Bad doggy!

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

I was walking in the backyard and something caught my eye. As I walked closer, I realized that it was one of my milk jugs that had been decimated by my naughty dog! It was #1, the very first thing I WS. I'm glad I kept notes so that I can redo it (it was the red and white orgami columbine). Thank God it was only 1 jug and not all of them. I guess I will have to move them off the deck to the porch and hope the neighborhood cats don't mess with them! Tamara

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


I feel for you! My naughty dog did the same thing last year with several of my milk jugs. She carried them around by the handle like trophies, shook them vigorously until all the contents were strewn all over my yard, and then proceeded to bat the empty containers around like balls. I was very upset with her and scolded her. So far this year, she hasn't touched any of my containers. They are on our deck wedged between 2 chairs. She's been a good girl so far....

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Ouch! Those origami seeds aren't cheap, either. I've sown some, too.


Huntington, WV(Zone 6a)

Whoops, I misinterpreted what you meant by #1!

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

LOL gdionelli! Shirley, Oh boy, do I feel for you! I would have had a fit if she had done that!!! The winter before last, my DH and I saw her flinging something up in the air and then catching it and shaking it. We were horrified, as we thought she finally had gotten one of the squirrels that always elude her. It was dark, so it was hard to see, but I walked outside to put an end to the torture. Turns out the "squirrel" was my pennisetum 'Karley Rose'! I had purchased it that fall (one of my first online purchases) and was very excited. She had dug it up and was using it as a toy. grrr.... She has dug large holes in containers, trampled my spring bulbs...just yesterday, she ripped up a peat pot that had a begonia cutting in it! If she weren't so beautiful, she'd be out of here! ;-) Tamara
p.s. Here's Kiara, the garden killer

Thumbnail by zone5girl
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Kiara is a beauty, though. bet it's hard to stay mad :0)

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Kiara, the garden killer, is gorgeous! What a beautiful face and such big brown eyes...hard to be mad at her for very long, but I certainly can understand your fustration!

Here is Ginger posing for the camera and exhibiting her good behavior.

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
North West, OH(Zone 5b)

LOL I love this thread! Not the loss of Tamara's columbine of course, but getting to hear (and see) all the dog stories and thank my lucky stars that Aldo has finally graduated beyond the "everything is for me" stage. Oh my! He used to bring the neighbor's belongings up onto the porch in such an unrecognizable state that I could never hope to find their original owners.

Is Kiara still a pup Tamara? Two seemed to be the magic number for Aldo... when he stopped terrorizing the neighborhood and everything that wasn't nailed down in it. (Now watch me have to eat my words when the king of the hill fetches a container of my english daisy seeds to the front door.)

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Aw, I haven't put out any of my milk jugs yet because I just know they will be toys to Jolly. At not yet a year (2/15) he is not no way a good boxer baby yet.

Thumbnail by KatyMac
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Lala_Jane: Please post a picture of Aldo, your 'king of the hill'.

KatyMac: Aawww, another Boxer! Aren't they terrific? I would love to see Jolly's face. The rest of her is beautiful. Yes, Boxers do tend to be children at heart. Now, you understand why Ginger thought the milk jugs were just grand and carried them around the yard like she does with her toys. I hope this year she's grown out of that stage!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Here's my baby Shirley. I just went out and took this photo while he was romping in the snow. He absolutely loves it will soon be muttering under his breath when I have to leave for work and he has to come in the house.

Thumbnail by Lala_Jane
Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

All the dogs are so cute! How do all of you keep your dogs out of the garden? Kiara is 3, but huskies are natural diggers, so I don't know if she'll ever outgrow that (she's a husky/shepard mix, but her personality is very husky). 5 days ago, we took in another dog (found as a stray, the people who found her couldn't keep her because their dog didn't like her). She's definitely still a pup...they estimated about 8 months old. Shelby is just adorable, but she has some issues! She tries to lick my son's bottom when I'm changing his diaper (eewwwww!) and she also tries to hump my boys. She weighs more than they do, so I have to keep an eye on her. I have some large planters outside and found her standing in one of them today. Then, later on, I was looking for her and couldn't find her--I looked over and she was ON TOP of the grill! This dog is nuts, but the way she hops around like a rabbit and stares up at you with her floppy's just so sweet I can't be mad. Here's our latest addition, Shelby:

Thumbnail by zone5girl
Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Here's her cute face:

Thumbnail by zone5girl
Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

And playing in the snow:

Thumbnail by zone5girl
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Lala_Jane: Your Aldo is a sweetie. He even sat patiently for his picture to be taken. Good dog!

zone5girl: Shelby is darling. Since she has a natural ability to jump, perhaps an agility course would give her a good workout. Agility & obedience classes are given through local dog training clubs.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

HI All,
Marie told me I needed to check out this thread and post a pic of Mooshka. She is our 12 year old Siberian Husky aka, queenie, missy may, nosey posey. She is spoiled rotten and we absolutely love her like crazy. She is so spoiled that if you give her the treat she doesn't want, she will turn her nose up at you until you give her the one she has a taste for. Here is a pic of her favorite position

Thumbnail by GardenGeek_WI
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

This is a closer shot of her, she's always the little lady and has her legs crossed,,,lol seriously!


Thumbnail by GardenGeek_WI
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I've learned that I really can not plant anything within the fenced yard.

The first year, when he was still teething, he chewed my clematis thru the fence -- he got 2 out of 3 of'em.
I think all i have in the yard is hen's-n-chicks. all else is outside the fence.

here's my boy -- I couldn't find him for a while, then i heard weird scratching -- so i peeked out my living room window....
he got himself stuck under the fireplace... (he smelled a rabbit that had slept under there) It's since been filled in.

The look in his eyes said "Help mom... I'm stuck!!"

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Kelly -- your dog is beautiful!!

My Bud crosses his legs too.

here's where he got Eyeore... poor guy lasted over 2 yrs before the head came off, though that button on tail lasted 30 seconds.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OK -- one last one.

he LOVES to destroy containers of all shapes and sizes.... so for my SW'ing containers
they will have to go on the side of the house, where it is not fenced, so he can't get at'em.

This message was edited Feb 2, 2007 11:34 AM

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

GG--She is GORGEOUS! Those blue eyes are really striking! Did you ever see the movie Eight Below? It's an awesome movie based on a true story about a husky and malamute sled dog team. She looks just like some of the dogs in the movie.
Shirley--if I had time for obedience classes, I'd send my 3 boys first! ;-) Tamara

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

tcs--He is so adorable! Does he have shepard in him? Tamara

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

yes - he is half long hair GSD and half OZ cattle dog.

he's a great dog with TONS of personality.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Thanks all. Yes, I saw 8 below and I cried all the way through it. Kept thinking what if that was Mooshka. I know Exactly how that guy felt.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

GardenGeek_WI: What a beauty!Those blue eyes just melt your heart. I love how she crosses her legs....that is so sweet!

tcs1366: Wow! Bud certainly gets into some tight spaces! He has such an expressive face and he knows you'll be there to get him out of jams. Ginger also enjoys playing with plastic containers and bats them around the yard. They roll so nicely and she plays a game of chase with them.

zone5girl: It sounds like you've got your hands full between the kids & the dogs. How old are your boys?

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Noah is 17 months, Connor is 4 (but he is developmentally delayed, so he acts like a 3 y.o.) and Braedon is 6. I definitely have my hands full! :-) Tamara

Thumbnail by zone5girl
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Thank-You, we think she's pretty speshul.

What a bunch of cuties you have there.


Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Kelly! I think so too. ;-) Tamara

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Tamara: What a cute picture of your boys. Are they your garden helpers?

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

If you define helpers as "those who step on mommy's plants" then, yes, they sure are helpful! ;-) Tamara

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I find that both 2 legged and 4 legged 'helpers' step on plants. Plants have to be hardy to survive or they end up on the compost pile!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I had a lil helper once.... as I was planting the flowers, he was right after me pulling them all up, shaking the dirt out of the rootballs.

That was the last year I tried planting flowers in my back yard (1991)

here he is in his favorite hole that he dug under my dogwood

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

tcs: Oh No!!! Bad doggy....but one couldn't stay angry with him for long with such a beautiful face. Sometimes, dogs dig holes and lie in the dirt to stay cool and I believe it also helps to keep the flies & mosquitoes away.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I knew I'd eat my words. I just knew it. Last week when we had the big blizzard I passed my time winter sowing 6 2 liter jugs of seeds. There's been too much snow to tote them into the back yard, so they're been sitting on the front porch right by the door. Tonight Aldo wanted in the house. Bad. When I ignored his first "request" to be let inside he jumped up on the door guessed it...... wiped out 2 of the containers. GRRRRR!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


>>but huskies are natural diggers, so I don't know if she'll ever outgrow that (she's a husky/shepard mix, but her personality is very husky).

my dog, the one 2 posts up, Rex, when we got him they told us he was Sheppard/Husky, but then add Lab/Chow to the mix (He was a good boy) but when he was young... say under 3, boy was he a digger. I tried to keep the digging under control, and just let him have that one hole -- the one he's laying in, in that photo.

but yes, as he aged, he grew out of it... But i have to say - for a while it was fun to watch... but he'd big the ground then lay in it -- i'm guessing to keep cool. he didnt like the heat at all - happiest in the snow. he had a dog door at our last house, and if there was a snow storm, he'd be out on the deck laying in the snow, half covered. That is when he was happiest. Heat, forget about it. Once it hit 70°, he was miserable... we thought that was the Husky in him... liking the cold.

The very last photos i have of him is him laying in the yard - it was around new years - and i'd wrap a down blanket on him so he could enjoy the outdoors.... he passed a week later.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, tcs, I'm so sorry! He looks like such a sweetie pie! Kiara *was* starting to mellow out...before we got Shelby! Now she thinks she's a puppy again. Shelby really is a puppy (8 month old border collie) and she is very naughty! Yesterday, she ate the vacuum cord like it was a chew toy!!! I found chunks of it in the kitchen. *sigh* I recently discovered she chewed the bark off of my Rose of Sharon. grrr... And, she sits in my big pots! It is really hilarious...I am trying to get a pic, but I have to wait for when she can't see me. Tamara

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

She sounds hysterical to watch. Gotta love that puppy stage,,,lol

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Um my dog? Wiped out my jugs? Get it? I had been bragging on him earlier in the thread? Guess it was only funny to me :-P

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh no! Bad doggie, Aldo!! Time to find a new spot for your wintersown containers, so that Aldo won't demolish them.

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