kind of quiet here

Crozet, VA

Hello everyone - I am just checking in to make sure that everyone is doing okay. I didn't hear from some of the regulars yesterday and wondering if everyone is okay. Hart, I am sorry to hear about your pipes freezing. That sucks, as does a lot of house problems that can occur during the wintertime.

I try to remember and pray that we continue to have power and cable access when ever a storm is brewing. I am not a very patient person and really hate it when the power is off and my daily routine is affected. Not having a good cup of coffee to start my day leaves me in a bad mood. Watch out!!!

Anyway, I hope the reason the board is quiet is that everyone is cozied up warm and comfy somewhere. My family is still asleep this morning, so it is quiet in here for now. Tucker had two friends spend the night and I believe they were up till all hours this morning. John woke up earlier and then crawled back in the bed. Most of the time, when I am up, I am up for a while.

No particular topic here at moment, just wanted you all to know that I am thinking of you. Take good care all and have a groovy Sunday.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Ruby, Ijust sitting here watching the birds coming and going to and from my feeders. Ric is making waffels and just brought me one. I started some Pansy seeds and Bunny Tails yesterday and I'm going to start my have and want list for the spring swap today. Have to go eat but I'll be back soon. Holly

Crozet, VA

Hi Holly - When I saw your name, I realized that I haven't been hearing from you for a while. I hope that you are doing okay. It sounds like you are. Getting seeds started now is lots of fun. I did some indoors last winter and will do some soon, just not sure when.

Yum yum. Waffles sound great. The only things that I let my husband use the kitchen for is making grill cheese sandwiches and salads. He makes a mean trout salad. He hasn't fished for a while, so it has been a long time since we had trout to fix it with. Just a few days ago, I bought some of the imitation crab meat for him to use in the trout's place. He adds onion, celery and mayonnaise and I am almost drooling thinking about it. I hope that it will be good with the imitation meat. ha-ha

Oh yeah, what the heck are bunny tails? Can't say that I am familiar with them.

Anyway, good to see again. Have a good Sunday.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ruby, If you have a Parks Catalog you can see what I started.
Bunny Tails are a small Ornamental grass with little white bunny tail tops. I've never grown them but they look so cute. I thought I try them this year.
The Pansies are Sentiments Series All Fired Up, Heartfelt &Serenity. Also Bolero.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

You are right things have been quiet here, I have been as busy as I can be. Starting seeds and planing what to grow next, doing a lot of research on seeds and plants. The Bunny Tails are cute, but any thing that looks like grass in my yard is fair game for Hubby with weed eater, so I just admire it in the catalog.

Ruby, if that salad turns out good with the crab meat, could John share the recipe, I'm tired of Tuna for lunch.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi, all virtual friends,
I now have tithonia, armeria and carnation seedlings just showing- moving them to the gro light, and the rest is on my 'sewing' table where it's warmer.
Otherwise, been staying inside in the cold with kids out of school, due to power outages in the county. Check on parents situations with this ice and cold, all OK.
No big valentines day here, but I did get the kids a little candy tin and made a little love note for each. I don't do that kind of thing much, and they got a grin out of it. Gave hubby a pitcher to go with his new mini beer keg that he installed in our old refrigerator.( couldn't believe it, but what can ya do?)

I like that imi crab, have only had it from the salad bar , plain or in their salad.
Did you know there is a DG cookbook under the Extras tab? Just noticed it.
We are having tuna for lunch and pork chops for dinner. Better go get the PC out of thefreezernow!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, the pipes froze two days in a row. Both days it took the better part of the day to get the water flowing again. Thank goodness no burst pipes. I think it's actually the main pipe coming in from the well that's freezing.

I was up half the night last night running a heater down in the cellar and everything is okay today. I hope the weatherman is right about temps in the 50s tomorrow. Our driveway is still covered with snow and ice although part of it melted yesterday. We had put down ashes and ice melt the day after the snow and ice storm but it's been too cold for it to work.

Seed starting - I'll let you all know how this works. SO has reptiles and he uses this heat tape under their cages. You buy the tape by the foot and then attach clips and a cord. He has a thermostat attached to his but you can also use a dimmer switch. Well, I stumbled across a growers' supply place that was selling the same stuff for plant propagation. So he's going to make me a couple of plant starting heat strips for flats using his leftover heat tape.

If anyone is interested in this stuff, the heat tape and clips are relatively inexpensive, the thermostats very expensive, he gets his at a place called Bean Farm Scroll down to heating on the left. His reptile cages are plastic so I think it will be safe under plastic plant flats.

I haven't started any of my seeds yet. Too early for a lot of them since I won't be able to plant them out until sometime in late May or early June. And there are just too many cold spots in the house. I'd rather wait than take a chance on killing everything.

Crozet, VA

Thanks everyone for responding. Good to hear from all of you.

Holly, I just love ornamental grasses but haven't had much luck with most that I have planted. I love the look of pampas grass but have killed several in the past. The bunny ones sound cool though. I believe that I have seen them before.

Ladygardener, I have been really busy too. So much going on. I did have a good day today and had a house full. Older son Ben and his new wife Nicole and a friend of theirs came out and spent the afternoon. The friend Jason was here to help Tucker set up his new X Box 360 video game. It is half way set up. They have it at this minute set up on my NEW 32" flat screen TV in living room and it needs to be in Tucker's bedroom on his TV. I just told him that I needed the TV at 7 o'clock.

Tucker got the game on Friday and has had two friends stay for two nights. They went home earlier and second crew showed up. I was glad to see everyone though. Busy weekend on the hillside. John didn't get around to making the salad today. Maybe tomorrow. We do not cook by recipes around here unless it is something that we are making for the first time. We usually just throw stuff together. He is going to use four small packages of the meat. The meat that we bought is in large pieces and these need to be cut or pulled apart in to bite size pieces or smaller. He will cut up a medium size onion in to bits and also several stalks of celery cut in to the same size bits as the onion. Mix all together with enough mayonnaise to satisfy your taste. I hope that you can follow this and that if you prepare it, that it will be good.

Sally, we had pork chops last night. Very, very tasty. Actually had a real southern meal. Pork chops, green beans and cubes potatoes cooked together, corn pudding, cole slaw and apple sauce. Yum, yum. That will be dinner again tonight too because I don't know how to cook for just one meal or for just two people.

Thanks for sharing about the heat tape Hart. Sounds like interesting stuff. I will check out Ben Farm too. Thanks.

Have a good week coming up all.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

wow, I should come to your house for dinner! thats one good sounding meal. I cooked for 5 but two of those ended up with friends, so have the same leftover issue. maybe husband can learn to take it for lunch.
It's proabably reassuring to have Tucker and friends at your place, where you know what they're up to, than out somewhere, huh? My 16 yo went to sleepover at friend's house Sat pm , then to church with them and spent the day till dinner. No worries there, this family is very careful about ther kids, and we're pleasantly surprised that our son is going o their church.
Unrelated- my brother went to the new movie The Queen and said it was very good. I'll probably try to go with my mom.
I've been cleaning this morning, yay. Would like to take a walk but it's pretty nippy out there.

Crozet, VA

Okay, Sally - What is The Queen about? I don't think that I have even heard it advertised. I cannot recall the last time I was in a theater.

I had someone in to clean while I was out this morning. Nothing feels better than walking in to a clean house. I am getting really tired and am thikning of going to take a nap. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz...........I am also hungry too, so I might need to find something to munch on. Good to hear from you. Have a good afternoon.


Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Ruby- If Sally gets to go to your house for dinner, I'm eatin' there, too! Sounds delicious.

Sally- Know what you mean about cooking for a certain number of people. When this happened at my house it worked two ways: 1. I cooked for three, but son announces at 6PM he will not be dining at home. 2. I cook for two and at 6PM son arrives with girlfriend or with two best buddies or with girlfriend, two buddies and their girlfriends. (Actually it still happens when son is home on break.)

The Queen is a movie about the way Queen Elizabeth handles the death of Lady Diana.

Guess it could be a sad movie.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I spent my day driving from one Greenhouse to another. Started getting ready to do a little shopping this morning. Son calls and asks if I can take 3yr old GS for the day. So the two of us head off for the day. First stop Micky D’s for lunch then to the first shop. It’s a nice little shop with neat stuff but they have shut down the greenhouse and only have a few plants. Not what I’m looking for. Next stop known for having pricey stuff. Their plants are always top notch and so are their prices. They didn’t have any plants I wanted but they had these really cute watering cans and JR went just like a magnet right to them. Look like an elephant with the trunk as the spout. Then we head to the last place the one I expected to buy my plants at. Picked up several suitable for a terrarium and of course JR helped with the choices and watered them when we got home with his new watering can. Just sitting here now while Ric makes clams in white sauce. We both had the day off of work today. It was nice.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Shenandoah Valley, VA

What an adorable grandson, Hollyann. That watering can is pretty darned cute too.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

What a sweet little guy, and so happy too. Thanks for sharing, Holly.

So we are all going to Ruby's for dinner and then to the movies to see Queen. Is this formal or come as you are. LOL

Tomarrow at work we are having a Birthday Lunch for our co-worker, I made Manicotti for the main dish, come one else is bringing salad, another bread and pop and another making the desert.

Did you hear we are having a warming trend this Wednesday 40º, wow! it will be like summer after all the cold we have had lately. Wind is picking up tonight. Maybe freezing rain in the very early morning.

Everyone take care.

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Sweet and adorable! I'll second that. If I ever have a grandson I hope he's into plants.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

all our grandsons will HAVE to be into plants, no exceptions allowed.
HollyAnn, sounds like a wonderful day. cuteness abounds.
greenkat- for sure!! it works oneway or the other!! I'm learning, Friday here tends to be all or nothing, free for all. I'm thinking of doing hart's two baked chickens with the dry rub this friday. then there's the extra- kids -hanging- around -so- you- plan -more -only- to -have- them -announce- lastminute- that -they- are- going to- the- other- kids'- houses trick....because the other dad offered pizza!! ha ha ha

I've gone to that site, imdb, for all kinds of movie info

Crozet, VA

Hello Folks - Oh yeah greenkat. I have seen the movie advertised. I didn't know that it was going to be this story though. When Princess Di was killed, I grieved mightily. Not sure what my attraction to her was, but I sure felt one. I guess it was my tendency to root for the underdog. It also happened when the greatest upheaval in my life was occuring. I watched all the news shows that were aired about her death for so many months. Before that I really hadn't been able to watch TV for many years, but became mesmerized by this news. Now, I find myself watching the tv every evening.

Anyway, if everyone would let me know when they would like to meet for a southern supper, let me know. It would be come as you are Chris. ha-ha Your luncheon today sounds yummy. I love manicotti. I am going to insist that Holly bring her grandson. He is a doll. He would have fun with all my silly dogs.

Sally, good news about your son going to church. There are much worse places he could be, as we all know. ha-ha Anyway, Hart that sure is a cute elephant water can. I like it so much that I bought exactly like it a couple of years ago. ha-ha I have an elephant collection.

I am hoping that all of you will have a great day. See ya later ladies.


Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Wow! It's a warming trend alright. It was 40 degrees when I got up; up to about 45 now. Manicotti sounds good for lunch, Chris.... it may be warmer but because of clouds and ice sheet in back yard, still seems cold!

Sally- Pizza used to be my son's second favorite food. (Mexican is first.) When he came home after his first year at college, I suggested ordering pizza. "No. Please, no more pizza!" He had been eating pizza almost every day. By the end of the summer he was enjoying pizza again.

Ruby- Diana Spencer did have a sad life. If she had lived, she might have continued to use her celebrity and talents for good causes. Very sad.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi all, Well it is "O"fficial. I signed my retirement papers today. March 31 will officially be my last working day. At 55 with almost 32 years of service. I already have a couple of offers to care for some flower beds and do light gardening. Weeding, edging and mulching mostly the spring cleanup kind of stuff. I will give that some thought; mostly I won’t be doing any “real” work until after October. I might pick up a little part-time temp job before the holidays. “If” I feel like it. ;}

I know that some of you are already participating but for those of you that don’t get over to the house plant forum, We have a rooting jar exchange going on over there it is a lot of fun come on over and check it out.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I have wondered if there was a market for 'light' garden care like that. Not that edging and mulching are really light . See plenty of fliers for slash and burn lawn care, not the stuff that takes care and technical know how, My impression. I could see somebody wanting help just to straighten up perennials etc.
Yes the jar exch was a fun idea- I will be sending mine soon. I found a heart shaped little vase yesterday, actually a stoppered bottle, maybe it was for bath salts or something.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Sally, One of the people who asked is a co-worker that has several beds. She has very bad knees and a few other health problems. She is finding it very hard to maintain her perennial beds. One is a neighbor of my Mom's she has a boy that comes and cuts her grass but hasn't had flowers for years. Last year she was always telling my Mom how beautiful her flower beds where and asked if I would be interested in planting several flats of annuals for her. I have a feeling that the job in my parents neighborhood could lead to more work if I want it. Her neighborhood has very nice houses, kind of upper middle class. There are quite a few older people not rich but with enough money to maintain their homes nicely and afford a little help with housework (something I'm not interested in) and yard work (flower beds for me not grass). Also as the older neighbors leave some young professional's are moving into the area. They quite often want their home to look nice but don't want to do the work. Last year as a house warming present for my daughter, I gave them a yard make over. I came in and weeded, mulched, edged put in some new flowers and moved some of her plants around and took out a hedge. She lives in a similar neighbor hood as my parents the homes aren't worth quite as much but still the same type. She said the new neighbors all came over with cookies, cakes and casseroles to welcome them to the neighborhood and they all wanted to know who her yard help was. I think I could easily get some work there if I wanted it, too.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Holly- that's pretty exciting! hope it works out to your liking. Lots of people think we gardeners are working magic when to us is just something you do! I would take yard work over inside work any day-well anyday that's half decent weather......

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I think I would enjoy doing it but I don't really want a lot of work. I have been so looking forward to really digging in here at home. Oh I think the rooting jar exchange is really a lot of fun.

Crozet, VA

Holly - Congratulations on the retirement. I have been retired/disabled since 1993. It certainly has helped my physical and mental health. I have some times thought that maybe I could do something part time and for myself, but always nip that thought in the bud. Your plan sounds like a win-win situation for many and i wish you good luck in doing it.

Where were you employed if you don't mind saying?


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We build field hospitals, send medical material all over the world for any type of disaster. I always said if I'm busy you know something bad is going on some where in the world. I have been very busy for quite a few years. I deal with the hazardous material researching, packing, shipping and certifying. A lot of medical material is hazardous for shipment oxygen cylinders, any kind of aerosol, flammable and non-flammable gases, alcohol, methanol, flammable liquids, a lot of disinfectants are corrosive. I started training my replacement about 3 weeks ago and will be with her till the end of March. There is one other person who does what I do and he will be there till she gets completely on her feet.

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly, congrats to you. Bet you will keep yourself busy with gardening and grandkids. Sounds like you had an interesting job.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Congratulations, Holly on retirement! Very interesting job I bet you closely read the lables in the garden center lol .
Did you get your seeds?


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh yes Chris, I did get my seeds. I should have let you know that they arrived. I will be sending yours out today or Monday. I need to pack up a small jar for the rooting jar exchange and I will be taking both your seeds and the package down to the post office. Holly

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

My helitrope babies are getting their 1st set of true leaves now. So are the coleus, nothing else has germinated, but the rest take longer, I may be sowing some more seeds this weekend depending on how I feel.

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