Urban gardening show

Boston, MA

My professor is making a TV show about urban gardening. Unfortunatly he's having a hard time selling it to networks so he has enlisted his students to help create buzz for it. Its sort of a how-to show on how to be more self sustaining while living in the city. The show itself is filmed in Boston, MA. Its pretty good actually. Here's a link to the five minute promo: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-882082844236943883&q=garden%20girl

Please check it out and tell me what you think. If you like it then please share it with others. If it gets enough attention it might be made into a series.

thank you

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I liked it, and I like that it has animals in the city. I feel like an idiot paying money for animal manure. Good luck

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I watched last night. I like that it was a different concept, more of sustainable-self sufficient than just a 'garden girl' I don't think that name conveys the theme. More like Farm in the City, or ...Mother Earth Urban. I would watch some episodes.

Boston, MA

I can actually pass on your comments and suggestions to the director himself. What do you want to see in the show? What DON'T you want to see?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

My first comment would be that the name Garden Girl didn't clue me in to what its about. I like the hostess, but felt she was more mature than a 'girl'. Its more like Modern Mini Homesteading..
If I had time to watch it I would, I'd like to see the different topics that I haven't seen on TV.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Absolutely agree the name Garden Girl is pretty awful. Your hostess is very personable and likable.

I love the concept of the show, but I have to say I probably would seldom watch it and not just because I live in the country.

For starters, I don't know of a single municipality in my state that allows anyone to keep chickens. In fact, it's probably not allowed outside of town or city in some of the urban counties. Chicken tractors aren't very practical for overwintering hens. Are you going to cover how to slaughter your own poultry rather than let them freeze in winter?

But my biggest problem is I don't think we need yet another so-called garden show that spends minutes per show on gardening, and that at the most basic level, while the rest of the show focuses on things like carpentry for idiots and spinning.

I would watch if it focused on gardening, and not just gardening for beginners, and perhaps tips on raising small animals and poultry.

You'll never sell this to HGTV, though. It doesn't involve spending tens of thousands of dollars to landscape yet another California yard. You know, for the vast numbers in the US who can plant tropical plants in their yards. On that kind of budget. LOL

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

First I want to say that I love the concept of the show. Urban Sustainable Living is an idea that could be mighty handy for future generations. I'm just not sure how successful this would be as a cable TV show. Personally, I think this is a subject that should be taught along with readin' an' writin'. Let's face it, too many people don't know or care where their food comes from.

Boston, MA

What would be a good name instead of Garden Girl?

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