I'll show you my gardens if you show me you Yours. :o)

Sandy, UT

Thank you... Another corner...

Thumbnail by QuillGordon
Riverview, FL(Zone 9b)

I started doing a few seeds last year and had pretty good results and you get more plants for your money. So this year I am doing more.
So far the ornamental seeds that I have started are-
Cosmos- -2 kinds
sunflowers--3 kinds
pink morning glory bush
and I planted a bunch of different "tropical bulbs" and cannas.

The tropical bulbs and cannas are fairly new to me, so I am excited to see the results.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Quillgarden, fabulous combination - great variety of textures, color, shapes, etc.!

Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

And a corner of a New Zealand garden

Thumbnail by Emelle
Sandy, UT

Not sure if this would classify asCottage but here it goes... My entrance...

Thumbnail by QuillGordon
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Everyones gardens are BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!
I enjoy seeing them and getting new ideas!

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)


Are you a landscaper? Those are GREAT pics!

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Quill, looks cottagey enough to me - lovely entryway!!!

And Emelle, what a beautiful, serene setting you have. Your house is wonderful.

Sandy, UT

No but I swear alot...

Thumbnail by QuillGordon
Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

no but you swear a lot????

WOW, what a stunning entry quill. I have that grass you have by your mailbox. What a neat way to plant it! How many plants of it is there? Looks pretty as a catalog picture!

Sandy, UT

Swearing at plants make them perform much better, well at least for me... I plant four of the Purple Fountains around the mailbox, I'm looking for a pic of what it looks like later in the season but don't have one here at work... I'll look later at home...

Thumbnail by QuillGordon
Sandy, UT

I know I have a pic somewhere of the Fountain Grass more mature around the front mailbox but I can't seem to locate it... Here's one shot on the back deck with the Grass in a container late in the season last year...

Thumbnail by QuillGordon
Sandy, UT

Found it...

Thumbnail by QuillGordon
Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Charming!! Perfect "arrangement" around the mailbox and a lovely home as well! Your driveway is even attractive!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Quill, Very very nice, I've enjoyed seeing all the pics! I'm not a big grass person, but you have done some nice things with them.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

GoNative, I love your path. Need to ask what is the plant on the lower left hand side of Post #3232624?
It sort of looks like little pine trees. Love the blue/green color and texture!

Cicero, IL(Zone 5a)

Dear Toofewanimals,

That little plant is called Myrtle Spurge - Euphorbia myrsinites. It needs well-drained soil. The only reason it's so happy where it is is because I have it on a slight slope. I used to have it on a flat surface and it almost went kaput. It's biggest enemy is heavy, wet soil especially during the winter. Another bonus besides the cool color and trailing habit is the lemon lime bracts in May.

I read out west that it can be rather invasive since the growing conditions are rather ideal: gritty, sandy soil and lower humidity than what we have in the midwest, NE and South.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Ariel, it is good to know I am not the only lurker. I am really more of a picture poster, but, I do lurk :-)

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Riverview, FL(Zone 9b)

Dale, I love all your pictures!!!! Keep on posting them.
It is nice to see all the different thing that can be done.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Sharon I have tons of myrtle spurge here-its invasive!!!! Also the milk that comes out of the plant is bad news, well for me anyway_ I had a allergic reaction to it my face and hands swelled up and were red and itchy! But it is a cute plant and blooms early here! want some?

i cant wait for spring only 16 more days!

Thumbnail by notmartha
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

GoNative, you've done a lovely job, and its so cute that your husbands garden is the pink one! I'm a big pink fan too :)

Quills, you have a great eye for color harmony and texture, a real natural you are! Love all the pics!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

where oh where is spring?

Thumbnail by notmartha
Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

Here in the Southern hemisphere ,we have the first chilly winds of Autumn ,and bulbs are now for sale in the shops.
For me ,my freesias are the first delights of Spring again ,and this was taken last August.Something for you to look forward to. Emelle .

Thumbnail by Emelle
Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Dale, I love it that you are a 'picture poster'! LOL
It's always nice to have a picture attached.

Emelle, What a nice picture of the Freesias. The bulbs won't make it through our winters here in Michigan. I did grow them one summer and found them beautiful, but had so many other bulbs to overwinter, that those did not make the cut.

Enjoy your end of summer and autumn. You gave us many delightful pictures of your summer on your post. I loved your fairy garden. Would love to see some pictures of your autumn.

Dori, don't wish too hard ... makes the waiting harder. I find Feb. the hardest month to get through. March is a tease, but oh, it is a tease of 'spring to come'. It is a wonderful month ... the month the change is in the air. Truly a month to enjoy.
If the myrtle spurge is invasive ... you can keep it. Did look really nice in the picture though. I'll take some of those Lupines though ... especially if they are invasive. One winter I grew Lupines from seed, they bloomed beautifully, but never came back. So the next year I bought a plant, it did not come back the next summer. How long lived are your lupines?

Butterfly daffodil ... some are poking their noses up out of the ground.

Thumbnail by toofewanimals
Cicero, IL(Zone 5a)

Dear Notmartha,

I love those lupines too, they're like crayon colors - so unbelievably pretty. However, what soil type are they growing in? I know from folks further north in Wisconsin they can have them because soil is sandier and more acidic. Two conditions which we don't have here in N. Illinois unless you live right on top of the Lake.

If they can take heavier, black clay soil then I'd definately be interested in trading for some.

Also about the spurge you're right it's poisonous, sorry I forgot to mention that - I wear gloves when dealing with it.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Sharon- i have lupines all over that reseed!! Had them here for yrs and yrs

Go--I have black clayish soil here and everything seems to like it
I wear gloves and long sleeves now if i touch the spurge!!! Live and Learn

Thumbnail by notmartha
Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Getting excited to see some spring blooms ... Chionodoxa 'luciliae'

Thumbnail by toofewanimals
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

spring-i cant wait!!!!

Thumbnail by notmartha
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I can't believe I have tulips! I'd forgotten all about them, then saw them in the refrigerator. Went ahead and put them in the ground about a month ago, and see what's come up!

Thumbnail by brigidlily
Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

I love the cheerfulness of the cottage garden styles that are on these pages - the optimism, and promises of new life ...The bunny is gorgeous !

Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

I hope DG won't mind, but I posted a bunch of pix I took on March 7th over at the "other" website, and would like to use a link so I don't have to post them all over again. Please note they are all in one thread, so those of you who have dial-up might have to be a little patient! Hope everyone enjoys them:

Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

For us ,Autumn is approaching with its own beauty .
My very much loved Gingko tree -last Autumn ,and not starting to change colour into the buttery yellow yet this year..

Thumbnail by Emelle
Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

brigidlily, tulips, Love them!

JK, I went to your 'other thread'. LOL Very nice. I'm so jealous of all the 'hard scape' you have in your yard.

Emelle, I finally saw a Ginko Bi-loba in person. Has to be one of the most unusual leaves there is. We were scouting out Universities for my daughter, walking across campus, when she said, "Can you tell me the name of this tree, Mom?". I think her jaw dropped open when I got it right (the tree had a tag which I couldn't see, but she could). But my jaw dropped open when I saw the outstanding leaves of the Ginko Bi-loba! You are so lucky to have one planted in your yard.

Edited to say that we saw the tree in August 2006.


This message was edited Mar 12, 2007 9:32 PM

Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

The 'label 'story is so funny ,T F, Is your daughter at that uni now ?
I appreciate the gingko very much -it is so beautiful all year round -stays an elegant shape ,even in Winter when it is deciduous, it has a lovely tracery of branches.I have heard its leaves are good for something medicinal ,but can't remember what exactly .
A picture taken in December .Previous owner here planted a 'Uetersen 'rose underneath it ,which does surprisingly well in the shade .It is looking down our drive from the house deck..

Thumbnail by Emelle
Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

And another view from over the fence ,taken in December .The coral flowers are cannas with dahlias in front .
In the foreground Agapanthus .

Thumbnail by Emelle
Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi everybody, I haven't been gone, just quiet. have been a sowing fool, and now that things are up and germinating, we're having a night of 25° temperatures forecasted for Friday :((

The pictures have been outstanding!!!! Quill -- love those white birches in front of the house-- outstanding! Dale_a -- the pictures of the client's with the baby delphiniums are wonderful! I need some little planting strips like those, but all my spaces are a lot bigger and I can't copy! Toofew -- Good job on the "what is it" question -- kids need to know their mothers know everything LOL! The ginko comes in a male and female. One literally stinks and the other is wonderful and I can't remember which is which, but if you ever get one, have it sexed first! Emelle, The path picture might just be my favorite!
GoNative -- nice job with the placement of your natives and NotMartha, wonderful as always....your garden must be HUGE! Jkom, Yes, the hardscape is wonderful -- nicely planned and executed! Of course I hardly recognise any.d of the flowers, are those really freesias? You would howl if you saw what they look like here. And Bridgidlily -- along those same lines, I'm not sure what to say about your tulips when you worked so hard cooling them, but I swear, I am not laughing! ~snick.


Maben, MS(Zone 7b)

QuillGordon can you tell me what type of grass that is you planted in the corner? It is so pretty.

castel sant'elia, Italy

Every day I visit this forum and I enjoy seeing your beautiful pictures.
Please Toofewanimals,dale-a-gardener.Notmartha,GoNative send other pics.
I am in abstinence!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Yellowkid, abstinence is not a good thing when it comes to gardening. LOL

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

toofew is correct -- "just say no" does NOT apply here!!!

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