a tuber question???

Crozet, VA

Hi Everyone - I just received three begonia tubers that Spring Hill Nursery reimbursed me for. The ones that I planted last year didn't do anything. I wonder why? ha-ha Most likely because I didn't plant them correctly. So, for those who know more (ladygardener) about planting, which side is planted up and which side is planted down on this almost round type of tuber? ld really like for these to live.

Thanks for any help with this.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hollow side up. Rounded side down.

http://www.gardenguides.com/how-to/tipstechniques/flowers/begonias.asp Here is site that may help you to grow them.

Mom use to have some beauties, I have not grown them in years, hate to bother with anything I have to dig up and repot all the time.

Crozet, VA

Hi Chris - Thank you so much honey. I knew I could count on you. I will certainly check out the site you sent link for. I have two potted begonias that have lived and bloomed all winter for me. They are not as full as they were in the summer, but still make me happy to see the blooms in the winter. I was also just looking at a few small geranium pieces that have also lived through the winter and bloomed their gorgeous little pink heads off.

I just walked out front and looked over the deck at several bunches of crocus that have bloomed this week. I have purple, yellow and white ones. That too brought a smile to my face. Things here are peeking out of hiding a little bit. I have a lot of autumn joy sedum that has begun to grow too. I have bunches of it growing in several spots. I was outside yesterday cleaning up after my three dogs who use the back yard. It had been a while since I had been outside, and I had a lot to shovel. ha-ha At least John helped this time.

The weather is lovely and I am enjoying having the windows and doors open today and yesterday, We will surely miss this sort of weather later in the summer when the temps are ungodly. Wish we could save this and bring it out as needed.

Alright, thank you so much for telling me what to do with these tubers. I cannot remember how many things I have probably planted incorrectly in the past. I won't forget now because a very special friend of mine told me how to do it.

Have a great week hon.


Crozet, VA

HI again Chris - I just spent a few minutes at the site. Good one. I saved it to my desktop. I read a few of the articles and found them easy to read and informative. I am looking forward to reading more of it later. Right now I am off to vacuum. I treated myself to a new Dyson vacuum last week. Had to do something to help my low mood. ha-ha This thing is incredible. I emptied it three times on Friday and I had just vacuumed with old one on Thursday.

I am not sure but I may have heard of Dyson vacuums on Daves Garden. I do remember finding a discussion on vacuums and so many people were raving over the Dyson's that I had to try it. I loved my other one, but this one caught my eye a few weeks ago and I had to get it. Doesn't take much to make me happy, does it? A vacuum??? ha-ha I am actually having fun cleaning the house.

Again, thanks for the new garden website.


somewhere, PA

Ruby... anytime you need more places to have fun, you are welcome to bring your dysons over and go to town
here. LOL Thank goodness my dad visited yesterday or we'd not have vacuumed for another few weeks. If
it weren't for visitors, I swear I'd neverr get around to cleaning.

I'm glad you asked the question about the tubers. I have some on order & will be needing to plant mine soon too.


Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

hey there Ruby-girl....i have tons of vacuuming all of the time :-)
have wondered about the dysons...sounds like it works well!!!

btw....i fell for a kitten when i was out this weekend...my husband took me late yesterday afternoon to get her because he said that was the first thing i sounded positive about in some time...she is a cutie & i'll post a picture soon :-)


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ooooooo! I've heard the Dyson's are fantastic. Lucky Ruby. I have a Rhoomba, which I love and which cracks me up because when it gets stuck under the sofa it makes this cute little musical "uh oooh."

Lynda has an iron will. And kittens are magnetic. LOL

Crozet, VA

Hey Tammy - You are cute. ha-ha I forgot that I would have a lot of people wanting me to come to their houses for fun with my vacuum. I literally cannot believe the amount of hair and dust it gets up. I guess that I will start my adventures at Tammy's house and on the way home stop by and see Hart and Lynda. A Rhoomba sounds like a good idea too Hart. That idea is a great one for sure.

Great news on the kitten Lynda. I am so glad that your husband was attentive enough to realize your mood. I have a wonderful hubby who goes out of his way to help me if I am having depressive episodes. Thankfully I haven't had any really bad ones for a while. Got a bit down a couple of weeks ago, but thankfully I was able to get over it rather quickly.

A kitten will be good for your mental health. I know for a fact that my dogs play a big part in my moods. It is usually just them and myself around during the days, so I talk and sing to them all day. Now, how can a person who is singing to their dogs be sad?

Have you named the kitty yet? And while we are speaking of animals........Chris, if you are reading this.........how is Penny doing? We haven't had a Penny Report for a while.

Well, I have thought it over. I cannot come to any of your houses to vacuum. I will be kept busy here with three house dogs. Have a good week all.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Man, you guys jump topics a lot, started out with begonias then vacuuming, then cats and dogs. LOL!

Ruby, is the new vacum heavy, can't manage a heavy one with my arm.

Lynda, good for you! a new kitty, my daughter e-mailed me last week and she is getting a Ragdoll kitten in April, her lover kitty passed away in January, so she wanted one that will be a lap cat. She has 3 other cats but they are pretty independant.

Penny is coming along fine, she still thinks she has to "protect" me from my husband, she will eat potatochips from him if she is sitting on my lap. We still have some work to do. She will be a handfull out in the yard this spring. I'll have to keep her in her exercise pen, when I'm out gardening, I just can't trust her to stay with me yet. We have made a few trips out to the garage without her lead, but no one was around to distract her. It will just take time.

Crozet, VA

First off....what is a ragdoll kitty?

Chris, you say we change topics a lot. Yep, that is me. Up and down and sideways, describes me. Brings to mind something that happened many years back. I was working with a Psychiatrist and he wanted to try hypnosis with me. I guess that it may have been for pain management at the time. Anyway, he asked me to get as relaxed as I could and to imagine myself on a beautiful beach. He continued to talk and tell me what to do, but I got side tracked because I couldn't decide which beach I liked best. ha-ha I kept having visions of VA Beach, Nags Head, Colonial Beach and beaches in Hawaii. No one ever said I had a one track mind.

Penny sounds like a real cutie. Oh gosh, the days of training dogs. It is a lot of work and commitment. The end result is good though. Last summer I was able to take my two younger dogs out front with me as I gardened. My older dog Lucky still acts too wild even at almost ten years of age and runs all over the place. I am very lucky to have a large back yard fenced in for them. The front will eventually be fenced also, but my walkway needs to be finished first.

Not to change the topic or anything........but have a good week everyone.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chris, get you a Rhoomba. You just push a button and it vacuums for you. Obviously I don't do all my vacuuming with it, but it does a fantastic job on dog and cat hair. http://www.irobot.com/

Oh, my gosh, they have a floor scrubbing Roomba now! And I see I've been misspelling Roomba. Can you tell I love gadgets? LOL

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, here is the website for the ragdoll kitties www.jazznbluescattery.com

So what beach did you choose? lol

Hart, I'd probably come home and find the Roomba destroyed by Fred, the cat, or find Fred hairless.

This message was edited Mar 12, 2007 8:53 PM

This message was edited Mar 12, 2007 8:54 PM

Crozet, VA

Beeeee u ti ful Cat!!!! Thanks Chris.

I didn't answer your question about how heavy the Dyson is. It depends I suppose. I think that it is lighter than the electrolux that I was using before, but am sure that there are other lighter ones out there. I would be willing to bet that any of the less expensive vacuums that don't use bags anymore would do a good job too.

This thing is picking up white, white carpeting fuzz that is now about three years old but in spots that don't get a lot of traffic. I am averaging emptying it three times per vacuum session. I am not particularly crazy about how one cleans the dust particles off of the inside, but am thinking of calling their 800 number and asking for suggestions.

Am I totally obsessed? ha-ha Could be a worse obsession, you know?

Ya'll have a good day. This morning I visit the Plastic Surgery Clinic. Hopefully this drain is coming out after two weeks. I will let you folks know how things go. Bye for now.


somewhere, PA

I saw that Dyson, the inventor is a billionaire. Was on the Sun morning news this weekend.

How did it go at the Plastic Surgery Clinic Ruby?


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

And you have been vacuuming with a drain in your chest!!!! Do I have to come down there and sit on you? Ruby, put the vacuum away! They want light exercise not a marathon.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I think you should go sit on her, Chris. Ruby, honestly, you're worst than a kid. LOL

Chris, the Roomba is sort of built like a flat turtle, so the cats couldn't hurt it. Mine have never shown any interest in it. The dog doesn't know what to think of it. Looks like it might have some play possibilities but how do you get your jaws around this thing? And just as she inches close enough to give it a good sniff it whirls around and starts chasing her. LOL

If it runs up against something - a wall, table leg, your foot, the cat, it pauses and then whirls off in another direction. I don't think it would be able to dehair the cat. LOL It doesn't have strong suction like a regular vacuum but somehow it does a good job.

I got it several years ago when I was basically working three jobs and didn't have a lot of time to vacuum. It did a great job of keeping the floors clean and dealing with the pet hair until I had time on the weekend to get out the big vacuum.

Crozet, VA

Hello Ladies - Tammy, thanks for asking about clinic visit. Well folks, the doctors were not too happy that I had cut the drain bulb off on Sunday. I still had the drainage tube stitched in to the breast. One of the docs removed the tube and put a piece of gause over it. I was warned that I might need to have them draw off a collection of fluid with a needle if it builds up. Hopefully it won't. They have me on a $100.00 antibiotic. They both asked where I was with smoking cigarettes and I answered honestly that I was where I always am, a heavy smoker. I told them that I will not consider quitting smoking, due to reasons I haven't told them or any of you about. I did tell them that I would consider cutting way back before and after another surgery.

Chris and Hart, I suppose that you two might have to take turns coming to baby sit me the next time I have a surgery. Believe me, the next time I plan to let my body heal before I return to doing household chores. I guess that I had done so well with returning to chores quickly with the mastectomy, that I thought the implant would heal the same way. I heard the incision rip open two days after the surgery when I was leaning over in to my washing machine. I will admit to being a bit obsessive about cleaning out my washer if I see dog hair in the bottom of it. The doctor also admitted last week that we were a bit aggresive on the large size of the last implant. We will go smaller if surgery is done again.

I learned only after the implant was removed that it was only being held together with tape. There were no stitches to aid in the healing. When I was first allowed to bathe, 5 days after the implant was done, the tape was stuck to the dressing and also opened the incision up a bit more. By the time I had showered the incision was beginning to split open.

I learned my lesson about taking it much easier if I try another implant. I was pretty daggone low the week or so following the removal of implant. Two weekends ago my husband ran the vacuum for me and so next time, that will be his job for a few weeks after surgery. I have also been "allowing" him in the kitchen to prepare food.

By the way Chris, how did your crab meat salad turn out? John made three batches of it two weeks ago. Ours tasted very yummy. Even Tucker ate a bit of it. ha-ha

Gosh, I am long winded. Sorry. I find that I often come up with my best solutions to issues, while writing about them. One more thing I learned in my many years of therapy is about the answer being within us. One of the counselors that I saw for a short while had me begin really listening to what was coming out of my mouth. If a person can begin doing that they will find that they have had the solution to something all along, but hadn't taken the time to examine and digest it. I found that if I keep saying something in passing, it is usually the answer to the problem This will take practice and commitment to do. Most of us waste a load of time and energy when we could have saved ourselves a whole lot of stress had we only listened to what we were saying about a particular issue.

Phew!!! Getting tired now. Gonna run along and check out a few more forums. I hope that everyone will havea good Wednesday.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, I'm sitting here shaking my head wonder what the he** double hockey sticks you were thinking, cutting off the bulb for the drain. I know they are uncomfortable, I had 2 in at the same time, they get in the way and were hard to dress with, I wore my husbands shirts for a week. But they are there for a reason. Oh well, whats done is done.
As for the smoking, I know it is hard to quit, I had stopped about 34 years ago after smoking for 4 years. Even with that the smoking was a concern when I talked to my plastic surgeon. I will not get on a soap box here. I'm sure you have heard it all before.

How let John help you with the house work and cooking. I am still letting Paul help or I just let it set. It will be there when I feel up to it. I was talking to a lady that had less surgery then me and she said she still gets twinges and pulls after 3 years, and just the initial recovery will take at least a year.

I have an other package of the crab I'll have to use it up soon, I was so sick that I did not get a chance to eat it, and when I felt better, I figured it was best to toss out, didn't want to get sick again, this time my my own doing.

I get my best ideas or solutions to a problem when I first wake up in the morning, also doing dishes looking out the kitchen window.

This morning I was sound asleep, Penny woke up before me and decided to stand on my chest, I woke up with this fuzzy face, tilted with the one eye stairing down at me. It is raining out side so the room was not very bright. It was like get up or walk the plank, matie. All she needs is a parrot on her shoulder.

Well take care and take it easy!


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, I'm confused. Are you saying they had to remove the implant because the incision had opened up?

somewhere, PA

Ruby - you are one strong headed woman! We're gonna all have to come over there and
sit on you next time you have surgery. I'm not happy with your doctor either!!! What the heck was
he thinking - no stitches???? I'm at a loss of what to say here. I guess your husband really
has his hands full with you.


Crozet, VA

Ha-ha. Tammy, my husband learned a long time ago that there was not much he could do with me if my mind was made up. He doesn't even try. Chris, that pup standing on your chest looking at you with one eye cracked me up. I can see it now. Aren't kids and pets good for not letting a person get their rest?

And yes Hart, I had surgery on the 21st of February I think and within less than a week the implant had to come out. Don't know if I mentioned hearing it pop or something pulled two days after surgery because I was standing on head in washer. Oh well. What is done is done.

Oh yeah Tammy, speaking of no stitches, well they certainly made up for that when they took the implant out. I am now sporting what looks to be about 30 or 40 of them in the incision.

Oh yeah Chris, the docs fussed about drain pump coming out early too. I am not the worlds greatest patient. I guess that I have been the patient for so long that I have developed some pretty strong opinions on things.

Anyway ladies, enough about me. Have a good day all. I am loving this weather this week!!!!!! Just gorgeous. We will most likely be getting rain tomorrow.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. There's a difference between having strong opinions and doing things that are harmful to yourself. Darn it.

Well, I'm sending you big hugs anyway, but if you don't cut this out I'm sending smacks upside the head in hopes of knocking some sense into a very hard head. LOL

Pouring rain and thunderstorms here last night and more pouring rain today. They're calling for snow tonight - see the weather advisory I posted in the working in the garden thread.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

We had thunderstorms last night too, then turned to snow around 4:00 am, today was just cloudy. The creeks are swollen and some people have "lake front" property. As for me I'm high and soggy.

Crozet, VA

Well, one or the other of you must have sent the rain here. It started last evening and is still coming and going. The forecast had said that it would be a wintry mix, but so far only rain. We have had a lovely week temperature wise but supposed to be much cooler starting today and lasting at least through the weekend.

I might have to drive over The Blue Ridge Parkway later today to pick up Tucker. When there is rain and fog, the drive is out of this world scary. I have been on that ride when a person couldn't see two feet ahead. Most drivers will use their blinking lights and that helps as well as the road having fog lights in them.

Okay folks, I am off to check some other threads. Happy Gardening and stay dry.


Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

hi...here's a belated picture of the new kitten stella....she's funny when she's doing kitty derby around the house & then passes out!

Thumbnail by larlienda
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

precious! Mia too. (from otherthread)

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

thanks...it was very funny with mia...she followed me around & fussed the whole time i was looking for flowers...i guess she felt that since she was out she deserved all of the attention!

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