the holes and plant grass..I'm not leaving over $5000 in plants behind(bought in just 3 years)especially my roses and daylilies..I thought this was were I was going to
We own 3 places now..we will be selling 6 acres and a house near Chesterfield(Mom lives there)and 20 of the 43 acres here,the part with my trailer,we are keeping the 20 acres alfalfa field for free hay for our horses,plus extra income for Mom...The folks we just bought the house from garden too..she will be moving some of her plants and taking them woth she said sure come dig the holes and plant/move what ever you want up here...:-)

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Gosh, Tammy, I can sympathize. After losing 2 cardboard boxes of seeds, I bought a big pink plastic box and labeled it "SEEDS" but kept buying and buying... Today I didn't even get out the box, I just sowed what I bought at HD the other day. I have an order coming from and another arrived today from Ed Hume. The only thing slowing me down is a lack of drilled containers!

xxxxx, Carrie

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Wintersown wisdom: Only sow what you will have time to plant out.....

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Shirley1md, Moderation is for sissies! hehehe Tamara

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Famous last words! Just you wait and see....

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

lol I know...but I never seem to learn. ;-) Tamara

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, so far I don't have to worry - nothing has germinated except the foxglove. However, I live in a terrific neighbourhood - I will simply share my babies with my neighbours :-)

Homer, AK

Hi Seed Pods,
I just learned about Winter Sowing a couple of weeks ago. Wow! What a concept! We are "enjoying" temps in the single digits and teens. It's 10 F right now.Brrrr. I guess that gives me more time to sow, huh? I'm having a hard time finding enough containers. I never eat out so the "ToGo" containers aren't available. I don't drink pop or cow's milk (soy or rice) so those wonderful gal. milk jugs and 2 liter pop bottles are just a dream. I've thought of dump diving, but our land fill doesn't recycle those products and I'm not going to dig through trash bags looking for them :-p I'm not that adicted, yet. LOL

Well just thought I drop by and say hi. Enjoy your little sprout-lets.

3dognite aka pam

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Pam, ask friends and neighbors to save milk jugs for you for next year. Then you will have more than enough.

I have a few more containers to pot up since my DD brought some more for me. I went back through my seeds and found a few more to try with winter sowing. I am getting a bit more experimental this year which probably means I will have some that just don't make it. I have made sure to leave some to direct sow if I need to.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Pam: Besides friends & neighbors saving containers for you, do you have an dollar stores in your area? You can get great containers there.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Pam, I use my plant containers from previous years (cleaned, of course) and put them in gallon baggies. Tamara

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Any time I go to a Starbucks for coffe grounds I also ask them if they have any uncrushed milk jugs, and I often get one or two. Wash them, use them or keep them.

(Zone 7a)

Pam, have you tried tin cans? I really like them for the depth of soil and use them for plants I want to get a little bigger before planting out (sunflowers) and for perennials that can just sit there until the frenzy of planting annuals subsides. I group them in cheap plastic crates (12 x 14) I bought at Dollar Tree, put the whole collection into a plastic bag with drainage holes in the bottom and vent holes in the top, and close with a twist tie. I use a nail about as big around as a pencil to poke holes in the cans.

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