Soiless medium question

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok... I bought peat and perlite and mixed it and filled my sterilized containers with it before I read about the PH problem of the peat moss. There is not lime in this mix. I have now bought soiless mix with the lime in it. I bought it to use for the rest of the containers I have not filled, but I have enough to replace the ones I already did if I need to. Does anyone have good results with just the peat and perlite? Are there some seeds that would do ok this way?

The reason I ask is that these containers I filled represent many hours of backbreaking work for me, but I want what will work best for my seeds. It is just that if I can use some of them it will save me a lot of time. Also, If I do need to remove the peat perlite mix is there some way I can use it, maybe mixed in with potting soil for adding to plants I already have potted, or for potting up other plants that will need to be moved to larger pots? Could I maybe add it sparingly to my potting soil (not for seeds) in order to use it up and make my soil go further?

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

yardqueen1948, what are you planting? is it something that likes the PH high? I have used a Peat, Compost, Perlite mix that I have never adjusted the PH and have never had a problem. if the plants your using require high PH why not add lime to it, just water it in. lol, Jim

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I'm not sure how finicky some plants are when it comes to Ph. I also put together a soiless mix just like yours. So far, my rudbeckia, and geraniums are coming up. The vinca is lagging, but I don't think that it has had enough time yet. Those are the only ones that I've planted yet because of their long germination time.

Next weekend will be 8 weeks from my last frost date, and that's when I have alot of seeds to plant. I could give you a better idea of how well the mix is working in a few weeks.

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)


I am planting all kinds of seeds! The reason I am worried is that there was a discussion regarding potting soils with peat that include lime but it leaches out in about 6 mo, causing the plants not to be able to take in the nutrients and thus they starve to death if it is not corrected. This was regarading plants in general because the PH was supposed to be so low that it was not good for any plants. Then the discussion turned to peat and perlite mix for seeds versus the soiless mixes that are available with lime and the seedlings are ready to be potted or put out before the lime leaches out.


I would be interested to hear your results. I will also give you mine. :)

I think I have decided that I will leave the pots as they are and plant some of each in pot kinds of mixes and see what happens!
The scientific method...

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