Not enough seeds

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I just finally got the data base done for my winter sowing. Now that that is done I need to order more. Last year I had 70 varieties and this year I only have 64.

Maybe I should start planting and then order more.

How about the rest of you, is anyone else procrastinating like I am?

York, PA

I have the opposite problem... too many seeds. The procrastination I can relate to. I can't seem to stop buying seeds (over 250 at last count) but have only sown 20. I need to get my rear in gear and get them done. Hope I don't procrastinate when it's time to plant out!


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

If I had that many I would need to move to plant them.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I did 80 containers last year, much too much. I was determined to do less this year. I looked back at my records from last year- 30 containers done by this time, same as this year. And I haven't started annuals, for which I have a million seeds, and all of which I want to grow. God help me.


York, PA

LOL Zen! We have a few acres that desperately need landscaping so I've given myself permission to overdo it. Probably not the best plan but fun just the same.


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I have a small urban yard. I do have room for more, although I did promise DH that I would only expand one garden this year and not make any new. Fortunately we do have a lake cabin that needs natives so a lot of what I plant will go there.

I am not big into annuals so I think I only have 2 or 3 kinds in the works.

The garden that is going to be expanded is almost all sedum and I will just be dividing them to make the expansion.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Other seed possibilities:

(Zone 6a)

I have a million seeds, and all of which I want to grow. God help me.

LOL! I hear you Karen! I'm determined to make a new bed this year to put my soon to be masses of WS'd plants in. Of course if I had my way there would be no grass!


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I am one of the no grass people, but I promised DH no new beds this year. He really like winter sowing thought so who knows maybe he will change his mind.

I have been paging through some catalogues today.

Thanks for the tips Shirley1

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Shirley, if I put in my zip code for Walgreen' seeds. guess they don't have them in this area :-( not that I need more, but at 10/$1 I'm sure I could find something LOL. I picked up a few today anyway, cosmos, cinnamon basil, pink baby's breath, lavender 'Lady', and bachelor buttons.

hear, hear!! on the no-grass issue. but I think DH and I are in agreement. just got a loooong way to go. and we spent a lot of money putting in the lawn. I think it will cost a lot more to get rid of it (hee, hee)

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Perhaps Walgreen's seed coupon was a local ad. Sorry about that.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Gram: No, it's easy and cheap to convert lawn to flower beds- lasagna garden style. All you need is trashed cardboard and yard waste.

My husband thinks we should have a concrete yard- just pour concrete over it all.


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

It's also pretty neat if you join up with a member or two to buy from a particular supplier. I've done it with a couple of times and it's worked out great. We shared a few packs and recieved whole packs of the things that each of us specifically wanted but the others didn't. One member will order and recieve the whole order, we send our portion of the payment and an SASBE and the seeds are shipped to their respective owners. It's especially ideal if a supplier has a minimum order requirement.

I'm still shopping although I have way more than I could ever use:LOL: I tend to try to gather up some unique items for swaps or trades while the seeds are available and I've got the "seed fever"=D

Regarding the concrete yard, my pop threatened to do the southwestern lava rock and cactus yard when we lived in NM. My mom and I won and we didn't end up with the rock quarry yard. I know its a xerascaping thing but we lived in an older established yard neighborhood and no one in our 20 block development had a yard like that. I still remember freaking out when a new neighbor bought the house next door to us and ripped out a 30 year old gianormous weeping willow and the 20 year old ring of 5 ft tall by 4 ft deep wisteria that surrounded the base of the trunk. Sick sick people!

This message was edited Jan 31, 2007 9:15 PM

(Zone 6a)

Hmm.....I don't think the concrete yard is for me.....I'd prefer to rip out all the grass, buy 100 more types of seeds(or I'd intend to buy 100 and end up with 200) and have a hayday with it all. Such fun that would be....

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I got some in the mail today from a trade and I am now putting together an order from J. L. Hudson, I always order some from them.

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