FYI Garden Kneeler on sale

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I have one of these and they are great! Can't garden without it. If I tried I could never get up. LOL I though I'd pass this on.

Crozet, VA

Thanks honey - I will order one later this morning, after I look at all the other stuff in the catalogue. Thanks for the link.

My surgery is at 2:40 PM today. Please think of me. This certainly has been long and drawn out. I am sure that you are thinking the same thing in your case.

Chris, I feel really blessed to have you in my life. Thank you so much for reaching out to me last fall. You have been extra sweet to me and I am appreciative.

Have a great day!!!


Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I am so sorry you have to have more surgery... I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers all day... I am very sorry to say I have not really kept up with what has been wrong with you and I do apologize for that,but will try to do better in the future... Love and lots of BIG hugs coming your way from Va.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, I will be thinking about you today. I'm sure you will be glad to get this last step behind you, I guess I should say in front of you. ha ha! Are they also doing the deduction today? You will look so good! And also feel balanced.Yea!

I am also lucky to have you to share things with. You have kept up my spirits many times.

Love ya,


Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Ruby- Good luck with your surgery. Many prayers go with you.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Good luck today, Ruby. Like Greenkat said, we'll all be praying for you.

LOL Chris. In front of you. :>)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

'laughter is the best medicine"
ruby- more well wishes. I will send my special get well recipe, but be careful.......

if it gets too warm the chocolate will melt all over the wine glasses, and you'll never get it off the satin sheets........

(something like that was in a card at the store...I try to memorize them so I can cheat and make my own)

Crozet, VA

Oh Gosh Gals - What lovely sentiments. Susan, I am in Virginia also. I have traveled through Danville many times while heading points south of me. I live near Charlottesville and about an hour and a half west of Richmond. If you haven't been reading these boards for very long, you have missed what my latest malady has been.

I was diagnosed with a non-invasive and non-life threatening breast cancer last July. I count myself as a very lucky woman. I did have a mastectomy of my left breast in September and also had a tissue expander put in at the same time. These past six or so months I have been making many plastic sugery clinic visits to get saline inserted to expand the muscle and tissue where the mastectomy was.

Chris, the doc decided against doing the lift of the other breast now. At last minute he tells me this. He wants to let this side heal up first. It is my theory that I was his 4th patient that day for surgery and he was very tired. Like rcn pointed out, I don't need a tired doctor operating on me.

This went very quickly and rather painlessly. So, maybe the lift of other breast will be along the same lines and I won't have too much recovery to do.

Thank you all for the kind words, thoughts and prayers. I am sure that too played a part in how well the surgery went for us.

I hope that everyone will have a great weekend.

Take care all.


Crozet, VA

I am going to make a comment here so that the thread will possibly be read by some of you. Sorry that it took me so long to do yesterday's response. I hadn't thught to check here and always forget where I type, what. Ha-ha. I frequent this forum and healthy living forum and get mixed up a lot.

Again, I am appreciative of all kind thoughts and words. Thank you.

And.......yippie, I get to bathe later today. I am supposed to wait until tonight, but I will see if I can wait that long. I haven't seen the area that was operated on yet. They didn't tell me to re-dress after bathing, so I am wondering if I should. If I remember correctly, if wounds need to be dressed, they usually send some supplies home with a person. Since they didn't do that, and I can't remember them telling me anything, I will do as I see fit after the shower.

It is snowing like crazy here now. Started a couple of hours ago. Forecast was for icy rain and we got a little of that and now the snow is falling like crazy. woo hoo

Have a good afternoon all.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, did they use the steri-strips? If so don't rub them, they will come of eventually. For me they used dissolvable sutures under the skin and then the steri-strips, they hold things together very well. I just have a nice, thin, clean line for a scar. My dressing was just to catch any seepage, which I did not have.

Take care, we are suppose to get a winter storm also, Paul is going to the grocery store early today so he can get home before it starts. We both have to go to work tomarrow, so it figures we will get snow. Yesterday was so sunny, I opened the front door it is a full glass storm door and it was very warm with the sun coming in. Penny has not discovered it yet, but when she does I'm sure it will be her favorite spot.

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