Is this what New Born Pansies Look Like??

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Question from a total indoor seed starting newbie...these guys have germinated in 8 days, way faster than I expected, and I was initially thinking they might be weeds in the seed starter I used. But when I looked at them more closely, they seem too uniformly spaced to be weeds. I will get them under lights tomorrow (they were germinated in the dark). Just wondered if they look normal to anyone - seem so teeny and spindly.


Thumbnail by Grow_Jo
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

They don't look like pansy seedlings. Check out this site Look under Viola

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

If they're not pansies, my next question is, is it normal to have so many weed seeds in seed starter?

(Zone 6a)

What do the seed husks look like that are still on the seed leaves? If they're little and brown/beige then they very well might be Pansies.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi Steven,
Yes, the little husks look like pansy seeds. I'm pretty sure that's what is coming up. I think they're spindly because they need to be under grow lights. They started poking up a couple of days ago - I should have put them under the lights right away. Thanks.


Southern, United States

Those look like mine did, I started some pansies a few months back, they got very spindly, very fast! Even after I put them under lights I didn't put the lights close enough and they continued to get more spindly. I finally figured it out and had some germinate that weren't so tall. I ended up planting them out like they were just to see how they would do and so far so good. I haven't had any flowers yet, but they have really filled out and have nice sized leaves. I can take a picture tomorrow if you want to see them. I hope they bloom, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.


Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I wish I could be more help... but I tried taking some pictures of my seedlings for you.... a range of sizes... I also just had one start up a few days ago... and it does look close to yours... but the macro on my camera stinks... too blurry to be of help


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I've got another variety of pansy just starting to germinate; maybe 4 of the 12 cells have germinated. I'm half tempted to take them out of the dark and get them under grow lights with the first variety, but I'm worried the guys who haven't germinated won't do so. What to do, what to do. May just wait until the morning and see what happens. But these guys seem to grow like an inch before you know it!

Southern, United States

I read to uncover as soon as any of them germinate so that's what I did. The others continued to germinate after uncovering so I would go ahead and get them under the lights as fast as possible!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks princess, I think that is a good idea. Should prevent the first germinators from getting too leggy.

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