Daily Pics _ 5

Marlton, NJ

Thought we better start a new thread.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

That is obviously an old pic. Heres what it's like today, can't really get good pics with this going on (snow).

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

House Finch

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

Chickadee and some Junco back.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

House Finch again.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

This morning, a cardinal was trapped on my lanai. His mate was just outside fussing away. I caught him, and carried him outside, pecking at my hand, and screaming at me: no graditude at all!

Thumbnail by bsharf
Marlton, NJ

Aawww, thats ashame; thanks for helping him out.

Marlton, NJ


Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

A real blackbird type of day here with Starlings, Grackles, Red Winged Blackbirds and Cowbirds

Thumbnail by pelletory
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Well your robins must be back. Our northern Florida robins seem to have left to go north. I haven't seen them this week. They always seem to vanish all at once. This was taken about a week ago.

Thumbnail by bsharf
Marlton, NJ

Yes, I have seen them for the last week or two.

Hebron, KY

Great pics Pelle and Bsharf,

Pelle, I esp. love the one that the Junco is feeding with the male House Finch! What kind of seeds do you have in that feeder? I have never had any Juncos on my feeders :-(( They just feed on the ground.

What kind of feeder is that? What's the 'name' of it?

It was great that you helped that male Cardinal! :-))


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Today when I got off work, I saw a large flock of cedar waxwings. They were in a bradford pear tree. Also what caught my attention was the sounds they were making. I rarely see them, so I was excited.

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Great shots Pelle and bsharf! Burrrr Pelle, did it snow all day? I'm hoping our snowy days are about over.

The bluebirds must be getting ready to pair up. During the winter, they stay farther out in the fields and in the hollow. I took this one today right outside of the yard fence, he was singing like crazy too...it was sunny and mid 50's. I wish I'd gotten a better shot but I had just run home at lunch to check on one of the dogs and heard the singing, saw him in the tree and just "had" to try for a shot :-)

Thumbnail by sadie_mae
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

One more. I bought a 1.4 x lens for my camera and it makes it so heavy, it's hard for me to hold it still enough to get a good shot without something to prop it on.

Thumbnail by sadie_mae
Marlton, NJ

Marilyn, Thats a Squirrel Buster Plus feeder and I have a Nut n Berry mix inside.

Sadie, Yes it snowed all day.

This message was edited Mar 7, 2007 10:27 PM

Hebron, KY


You saw a Bluebird(s) today?! I'm so jealous! ;-)) I want the Bluebirds to come to my yard this week! ;-))

I don't see them all that often during the years. ;-((


Hebron, KY

Thanks Pell,

Where did you get the feeder at? Is that the only feeder that the Junco's use? What food do they eat from it?


Melbourne, FL

Just a few pics from yesterday. I was surprised when the yellow-rumped Warbler spent time eating off a seed-nut block and a suet block.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

The Warbler even landed right on top a bird feeder.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

Last shot is of the Mockingbird.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Marlton, NJ

Marilyn, You can buy that feeder almost anywhere; I bought it at a shop. Besides the fact that squirrels can't use it I also like that its 100% garunteed for lifetime. From the nut n berry mix I'm sure their eating the sunflower kernels or hearts and I'll have to get back to you on what else from the mix their eating.. I never paid much attention.

The Junco's also use the tube thistle feeder alot ( this one has perches) and they'll get on the platform feeder too.

I've also occasionally seen them use this suet feeder.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Hebron, KY

Thanks Pell!

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Marilyn ~ regarding the Bluebirds, we're in a very rural area, maybe that's why I see them all year but they're usually only close to the house during the spring/summer. They sure are beauties and I hope I get to take some better photos this year. I bought some meal worms last weekend but so far, no takers at all :-(

I'd like to put up some Bluebird houses on our fence posts but I'm afraid that with all of the coons we have, not to mention rat snakes, that I'd just be inviting trouble. They apparently use some natural nesting areas that are close, I just don't know where. I had a chickadee that built a nest in a partially hollowed out fence post at the edge of the yard year before last and one day I came home and the nest was pulled out and the babies were gone :-( don't know who the culprit was.

This message was edited Mar 8, 2007 9:23 AM

Hebron, KY


We live in a 'rural' area too. We live in a subdivision with a large,13 acre wooded pasture right next to us. Last year as I was sitting in the backyard mixing up soil for one of my flowerbeds, I saw 2 Bluebirds, a male and his mate stop in and splash in one of the 2 birdbaths we have. I was speechless and in awe! Something or some noise scared them and then they were off and I didn't see them again all Summer. :-(

On the edge of that land next to us, are some Pokeberry plants that some of the young BB's came to eat, but with the Mockingbirds, Catbirds, Robins and Cardinals wanting to eat, they just chased away. It seems it's 'hit and miss' with seeing the BB's here. :-(

I told DH I wanted to get a BB feeder and some mealworms to attract them this year, but I don't think he wants live worms in the house and the fridge. What do those mealworms even 'feel' like next to skin?

Because of the area we're in too, I don't think it's a good idea to put up a BB house with all the snakes, raccoons, possums, squirrels, chickmonks and hawks we have visiting the yard.

I had a chickadee that build a nest in a partially hollowed out fence post at the edge of the yard year before last and one day I came home and the nest was pulled out and the babies were gone :-( don't know who the culprit was.

So sad that something must have gotten them. :-(

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Marilyn ~ The meal worms look like little, thin caterpillars. I sifted them out of the meal or whatever it is that they're packed in, with a plastic fork. LOL, I'm not afraid of "bugs" and they say they don't bite or anything but I didn't really want to handle them :-) I don't know why, we used to fish with wax worms and they didn't bother me. BTW, that method didn't work very well so I'll have to figure out another way next time, probably by hand.

I've never seen a Catbird except for pics, do they come to the feeders or do they stay in the more brushy areas? I think they're related to the Mockingbirds so I was hoping to see one up close.

Hebron, KY


What about dumping all the mealworms and the 'stuff' with them? Where do you get them at and how much are they?


Central, KY(Zone 6b)

I got them at Wild Birds Unlimited and I thought they were outrageous!! $8.99 for 500. I looked around on the internet and saw them much cheaper if bought in larger quantities, like 5,000 - 10,000. I've been meaning to post a question to see if anyone else orders them and from where.....If they start eating them, I doubt that 500 will last long.

I don't know if the birds will pick the worms out of the meal or not, I've just seen folks talking about "sifting" them out. That's a good question for someone who knows more than me, I'd like to know too!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Has anyone ever tried the freeze dried meal worms?

I saw on another site or another thread here that you don't need to sift them out.

Marlton, NJ

I think thats the ones I tried and no one except the goat crew (starlings) would eat them.

(Zone 3b)

Just learned of this thread from another forum and it was suggested I post here.
Thanks to DG'ers, I now know that this a Male Pine Grosbeak. It just arrived and is the first real sign that winter is waning.

Thumbnail by kiska
(Zone 3b)

The female?

Thumbnail by kiska
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Good one, Kiska!

(Zone 3b)

Thanks, Deb

Marlton, NJ

Beautiful Kiska!! Thanks so much for posting these!

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Great photos!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

The female?

Could be either a female, or an immature (less than one year old) male.


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

A resident cardinal celebrating, "I've got my tree back", last weekend's northbound exodus of the snowbird robins.

Thumbnail by bsharf
(Zone 3b)

Resin - thanks for the info - I should have learned this years ago, but am happy to be learning now, thanks to all of you.
bsharf - love the cardinal - and, sounds as if the robins are on their way; we can expect them in June.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Kiska, I am enjoying your pics. I have never seen a Grosbeak but I am still watching.

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