green pepper seeds question

East Aurora, NY(Zone 5a)

My sister in law saved seeds from her green peppers last year. Since green peppers are immature red peppers, are the seeds from green peppers viable? I'm wondering about this; I hate to see her waster time planting them. Thanks.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Some may be viable...but a large percentage of them will not. Depends on how close to turning the green peppers were when the seeds were saved.

If they were a hybrid variety, then all bets are off as to what the peppers will look and taste like any way...they won't look like the parent.

East Aurora, NY(Zone 5a)

Thank you; I was guessing that the seeds wouldn't be very good. I wanted to check with people that know what they are talking about! LOL. Thanks.

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