Prime-Jim and Prime-Jan blackberries

Edinboro, PA(Zone 5b)

Stark's catalog features these two blackberries that are said to fruit on both first and second-year canes, in the same way that Autumn-fruiting raspberries like Heritage do. I'm excited, but need your help to decide whether to plant them or not. Does anyone know what their flavor is like compared to, say, Triple Crown and how well they bear? I live in Zone 5. Do you think they need to be pruned like everbearing raspberries or maybe mown down each winter?

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Indiana Berry Co. rates their flavor as excellent....same as Triple Crown. The berries are rated medium size.These are thorny caned.

I let my "everbearing" raspberries fruit twice...all the more so because of Japanese Beetles eating the blooming tips in late summer. I prefer two crops. Indiana Berry favors mowing off in late fall. My experience has been that the JBs have not bothered my blackberries. Course, if you have those beetles and no other crop they like...who knows.

Edinboro, PA(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Indy! Must get Indiana Berry catalog...or look it up here at DG! Thanks! -Brian

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Actually I got my blackberries from Stark's.... the last ones in 3" pots that did perfectly !

Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

bbhow go ahead and try those blackberries. It's fun to try growing new things. If they don't grow or produce well try something else.

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