Siberian iris lovers

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Hey All You Siberian Iris Lovers!

For those of you who do not receive the Ensata Gardens catalog, they are having an UNBELIEVABLE sale this year on a number of Sibs including some REALLY GORGEOUS ones. The only hitch is that in order to get the sale price, you have to order a minimum of 5 divisions per cultivar. I put together a combined order with a bunch of my local gardeners so we could take advantage of the sale prices, and I'd bet any of you could do the same in your own areas. Just call your local garden clubs, Master Gardeners, and garden designers. All you need is four more folks who want the same Sibs you want in order to meet the sale price minimum.

You just don't see prices like this on Sibs every day. Check it out:

Happy shopping!


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the tip. I also notice that your website for 2007 is up! Thanks for that as well. Betty

Athens, OH

I would be interested.
Tomorrow I'll take a look a post my preferences. If anyone is interested they can let me know! I can have thenm shipped and then I can distribute to DGers.

PS I literally just wrote a note to Skaz421 swearing that I was done with Co-ops (at least for this year)! If Skaz421 sees this he is going to laugh out loud!

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the heads up. I placed an order immediately even though I vowed I was done ordering for the spring. But at $2.00 per plant resistance was impossible!

Greensboro, AL

Oh. Oh.

Athens, OH

Anyone want to share an order for:

China Spring
Forever remembered
Kaboom - it isn't on sale, but I love it.
Salamander Crossing - it isn't on sale, but I love it.
Tumble bug


Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Rox, I would love to share the ones you have to order 5 of to get the sale price. Just let me know how much money you need me to send for the order and flat rate shipping to me. Sound okay?

Edited because I just looked at Salamander Crossing again, and I'm with you. Even though it's not on sale, I think I need that one too.

This message was edited Mar 4, 2007 1:33 PM

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

Rox, you're bad.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

I've just started doing a shared order/coop whatever you want to call it, for us Canadians nnorth of the border.

Milwaukee, WI(Zone 5a)

I would be intersested in this maybe split cost and shipping :) :) .............Sharon

Athens, OH

I'll get back to you tonight.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

ENABLER!!!! I blew $200 on lilies yesterday and now you tempt me with these gems? I prefer starting with bigger clumps anyway-- 5 of a kind is fine with me! :)

Greensboro, AL

Yeah! Im going for the clumps of 5 also. hard to narrow down the list though. (How much money is in that income tax refund???)

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

LOL, Wanda! I contemplated not even telling you guys about this sale to increase my chances of getting the Sibs I want before they sell out, but I just couldn't keep it to myself. Go ahead, call me an enabler. GUILTY AS CHARGED!!! ;-)


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Laurie, I think that is a great way to get you their site....what beauties, and of course I want half of the ones not on sale too....trying to find some people to go in on some of them with, what a great deal. Thanks so much for posting it and NOT keeping it to yourself...we actually count on our enablers to help us along in our gardening endeavors! LOL

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Na-na-na-na! just got my order in. 10 of each of these delightfully different sibs:
Ana No Hama
Banish Misfortune
Double Standards
Jewelled Crown
Tumble Bug
Laurie, can I come & live with you after my bankrupcy????

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Sure thing, Wanda! Just be sure and bring your garden with you. ;-)

I ordered just one division of each (for myself):

Band of Angels
Blueberry Fair
Contrast in Styles
Double Standards
Forever Remembered
Off She Goes
Pink Pepper
Plum Frolic
Sultan's Ruby
Very Victorian

There are a bunch more on their sale list that I already grow, or I would have ordered them, too. I contemplated giving Jeweled Crown another try, but I've already tried it several times, bloomed it once, and lost it each time. It is gorgeous. I hope it likes your garden better than it liked mine.

This message was edited Mar 7, 2007 1:21 PM

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm taking 5 of each, so maybe they will be a big enough "clump" to take hold. Less chrome $4 for the harley, but my DH will just have to deal with it!

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)


I received an email from Ensata this evening telling me that of the 13 sale Sibs I ordered LAST WEEK, 4 of them were already sold out (BOO HOO), and 2 others could only be partially filled. They also said that more of the sale Sibs are selling out every hour!

SO, if any of you haven't submitted your orders yet, you'd better do it NOW, and you'd be wise to include a list of acceptable substitutes from their sale list!!!


Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I ordered these on Feb 16 via mail, so I hope I get them all. I put in an order for some of their 3.00 DL too, which seem to all be gone now. I will plant most of them in a new bed that I dug last year, but that we just planted up as a pumpkin patch last summer. I wanted to hibernate on it for the winter. It will be mostly lavender, pinks, purples, violets and blues and whites. I ordered tons of lilies and glads coming to mix in with some new roses all thanks to some nice DG coops. I also ordered some Hebe, which I have never grown and some peony and hydrangea. I have a lot of seeds started as well, so it will be full and hopefully happy. Patti

Devil's Dream
Forever Remembered
Frosted Cranberry
Lemon Veil
Mesa Pearl
Off She Goes
Pink Pepper
Plum Frolic
Sultan's Ruby

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

I'm going to be REALLY jealous if you got Off She Goes, Patti, because that's one of the ones that was sold out and unavailable for my order. I REALLY wanted that one, too! :-(

Of the ones on your list and mine, I can tell you that they are currently sold out of Frosted Cranberry, Off She Goes, Blueberry Fair, Welfenschatz, Very Victorian, Contrast in Styles, and Lemon Veil. They're trying to keep their website current by changing the sold out varieties from red to black.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Laurief, I guess I will email them to see if they got my order and check and what they are shipping me. Thanks for the heads up. I will be sad too if I didn't get what I ordered, especially frosted cranberry . Patti

Corning, NY(Zone 5a)

They are sold out of Somebody Loves Me.

But I did get mine ordered in time to get:
Band Of Angels
Banish Misfortune
Dawn Waltz
Double Standards
Jewelled Crown
Lady Vanessa
Linda Mary
Mesa Pearl
Pink Haze
Springs Brook
Sultans Ruby
Sweet Surrender

And mrsspeedsgarden is getting:
Blueberry Fair
Coronation Anthem
Devils Dream
Forever Remembered
Frosted Cranberry
Lemon Veil
Off She Goes
Plum frolic
Seneca Cloud Puff
Ships Are Sailing

And the best part we are sharing 1-2 of each so we will both end up with 26 different ones for the price of 13. I so love the sales.
Get your orders in before it's to late:)Anita

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Off She Goes and Blueberry Fair were the two that I most wanted to get, but sadly they both sold out before Ensata received my order. So sad. :-(

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I called to order the iris in person--that usually works better for me & I can change my order if there is a problem. Ensata called to confirm that my few choices were all available.

I called my local friend DG "My Savannah" to replace Siberians a contractor destroyed when she was bulidng her house--she had ordered a couple of weeks ago too. :)

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Anita-I have not got to tell you yet but I placed another BIG order....Oh heavens DH is going to leave me.
I got all of these plus the original 13 we are sharing.
Active Duty-5
Ama No Hama-5
Band Of Angels-5 (Garden club)
Banish Misfortunate-5 (Garden Club)
Blueberry Fair-5
China Spring-5
Contrast In Styles-5
Forever Remebered-5
Frosted Cranberry-5
Jewelled Crown-5 (Garden Club)
Jiggles-5 (Garden Club)
Lemon Veil-5
Mesa Pearl-5 (Garden Club)
Off She Goes-5
Pink Haze--5 (Garden Club)
Plum Frolic-5
Seneca Cloud Puff-5
Ships Are Sailing-5
Shirley Pope-1
Somebody Loves Me-5
Sultans Ruby-10 (Garden Club)
Sweet Surrender-5 (Garden Club)
Tumble Bug-5
Very Victorian-5
Wildwood Serenade-5

Plus these two Daylilies:
Spacecoast Raspberry Mist
Uri Geller

I ordered some for our Garden Club sale.

If I get Somebody Loves Me on my order you can have one. I have not heard that any of mine were out yet.

Off to Volleyball


Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Sounds like more DIGGING than Volleying is in your future...

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

mrsspeedsgarden, Side out, you are done! I am exhausted just thinking about all those holes. I still haven't heard back from them about my e-mail. I may have to call. Patti

This message was edited Mar 9, 2007 6:56 PM

Corning, NY(Zone 5a)

WOW, Yes, you did didn't you, your so sneaky, I will have to keep a good eye on them for sales, I should have just come right out & asked the other day if he planed any new sales soon.

Sucker for Daylilies you know that:) I only added David Kirchhoff & Ruffians Apprentice for now, but I do have till may to add a few more Dl's.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I got lucky and am getting my entire iris order placed on Feb 21 , but they were out of 5 of my daylily selections, but I will be getting the other 7. laurief, I will d-mail you when my order arrives if my 'Off She Goes' looks good enough to swap for something of yours. Patti

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)


I would LOVE that! Congratulations on getting all the Sibs you wanted. With your offer now it looks like I might be able to trade for 3 of the 4 Sibs that were out of stock on my order. YIPPEE!!


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

What's the other you're missing Laurie? I have some of the ones on your list.

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

pollyk, the four that are out of stock on my Ensata order are Blueberry Fair, Off She Goes, Very Victorian, and Welfenschatz. If things work out with Patti and another gal with whom I tentatively have a trade planned, the only one I'll still be missing is Very Victorian. If you have VV, I'd love to see if I can work out a trade with you. :-)


Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Laurie...I'm getting Very Victorian, if you need it I will trade with you. I'm confused on Tumble Bug.
I had it on my order as one of the $2.00 sale ones but they have changed it on their site now and its
not in the red but black now. They charged me $30.00 for 5 of them. Wanda and Rox I see where
you ordered that one also so it must have been in red at one time. LMK if they charge you $30.00
for 5 of those please.


Corning, NY(Zone 5a)

I would call them, if it was on sale when you placed the order, they should give it to you for the $2.00, You have a few that you got for $2.00 that are now back to full price.
Oh spring hurry upppp!!!:)Anita

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Shirley, this is what's happening. Ensata is updating their website daily with the sale Sibs that are running out of stock. That's why a Sib that's on sale one day is suddenly not on sale the next. However, they have also retained a small stock of each of the sale Sibs to sell at their regular price. So, when they ran out of Tumble Bug at the sale price, they still had some set aside to sell at the regular price.

If you don't want Tumble Bug at the regular price, just ask them to remove it from your order and refund that amount to you. It just so happens, though, that Tumble Bug is the Sib that I had them substitute for Very Victorian when they ran out of VV for my order. So, if you would like to trade one division of my Tumble Bug for one division of your Very Victorian, that might work out great for both of us!


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Laurie, if your other trades don't work out for some reason, I gotcha covered with all but Welfenschatz. Also have Strawberry Fair to go with the Blueberry Fair if you don't have that. It's a nice vigorous tet.

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)


Thanks!!!! I'll take you up on that if I need to. I'd actually prefer to get it all done with one trade to save on postage, and I'm not all that anxious about Welfenschatz, anyway. And yes, I would LOVE to get my hands on a division of Strawberry Fair! I don't suppose you grow Lavender Fair, too?


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

No Lavender Fair, sorry, I hope to get that one this year. Lots of Strawberry Fair though. As soon as the weather gets better, I'll let you know what all I have.

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Terrific, pollyk, thanks! I'm excited about trading with you!


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