Bees in the Bonnet

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Levilyla -

I am new to beekeeping - still researching, haven't got a hive yet. I was a little surprised that there's not much here on DG about bees - they are such an essential part of the growing process. The best commercial website I've found so far is at

Betterbee has links to local bee suppliers (avoid the stress of shipping). There's also a series of homemade videos at

by this guy in Austin Texas – very hands-on. And if you want to get depressed, read this opinion piece in last week's NYT called "Losing Their Buzz", which makes the case for taking better care of our busy little friends:

I don't know yet if my setting is appropriate for a small hive, and I don't exactly lack for bees without having a hive, but like so many of the world's creatures they are fighting an uphill battle for continued existence and I like to make it a little easier for the species by providing a safe environment for nesting. I had 2 hornet nests last summer in my garden - they scared the be-jesus out of me at first, but they are so beautiful I couldn't help myself – had to stand still and watch them. As long as I wasn't jerking around and messing with them they just ignored me and went about the business of preying on some very pesky insects. So I just let them be, gave them space, and we all got along. So I figure if I can co-exist peacefully with hornets, a few honeybees shouldn't be a problem. I am currently in process of sealing off my attic from bats (hence the bathouse to provide them with an alternative nesting site) and with all the other stuff I have to do – gardening and otherwise – will probably miss the prime season for starting a hive this year. But this time next year I hope to be driving to a Virginia supplier to pick up my queen & a few workers.

I see there are some more links posted in the last few minutes on the Pets thread. I'll check them out.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Great umd link on beekeeping, bluekat.

I read your swarm story, too. I read somewhere else that before they swarm, bees pack up food for the journey, so when a swarm is new – that is, the bees haven't been away from their original hive for long – they are pretty passive. The longer they're out, the lower their food supply gets, and the more irritable they get. Kind of like me.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

go to Home Talk tab- Country Living- voila! Beekeeping forum!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

great! DG is just way too big & dangerous ... I was FINALLY about to leave off sitting here at my computer and then I thought 'why don't I just check...' and now I've spent another hour reading about bees. Thanks, Sally.

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

When I read the NY Times piece (first post, 3rd link), it kinda worried me. What would the world be like without bees?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

If the bees go we won't be far behind ... I just got in from my county beekeeper association meeting and the concensus there is that this CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) is not affecting the hobbyists and small honey producers anywhere near as much as the majors who have hundreds of working hives - they get stressed out from traveling around and eating corn syrup (who wouldn't?). So be nice to your bees!

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