need help with seed germination for a friend, please

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

A DG friend is germinating seeds for the first time. She asked me to come by and look. Here is the problem: she is using a 40 BioDome and used many kinds of seeds. All the vines are up and looking good, but she has kept the dome on too long and I noticed several sponges have white fuzzy stuff like mealy bug or mold. The first question is: should she take the 11'2" high vines with the sponge and just remove from the tray so they don't get sick...they are very healthy and I gave her another dome of mine.....
The second question is: For those seeds which have not germinated but have mold on them, can she spray with alcohol lightly, put the dome back on and just wait and see what happens?
Thanks so much,....she is phughes on the DG site if someone could advise her

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Bettygail... Most definately get the vines that are not showing signs of mold out of there. The fungi can come from the soil being to damp with the high humidty from the dome. I wouldn't put the dome back on them. I would put them someplace nice and warm with plenty of light.

She needs to let the soil dry out too. It may be that the good one s still develop some mold.

The ones that have the mold on, I would throw away. Hard as that is. You may be able to use a fungicide and control it a bit, but thos e plants have already been compromised by the pathogen and are not going to grow nice and healthy like they should.

The sick ones even if you get them cleaned up for a bit may still end up sick when outdoor conditions stress them again.

I don't know that I would use alcohol. it can do damage to the plant cells. If anything I would use some Daconil. There ia a product by Garden Tech called Daconil Fungicide Ready to use. it is a good product.

When you say sponges, what type of product are you talking about exactly? When using any type of media, especially with a dome, you just barely need the soil damp, usually just giving it a good misting before planting seed is enough to germinate the seeds and keep the moisture in the dome. The fungi comes from too much moisture.

I would also if the seed s big enough take them back out of the sponges, give them a quick bath in a water/ hydrogen peroxide bath and then rinse with clean water and replant in just barely damp soil. As soon as the seeds show any green to lift the dome up a tiny bit so fresh air can get in there.

I would also tell her to take her dome and give it a bleach job so any spores from the other plants don't get back on the the others.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

thanks for all your advice......I am going to copy and paste this in a dmail to her!!!!!! again, for your time, I say a big thanks!!!!

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