Blackberries in container gardening?

Amherst, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm wondering if anyone grows blackberries in containers? I have a homemade version of the earthbox type, and wondered if berries do well in it? I have gophers, and sure dont want the gophers eating my berry plant

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Wow! You should live in the Pacific Northwest, where the blackberry eat the gophers, and anything else that gets in the way...

Hawthorne, FL(Zone 8b)

Down here the wild blackberries take over any sunny spot that is not utterly water-sodden (I have a somewhat unusual situation for Florida, fairly high-up land with a lot of clay). Strangely, the cultivated blackberries I have tried have all died off. I'm trying again this year on a VERY small scale (5 plants of Triple Crown). I don't know whether the wild blackberries harbor some disease that might be killing the cultivated types. (The wild ones bear berries that are small, seedy, vary in flavor from bitter to good to insipid, and don't bear over a long season.)

For what it's worth, cultivated blackberries in pots grew better for me than those in the ground. Again, this could be more due to wet feet or soil-borne diseases. They didn't last long enough to bear a crop. I don't see why they shouldn't do okay in containers, but they might need a lot of root space: the plants can get big, very big with some varieties.

Mark., my two cents, and not really worth even that much I fear

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