Daily Pics _ 5

Melbourne, FL

My shots from today...starting with a Cardinal.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

Cute squirrel.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Taken yesterday, through the window. Red Bellied Woodpecker

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Melbourne, FL

One of my favorites, Blue Jay.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL


Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

Another squirrel shot.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

Yellow-rumped Warbler again.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

Our weather hasn't warmed up yet. It was 0 F this morning, the temperature has been 20 degrees below normal, for weeks. Hardly any birds are coming to the feeder. A Red-Breasted Nuthatch rested on the side of the Spruce tree, for a few minutes this afternoon, near the kitchen window.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
(Zone 3b)

Not many here, either. The winds have been quite strong, too, so maybe they're hunkered down wherever birds go to hunker down..
Cute little Nuthatch., and so many more to enjoy on here, as well.

Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

I often wonder how such a tiny little speck of life, rapped in a few feathers, can survive in such a harsh environment. I have my nice warm box to live in, and keep me warm. The center of this Nuthatche's body is only a fraction of an inch, from the extreme temperature difference. Imagine the amount of food needed, to compensate for it's bodies loss of heat.

Look, he,s just a speck on the side of the tree trunk.

This message was edited Mar 14, 2007 8:38 PM

This message was edited Mar 15, 2007 9:56 AM

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

Normally these little Nuthatches move so fast its hard to get a shot. Today, he spent a few minutes resting near the window, and took a lot of pictures. Nothing else to distract me. Actually, he gave me an excuse to take a break from doing taxes.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

Nuthatches don't seem to know which way is up! They spend as so much time hanging up-side-down, it often appears as if their very confused. lol.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
(Zone 3b)

It is amazing that they survive the long winters and still look so cute. I'll be watching the bird feeders more closely to see if they are in my area. Nice that it spent time there so you could take a break.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

I so enjoy these photos! Wish I could get a nuthatch in decent light. Wonderful pix!

Today there was a fight over a birdhouse. The tree swallows had selected one, but when another was being checked out, (by another tree swallow) the fight was on, and some feathers flew. By the time I got the camera, it was over.

The White Crowned Sparrow has finally made an appearance here this season. They have them year round at lower elevations.

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

White Crown again

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by tigerlily
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Another view

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by tigerlily
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Gold Crowned Sparrow

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Marlton, NJ

Great pics Gras and tiger!!!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I have my nice worm box to live in, and keep me warm

Bet a lot of your birds would like those worms as well


Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

LOL, Resin! I chuckled at that too!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Along with a bunch of starlings, house finches and dove, these red wing blackbirds came by to visit today.

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

It was a menagerie out there!!!

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

Whoops! I didn't catch that typo. It's the kind spell checker won't flag.
Now you all know, I am a rather poor typist. lol.
Thank heavens, I didn't make the typo about birds with "incandescent" feathers, in the thread about iridescent feathers.

Thumbnail by Grasmussen
Marlton, NJ

Super cute Gras!

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

It is rainy here today, so instead of going out to bird watch, I am doing the next best thing. Please keep posting, I really enjoy everyone's pictures. My DH saw another Pileated woodpecker yesterday!

Does the plain peanut butter have no ill effect on the birds? I always mixed it with bird seed before putting it on pine cones.
Teresa in KY

Melbourne, FL

Had a few minutes outside after work today. Here is the sweet little female Painted Bunting.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Fort White, FL

Gras: Thanks for sharing the pics of the nuthatch...I have never seen one.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

150th post . . . time to start page #6 . . please continue posting here: http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/702189/


Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

On Tuesday, I got my first 2007 photo of the male Pileated Woodpecker. They are starting to make a lot of noise in the surrounding area.

Nice photo Resin .......

Edited to apologize for posting on wrong thread !!!

This message was edited Mar 16, 2007 7:27 AM

Thumbnail by linthicum
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Congrats, how exciting!! Our Pileated WPs don't come to our feeders and I haven't been able get photos of any in the woods yet.

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