Seed Snatchin' IX - Reminiscin'

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Up here in Alaska, I've got about 6 months before I can start snatchin' seeds again, but I've already started planting them. Meanwhile, I look back over some of my fall pictures when the pickin's were goooood!

This is a continuation of our Seed Snatchin' Saga, so climb on the bus, and let's go seed snatchin' and dumpster divin'. Our last thread was here:

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh, I guess you are telling us to all drag our fannies over here as I type, HUH???

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yep, boy you must have been waiting at the bus stop! Or did you beat us over here!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I saw 'Seeds' and 'Weeze' on the same line and I was here.
I am watching this beauty and hopeing it will mature.
Who all knows what it is?

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Boy, what is it... a brug, a pepper, a piñata??

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Is it a candle tree, parmentiera edulis, sugarweed? I give-up.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Come on, Sugarweed... give us a hint.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm here!! :)
Waiting for it to warm up so I can plant all the bulbs I have obsessively purchased from Costco and Sams Club. I also have a box of seeds to direct sow and I'm getting a little nervous about how far along were getting here. I guess I need to suck it up and get out there in the cold already and do it..



Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well, it's a Brug seed pod.
Susan, have you been in to the Strawbale garden thread, that is so neat.
I've lost the address bar on my screen, so I can't copy and paste.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Nope?? Whats the strawberry garden..........ohhhhhhhhhh strawbale.. You mean growing in bales?? Nope haven't been there.. But I've seen pictures.


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Here you go, they are on thread #6, so there is a wealth of info and you don't have to crawl as much.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

oooooohhhhhhhh my gosh... I just briefly looked and saw his tomatoes.. and I was just about to get out of here! HA.. I'l sneak back up here later and read it all!! Thanks Sidney.


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

My gardening has to happen indoors now. If I wanted to 'suck it up and go out there', I'd need a snow shovel, an ice pick, and some warm clothes... maybe even snow shoes. Meanwhile, I am planting to containers indoors and setting them under lights. I have lobelia, heuchera and pelargonium up and going now, and now I am planting hardy geranium and dianthus. In the next couple days, I will be starting lots of petunia and viola, not to mention some salpiglossis and nicotiana. Of course there is much more to do, but those are the few I'll get done in the next day or two.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I never did start growing under lights as I got distracted by learning how to wintersow and never got the lights.. The wintersowng was so incredibly sucessful that I just thought I'd stick with it. However, we are having freezing temps every night and I have yet to sow my seeds. Last year they were out by January. However, I'm not too nervous as I remember thinking that I could have started later and it would have been just fine. I'm just really looking forward to some warmed temps that would allow me to go out and prepare some areas for some direct sowing I had planned for this year... as well as wintersow the rest in pots. I know that it's not too late.. I'm just wanting to get out there. It's always more work than expected and I need the outdoor time already!

Glad to hear your "gardening" Weezin.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Weez..please tell me what I should do about my nicotiana. My eye sight wasn't good when I sowed the seeds causing me to sow them too thick. They are germinating and look like moss they are so thick. What should I do?


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

What kind of PH meter did you buy and would it be useful in my sandy yard?
Thanks, Sidney

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Deborah, it's easy to sow them too thick because the seeds are so small. I usually mix mine with some course sand so I don't sow too much and they spread evenly. However, to correct the problem you have now, you might want to begin plucking some of them out of there when they get a bit bigger. That will leave more space between the plants and they'll do better. I hate to kill little plants, but I'm sure you don't really want to save 2000 nicotiana!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

The sand tip is ideal. I'll remember it next time. Ok, when they get bigger, I'll commit murder on the weakest.☻

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Weez - talked to my mom today and she told me sis (Debbie) is down from AK and at other sisters house, will be in town this weekend, haven't seen her in a couple of years. As many places as I have lived (the list is extensive) it is hard for me to realize that I have never made it to Cordova, AK. But I've gotten to the age that the "wanderlust" is gone. Guess these hills are as good as any to settle down in.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey Sidney my husband bought it as a Christmas gift..and he's been better about using it than I have. he has really taken charge of my veggies.

Kellway?? I think?? It's in the basement waiting for warmer weather. Sure.. I don't see why it wouldn't work??

Love the bale info. Thanks for the link!!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

As long as I've lived in Alaska, I've only visited Cordova once. I didn't get to see much of it. My second husband, Mike, and I flew over there to pick up a new engine for his Aeronica Champ. For an old time Alaskan, I haven't visited many places. I've been as far north as Fairbanks, but not as far north as Kodiak. I have, however, seen a lot of countryside from the air, since Mike was a pilot and commander of our Civil Air Patrol unit for years.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Weez, Are you making paper pots this year? Did you get a 'new' greenhouse? Inquiring minds want to know!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Oh, yes, my spring preparations would not be complete without making at least 200 or 300 paper pots for nasturtium, canary bird vine, sweet peas, and garden peas. I start them indoors and sell them for 50 cents a piece. You'd be surprised how many I sell, since you can start all those outdoors, if the soil is ready early enough. The paper pots give me a jump start.

No new greenhouse. I have my same little starter greenhouse that will hold about 150 flats, I think, if I'm creative. When that fills up, we set up a tent we purchased from Costco and cover with plastic. Both the tent and the greenhouse are heated with Toyo oil stoves until sometime in May. I have another partial greenhouse that is the remaining portion of a big one that fell in from heavy snows several years ago. It, too, is covered with plastic. This one is unheated and the last stop for seedlings before going out on the tables. Once they go out there, they are covered with row cloth at night to protect them from a sudden frost. Every spring is a real juggling act!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

It makes me appreciate all your lovely flower pictures all the more. I feel spoiled complaining about my "cold weather" !!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I have gardened so long in Alaska that I would not know how to do it in real gardening country! I have a friend who moved to Washington state, and she said it took her two years to realize she could start seeds outdoors! LOL!

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

I knew it! I always picture you making all those paper pots about this time. Shhh, don't tell everyone they can direct seed. They know where to go for their seedlings and annuals. Where do you sell - do people just know to come to your house?


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

We put an ad in the paper a week or so before we open on Memorial Day, but mostly it is word of mouth.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

well we know down here in Marietta... Weezin supplies the city of Seward with all it's pretty.. Word does get around! :)


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Weeziegreens has a plant nursery in Seward. It's way too cold for me.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

The nearest competition is 28 miles north, though there are a couple businesses that bring in bedding plants in the spring. They are done with it by mid June, but I sell plant all summer and fall. Once the annuals begin to look tacky, the perennials are looking good. I don't make a lot of money, but it helps suppliment the Ol' Tomcat's Toyostove business. He's busy in the winter and I'm busy in the summer.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Everyone!! Getting on the bus!! :)

Today my house is being washed and Thursday and Friday I took off for Spring YARD cleanup!!! Who's coming to help? LOL!!! Pruning, grass slashing, and pine strawing big time at my house!! Then Saturday I probably won't be able to move!! LOL!!

Weez that's so funny about your friend that moved to Washington!!! 'Nanny' who lives in Anchorage came down for her annual winter visit a few weeks ago. She's such a hoot!!! Anyway, that's the closest I've been to AK in a long time!

Haven't started one single thing inside this year... :( Too much going on!!! Ok so who's sending me Lobelia!! LOL!! J/K cause you can actually find it around here now!! WOOT!!!


Hey Sidney!! Glad to see you're about!! I may be in your area this summer on a motorcycle trip! :) All girls!! We shall see..

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey Nicole :) Good luck!

And all yall!

I spent yeaterday organizing and cleaning out the garage.. I seperated all my new bulbs I have purchased into boxes designating what part of the garden they will go in. we had some overnight rain and more expected later today, so if I get outside today it may just be good for pulling weeds and cleaning beds.. Hopefully clear skys by Thursday and I can get some of this into the ground :) And hopefully warmer temps.. please warmer temps. ......... oh and I'm going to raid a newspaper recycling dumpster to make paper pots for my seeds! I've used all mine!


Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Susan!!! Good to hear from you!!! It SHOULD be warmer!! At least I am totally buying into the weatherman this week!! LOL!!


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

ughhhh! I believed the weather channel.. and spent the day taking my kids places where rain would be okay.. Went to the aquarium and lunch.. School is out today for teacher workday.. No rain this afternoon yet.. Oh well, can't work outside every day.


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Good grief, I've got 3 feet of snow in the yard and push piles that are at least 7 feet high. There's going to be a lot of cleanup in my yard too, but it won't happen until May, I'm afraid! Now, I've got lobelia... several trays of it. In fact, I've got to start transplanting it soon... 5 or six plants to a plug. It's tedious, but I enjoy it.

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

Hullo all, good to see this is still moving along and you are still all proper Seed Snatchers! I have been 'good' for a long time, only one or two snatches to my name. Winter hit, below freezing from Dec 27 to Feb 3, the damage was beyond words. I think of you in the snow, Weez, and wonder how you do it. Rumor has it that our nights will get up to the 40's by the first week of March and I can get OUTSIDE. Hahahaha.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Good to see you on the bus, Ladyanne! Yes, your spring arrives long before mine. Meanwhile, I am planting the aquilegia seeds I put in the fridge last week, then back to transplanting lobelia. It's a sunny cold day here... just bright enough to see all the dust on the furniture, but too cold to spend much time outside.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Ladyanne, I've beens studing roses like crazy and have seen many of your pics online while looking up my potential selections..Thanks for showing them! :)


Rockford, IL(Zone 5a)

Peeking around the corners, looking front and back....whispering.....

Yep! I'm a seed-snatcher!

I visited Ronald Reagan's boyhood home in Illinois for Salvia seeds! (Red and purple-ish)

It was soooo much fun!



Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

OOOOOHhhhhh my gosh FAMOUS SEEDS!!!!!

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