Lee Blue Jeans

Crozet, VA

Ha -ha, Couldn't remember where all the fashion chat was, so decided to start another one. Hart, I received my 4 paif of jeans. I am lookin' good baby. ha-ha

They fit well except one pair will most likely need hemming. The ones that I ordered are hip hugging bell bottoms. Remember???? These days they are called boot cuts. Two of the pants are blue denim and I also ordered a pair of black and a pair of khaki. I haven't been out of the house most of this week, so I haven't been wearing my braces. I am convinced that even by wearing the braces sporadically, that my posture is better even when I don't have them on. Good, good, good.

Another update. Chris, I had another crown fall off last night while eating dry fruit and nuts. i will be seeing dentist at 1 o'clock today. I will ask if I am a candidate for implants. I really am not thrilled to think of getting dentures, so even with the high price of implants, I would choose that option first. I wish that the money didn't have to go for teeth, but am certainly glad that I will have the money to do it. So....hopefully by the time we all get to meet I will have a great smile and really be stylin' with my bell bottoms. ha-ha

Well, I need to run along and get a shower. Have a great day everyone.


Oh yeah, can't forget the promise of 20 year old looking boobs. ha-ha

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Oaky, Miss Fancy Pants. LOL Oh, yes I remember but the bell bottoms I wore were a lot bigger bells than the boot cuts. LOL

Ruby, surely the doctor didn't tell you to only wear the brace when you're out of the house? That doesn't make any sense. And, yeah, you might be able to convince yourself, "I don't need to wear these thing all the time, see they help even when I only wear them part of the time," but in the long run I'll bet the benefit will be drastically affected.

Now put your new britches on and put those braces on like you're supposed to, darn it!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hope she don't take her love to town with all that goin' on!

Crozet, VA

Ha-ha sally - The big question is.....who would want me in this condition? ha-ha-ha Did I mention that another crown came off two nights ago while I was eating dry fruits? It was a tooth near the front of mouth too, and I can't get the replacement until next week sometime. Man, what is this game/test that God is allowing me to go through? He must think that I was thinking too highly of myself or something. ha-ha Have to laugh, I am a mess and a half. I kind of promised myself last week that I was going to begin "speaking" health words rather than saying things such as, "I am falling apart." I am finding it difficult because things keep happening regarding my body. Oh well.

Actually, with the boot cut blue jean a person cannot even tell that I am wearing braces. A person can hear me coming though, because I squeak. If I tie my shoes tight I don't squeak, but my feet begin to hurt after a while. Right now I am keeping the shoes a bit looser and they make these noises. I guess a person would call this something like - Can't win for losing.

Boy, have I picked up a lot of negative things to say about myself over the years. Gonna work on it, gonna work on it, gonna work on it. I am forever being reminded how powerful our thoughts and words are. I have told my older son and need to remember to tell younger son that what starts out with a thought, leads to a spoken word and ultimatlely becomes a reality. So, that is my main reason for wanting to watch my thoughts and words regarding my body especially at this point.

I hope that I am not having you folks want to vote me out of the group because I have been downing myself so much lately. You might be afraid to meet me at the Plant Swap or somewhere else. Of course, I exaggerate on how I look. I am quite normal until a person takes a long look. ha -ha

Anyway you two, this was a good reminder for me to try and install the positive words that I need to be saying. Must make myself a note and put somewhere that I will see it often. And......oh yeah Hart, Sweetheart, I am wearing my braces this morning in the house. You pointed out my erring ways in quite a gentle manner, and I heard you. Thanks honey.

I will be having a busy afternoon today. Am picking up son at 1:20 so he can go to counseling appointment. He missed last week due to having to take a special test. He seems to like having this guy to talk to, so as long as he will continue going, I will make sure that he gets there.

While he is seeing counselor I will be dropping off something for freecycle and also picking something up at the same time. I have a lot of fun with freecycle. Some things I put on freecycle and some I just take to thrift store as donation. Anyway, need to get up and run along and get chores done before leaving home. I hope that everyone is doing well today.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, it doesn't matter if you squeak! If you have to be uncomfortable, you're going to put off wearing them (just like you're doing.) Just wear the darned things. I would bet the squeaks will stop as they get broken in anyway.

Everyone I know who has crowns has had them break or fall out at some point. And I don't think there's anything you can eat that is more likely to break a tooth or crown than dried fruit.

Look at it this way, if bad things come in threes, you're due for some good things. I'd say some really good things. :>) I am a believer in the power of affirmations.

Here's some:
http://www.ideamarketers.com/posters/ free posters and screensavers

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I don't feel you're downing yourself. I feel you have a platter full going on, too in your life.
From what you say, you have been through a heckuva lot more in life than I have, and I admire your strength in dealing with it. And, you have found something positive for Tucker, and your older son sounds like a sweetheart, and baby on the way, will be a joy! And you mentioned, John is your third time lucky sweetheart. I think I would be scared to death to marry again after two divorces. So, all told, my impression of you is a very strong, resilient, person with several really worrisome things going on.
I think I would notice you squeaking and stylin in those boot cuts LESS than I notice a lot of the kids at the mall here, and by the way, I went to Panera today and was kinda grossed out by the counter girl having a nose ring and lip ring. I just had this gut feeling that she was leaking bodily fluid somehow... eewwwww. I'll take a lady in braces any day!!

Crozet, VA

You two have just sent about the best news that I have heard in a looonnnnngggggg time. Thank you both. Hart, the links are great. I will be sure to incorporate some affirmations in to my day each day. I will definitely begin with the health ones and also loving oneself ones. Thank you so much. I wouldn't have thought of looking for websites to help me with this. Aren't these machines nifty as can be?....a person can find just about anything they can think of just by hitting a few keys. I truly appreciate you taking the time to send these to me.

You have a great ability to pass along bits of wisdom and just good common sense and do it in a manner that it can be received graciously, I hope. Since your messages have been sent and I don't sense any judgement on your part, I am very open to what I am hearing from you. Thank you for making sense of some seemingly non-sensable areas of life. I am glad to have you "on my side."

Sally, you make me laugh. I was not expecting to hear about pierced body parts in your message. I do definetly agree with you though that lip and especially nose piercing are considered somewhere near really gross in my book. Now, for any of you reading this who have either of these things, I hope that I am not offending you. One of my favorite girl friends wears a stud in her nose. I just look past it usually.

I am sure that if I were of "this new culture" and more hip, I would have been one of those who chose to do something along these lines. Way back in the 70's I was considered quite a rebel. And I wonder why I have raised two hippie stoner sons? ha-ha I am encouraged that I straightened up fairly young and at least my older son chose to clean up his act before too much damage was done. I can only hope that the younger son who is just getting in to this "scene" will grow tired before too long of wasting his time and talents.

Believe me, I didn't go in to marriage number three without lots of thought. I was convinced that anything male was basically evil. The thing about John was that he passed every little test that I put him through. I had spent a bit of time in counseling trying to figure out why I had married two abusive men. I found out too. The way that I was raised back many years ago would today be regarded as abusive and neglectful. That is all I knew, so when two men came along and treated me less than respecfully, I thought it was love.

How eye opening it was for me one day when I asked my counselor how her marriage which sounded like it was good and strong, worked. She answered that she and her husband each respected the other. I began thinking and sad to say, I could not say that I respected either of my exes and it was obvious that they didn't respect me. Too bad people have to be reaching middle age to figure things like this out. I looked at John and asked myself if I respected him and the answer was definitely yes, and his actions towards me said that he respected me also. So, yes indeed for me three has been the charm.

I consider myself VERY lucky to have him as my helpmate. I hope that the job isn't getting too heavy for him. I believe that is one of my worst little nagging fears, lurking around in my head, that he will tire of the medical issues and also not find me attractive any longer. I am sensing that an honest and open talk is being required here pretty soon. Let's hope and pray that he will pass this test too.

Anyway, again I thank you both Hart and Sally for the very encouraging words. I feel better than I did when I woke up. Have a great weekend all.


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