Have you purchased any plants this year? (March 07)

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

I admit it...I was at Costco yesterday and a couple bags of bare root daylilies followed me home. They were in a "spring bulb" display that had some other plants that were not bulbs. I will pot up the plants and decide if I will put them in the basement, the garage or outside. They were not as cheap as some bare root plants that Costco has sold, but $22 for 15 plants is a pretty good deal. I was a little disappointed when I opened up the bags and saw a lot of green sprouts. I guess I can take that as a sign that they are still alive. Plus I know that daylilies are very pretty hardy plants.

What about you? Have you been suckered in by any early season displays? Anybody place a large Internet order?

- Brent

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I had a bag of peonies follow me out of the local Costco. They just jumped in the cart when I was counting holes in the swiss cheese.

I think that the stores take advantage of us. We're dreaming of spring, and there sits all of those colorful bags-- just calling to us.

We can't help ourselves, and they know it. We buy. (

Their evil plot: We'll kill them all off before planing time and we'll need to buy more. I wonder how many gardeners resort to thievery and prostitution to support their gardening habits?

Oh: the internet: The roses came Thursday. Ten of them. It's 45 outside with a windchill of 35. It's dropping to 18 degrees tonight with single digit wind chills, and snow forcast for Wednesday.

Great time to plant roses.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Elf, why don't you call these people and raise you know what? The problem is probably the amended hardiness zone map, which has Baltimore in zone 8.

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

It seems like a few years ago Costco had a much larger selection of bare root plants. I recall making a trip one year to buy Valentines Day roses for my wife and feeling a little guilty because I spend more on boxed Hostas than the roses! I potted up the hostas and they did great. I seem to recall them being priced at $8.50 per box. Later in the spring (not sure when) I picked up a box of daylilies and a box of heuchera on clearance for around $6. The daylilies did great (though they did not match the name on the box) but the heuchera never pulled through.

I am growing a bunch of perennials from seed via Winter Sowing this year so I really don't plan on purchasing many more perennials...at least that is the plan!

- Brent

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

I've got ferns on order from someplace.... delivery next month. Probably won't buy bare root at HD or Lowe's again. Not after planting and forgetting about bare root Rudbeckia fulgida and assorted ferns last year. When I finally remembered them, I couldn't even locate their remains.

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7b)

I got 3 jujubes Sat. from Roger Meyer, I also have 4 figs & 2 blackberries coming from Paradise(I'm so bummed they're closing up!), & giving in to temptation, I've ordered some apricots, pluots, & a quince from Raintree & Adams Co. I spent the weekend planting the jujubes, & moving things around, to prepare for incoming plants. Even though I swore I would not buy any roses this year, after unpacking all the J&P boxed roses the other day, I bought 1 Austin rose, Bishop's Castle. The worst part is, I have seeds I need to winter sow, plants that could be cut back & propagated, new beds that need prep, & some plants that need pruning, but I haven't done all that yet...

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Greetings Hart!

I finally got her today. If my new babies don't make it, she'll send replacements.

Grrrrrrrrr. I HATE having plants die because of "stupid."

I'm following your sage advice and hoping for the best. They really are pretty.

BTW: oh yeah: from the internet. Ten dogwoods. Due the first week in April. Pink Pampus grass: here already and temporarily in a large pot. I'm moving it into the garage before it snows on Wednesday. :)

greenkat-- I ordered three ferns over the winter. I can't remember what they were, but I think that they get pretty big. That's my favorite part of internet shopping. The boxes come and you get reminded of what you ordered, or if you're like me-- "Did I order that? Wow! How cool of me to think of it!" :)

Blessings on your gardens!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Bulbs coming from co-op in a couple of weeks.....ahhhhh, love fragrance.
LOL do Cacti count?

Thumbnail by Chantell
Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I placed an order from Flower Scent (delivery in April) - it will be his last year and I can vouch for this "stuff" - will also place order with Graceful Gardens and Annie's Annuals...my local nursery - Lake Ridge Nursery has a great selection, decent prices and a sine they started "re-decorating" the stuff it all looks soooooo tempting!

I saw all the "goodies" at Lowes the other day - all nice, sprouting and no way they can be planted yet! I was soooooooo tempted to buy some and I managed to curb myself - might have had to do with the frigid weather!:-)

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

I potted up my bare root daylilies from Costco...12 Mary Reed and 7 Black Eyed Stella (though the bag on the inside said Black Eyed Susan).

- Brent

Thumbnail by Brent_In_NoVa
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Our Lowes in Woodstock is finally opening next week. That will be so nice.

Elf, glad the rose lady is going to make good any plants that don't make it in the cold.

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Lowe's in Bowie, MD is starting to stock plants outside. Was there yesterday. They had roses, red twig dogwoods, blueberries and other berries. Other asst. cold tolerant plants, too.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

hart, I saw that Lowes last weekend off 81 on our way to Middleburg and thought to myself, I don't remember seeing that there before! LOL

Brent, good job with your new babies - I'm sure they're much happier now :)

Placed an order yesterday with Rare Find Nursery. I was really pleased with my order from them last year and there is always something in their catalog I want but have to limit myself and order just a few choice plants. Ordered Euphorbia 'Jessie' - we have alot of different cultivars of Euphorbia but this is one we don't have - had ordered it last year but it wasn't available - keeping my fingers crossed for this year. Also ordered a variegated Baptisia australis 'Hummy' and an unusual Lonicera vine with really interesting flowers - can't remember its name right now, something 'Ghost' maybe? Last year they had a special - free shipping until the first of March maybe? Either I missed it this year or they eliminated that freebie - too bad 'cause shipping is 25% - ouch!!


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I ordered a couple of fig trees from Paradise; a few perennials from Flower Scent.; several ferns off of e-bay; and two brugmansia from I can't remember where (high ratings on watchdog). I'll be in Va Beach next week, so I'll pick up the figs in person, but the rest is scheduled to ship near the end of the month.

I was inspecting the rhubarb and other bulbs at HD in College Park last weekend but put everything back down. The rhubarb roots appeared to be rotting in the bag - I looked at several bags but they were all pretty sad looking in spite of the great pictures on the packaging. I picked up the taro (elephant ear) bulbs because the price was fantastic, but they were soft and light in weight. I just set everything back down and continued walking.

I have a big selection of perennial seedlings that I started a couple months ago, so hopefully I won't drop quite as much $$ on nursery grown plants this year... (and if you believe that, I've got a bridge that I'd like to sell you)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

What is Flower Scent? That's a new one on me.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Flower Scent Gardens http://davesgarden.com/gwd/c/438/

He's closing the business this year, which is a terrible shame for us.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

hart - Becky and I both have ordered from Flower Scent gardens last year and again this year. I think I can say for both of us that we've been pleased with what we received. The owner is a really nice guy!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks for the link, Wrightie. I'll check them out.

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