
Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I live in Danville, Va. This may sound silly to some but I want to weed this weekend, but years ago someone told me not to weed until the danger of frost was over so I did not disturb the seeds that were there from last year in case frost came and it would kill these things, is this true? Please say no for I am going crazy in the house and want to go play in the dirt...

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

I think this is a good time to weed. The creeping charlie and chickweed in my flower beds are very visible and easy to pull. They are very cold tolerant and have survived the ice and snow.... time to yank them!

Which seeds are you referring to when you say you do not want to disturb them? Do you mean weed seeds? Most seeds will not be killed by frost. In some cases it helps them germinate. The biggest problem is that you might accidentally dig the seeds in.

I have that problem with seeds from trees in my area. My Japanese Maple dumps lots of viable winged seeds in my front beds. And in the back.... Ack! My whole back yard is covered Tulip Poplar seeds from the woods behind the house. I pick baby trees out of my garden beds and yard till mid-summer.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I second- go weed. If you wait, those cc and cw will bloom and set even more seed!
anything for your mental health, it's so nice to get out there get some sun, see the new shoots.

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I actually weed several days a week - as long as there isn't snow. The walkway in front of my house has flower bedding on both sides. I am constantly pulling something out. In fact I am always amazed at how many weeds have grown literally in front of me.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Susan, I want to go dig up the rest of my dirt pile. At the end of last summer I started moving a rather large dirt pile. I'd go out and do a couple of wheelbarrows everyday. I keep looking at what is left and all I want to do is get out there with my shovel and start digging. I tried the other day when it was a little warmer but it's still frozen. Holly

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

No I was not worried about the weed seeds I meant like my columbine and some other plants that regrow the next year.... I am going to weed, if not today then in the next couple.... Thank you all for your help...

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I think all of us have had the experience of weeding and mistakenly pulling up small sprouts or seedlings of flowers thinking they were weeds. But if you wait until all of the flowers are up and recognizable, the weeds will probably be rampant. Depends on your weather, too. There aren't any flower seedlings up in my gardens right now but there are some weeds.

Over the years, I've found I'm better at recognizing the flower and weed seedlings and pulling the wrong plant is less likely to happen. There are also sites online that have pictures of weed and flower seedlings if you're not sure about something.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Hart,
I just did half the front flower bed... well missed the columbine but I did pull up the daffy :-( I put it back... hope it does well for it is beautiful... I just needed to get out of the house to do something other then run to a store or walk.... I love being outdoors... I never weeded at this time of year and can tell you this... sure is allot less bugs out...LOL
Ok going to put my feet up now ...LOL Hey at least tomorrow if I feel achey I will know why.... :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh, I was achey last week and loved it!! had to move some things in case of work on the house this year, spiderwort, chives, pansies from fall, snowdrops(just took a big shovelful and moved it dirt and all.). That wasn't enough, so I split a couple autumn joys. weede d strawberries.
The columbine bed that I carefully made in the fall, for my two plants to self sow in, turned out to be the exact spot my husband needed to kneel to cut a tree down~~~oh well.....if I get any it's a miracle, and then they won't have the shade I thought they would............

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)


Isn't it amazing how that happens. If I clean off an area on the always cluttered kitchen counter, its always exactly the right size for something that my husband needs to do immediately!

Richmond, VA

Yes,Its safe to weed.In fact now would be best time.Most self seeding annuals and hardy perenials in shade semi shade will benefit the most.Removing the weeds and leaves allows them to dry out a bit helping to prevent disease and infestations of bugs.Columbine should do just fine.I weeded mine two weeks ago and its doing just fine.Im north of you[richmond].If you have semi hardy[self seeding] annuals or perenials,you may want to wait a bit.Removing the leaves which are acting like mulch,will expose them to
colder temps.They may or may not withstand this.[The more established the plant the more likely they are to withstand it]The briefer the cold snap is, also increases the likelyhood of survival.

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