February Bingo Game..Please join our game!!!!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi everyone, I am very excited about hosting the February Bingo Game. Our theme is "LOVE" and so I asked for names and pictures of the one AV you love the most and many have sent those in to me, they are all included in my list. Thanks for your contributions, the names, the prizes and the help you have given me!

I have a list of fifty names...please choose fifteen and dmail your cards to Moretz at:
http://davesgarden.com/mail/pmail.php?user=moretz , no later than February the third. We will begin our game on February the 5th! Thanks so much for holding the cards!!!!

First Prize (many donors, thanks!!!) will be a gift certificate for $50.00 to the Garden Site of the winners choice.

2nd Prize (donated, what a great gift!) is a gift to AVSA for one year (USA funds/out of Country pays difference)

3rd prize Mel Robey's hardcover book (also donated, thanks so much!) Shipping paid by Winner.

I will be posting pictures of the calls, and letting you guess what they are before I give you the names. I will be calling a minimum of two per day, but may call as many as four....at different times of the day. Some early in the day and some very late evening (for me) so the West Coasters will have some "first" calls, a lot of the East Coast players will be in bed by then...just thought that would make it more fun for them!

With fifty names, it could go more slowly, but with more calls per day it could also be very quick...according to how lucky you "pickers" are...lol

Here are your names: Everyone ready??? HERE WE GO
Bingo Calls for February’s Game

1. Buckeye Candy Kisses
2. Buckeye Especially Mine
3. Buckeye Everlasting
4. Buckeye Love’s Caress
5. Cherries n’ Cream
6. Cinnamon Candy
7. Deadly Sting
8. Dean’s Cupid
9. Decelle’s Caresse
10. Fickle Flirt
11. Frosted Whisper
12. Frozen In Time
13. Icy Hot
14. Irish Flirt
15. Jill’s Big Blue Noid
16. Jolly Valentine
17. Laser Celebration
18. L’Heure Bleu
19. Lillian’s Sparkler
20. Luverly Wasp
21. Makin’ Romance
22. Mickey Mouse
23. Mosaique
24. Mother’s Love
25. My Joy
26. Ness’ Candy Pink
27. Ness’ Blueberry Kiss
28. Okie Easter Bunny
29. Opera’s Juliet
30. Opera’s Romeo
31. Optimara “Annabelle”
32. Optimara Ever Love
33. Passion Purfect
34. Penny Lover
35. Pillow Talk
36. Purple Passion
37. Rebel’s Restless Heart
38. Rhapsodie Candy
39. Rob’s Love Bite
40. Rob’s Macho Devil
41. Rose Bouquet
42. Royal Wasp
43. Ruffled Romance
44. Smooch Me
45. Southern Sugar
46. Spring Kiss
47. Suncoast Perfect Kiss
48. The King
49. Vampire Kiss
50. Victorian Flirt

Thanks for playing and I hope we have a wonderful game with lots of laughter and fun!!! If I forgot anything, let me know...this is my first time hosting, but I saw so many beautiful pictures, I thought of several more "themes" that would be fun!

This message was edited Jan 29, 2007 10:27 AM

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Got my card in!!! My pick wasn't picked :~(( Waaaaaaaa!! LOL Just Kidding!

This will be a fun game!! Off to study all these AVs so I'll know what the pics are!!


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh FDRDRATAT!!!! I am so sorry, I have the picture too...I hate that I missed it...I really tried to make sure I had them all included before I posted, hope I didn't leave anyone else's off...I forgot to tell you I am mentally challenged too...LOL Thanks for being a good sport...maybe I could add it before anyone else gets their card in....what do you think...

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay, I dmailed you...I fixed it since noone else had done their card yet...thanks so much for sending me a pick and a picture...I love the one you sent too, it is so unusual!!! If you want to put it on your card, just explain to Mortez, and tell her to throw out the first card and keep the new one...thanks again...and please excuse my brain drain!!!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

May I play too? Sending my card in...........

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

mgh! Welcomed, yes....tell everyone you know to come and play...we want lots of players....Debbie, you too..tell all of your DG buddies to come and play.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

please when you dmail me your cards please put AV bingo in the subject line,i am holding cards for 2 bingos and it would make it alot easier on me if you would do that ,thxs so much
and we are off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh, Mortez, you are brave...LOL two different Bingos....sorry I didn't give them better instructions....PLEASE PUT AV BINGO in the subject line when dmailing your cards to Mortez!!!! Thanks

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

yes i am trying to lol and i hope i can succed(sp?)i wanted to help out this time so i voluntered to hold the cards for both bingo games this time so someone else could win and have as much fun as i did
thxs bunches

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Little help for new players or new Dg friends here is moretz link to her Dmail box !
Yes please remember to put Av/gesnerida Bingo on subject
Even helpful if you send her your full name and mailing address then she will have this to send to Janet with your confirm Bingo card to get your gifts !
I'm so excited ! Invited new friends to come join us ! Maybe they never grew an African violet in their life and would love to learn how much fun it is ! I am hoppen lol for zillions of players ! Yeah :))
Thanks so much Janet for the fun game and moretz for holding cards
and all gift donators and to everyone that plays !!

This message was edited Jan 29, 2007 8:32 AM

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

uuuuummmm......not to sound picky or anything, but her name is moretz, not mortez. :o)

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i was going to say something but then i decided not too lol.yes it is moretz but no biggy lol
please oh please put which bingo game youre in in the subject line of your dmail please,cant stress this enough lol

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Moretz, thanks for holding the cards! One thing I found helpful when I did that (for just one game though -- you're brave!) was to make a separate Dmail folder for the game and put all the Dmails with cards into it... you could do something similar with making 2 new Dmail folders and sorting the cards for each game into them. (On your mail page, click on the blue word "Folder" and you'll see where you can "add a new folder.")

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i have already done that lol but thxs,as long as they will lmk which one they are from i dont think i will have any trouble,so PLEASE PUT WHICH GAME YOURE PLAYING IN THE SUBJECT LINE
sorry but i dont have time to search you down in the forum i have a sick child with the flu right now and i dont have time,sorry i hope this dont sound mean and i dont want it to but i really dont have time to go searching right now,she has been sick since yesterday, and throwing up all day and i get on here when she FINALLY goes to sleep,which it dont last long so i have to do this in a hurry lol,so please help me out here ok? or it will take longer to variefy when the time comes.thxs

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I am so sorryabout messing your name up...I have an older friend that is named Mortez, and that is what I saw when I read your name...everytime, never noticed it...thanks so much for pointing it out to me. Moretz, I do hope your baby gets better, they are so pitiful when they are sick like that....stay well yourself too....thanks again!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

So sorry to hear your little one is sick.... hope she's better soon!!

I'm glad you knew about the mail folders, because even with everybody putting "AV BINGO" in the subject line that'll make things easier on you... I wouldn't have mentioned it, except that I think I'd been subscribed for a year before I figured out that I could make additional mail folders!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

yes she is pittifull, she cant eat if she does it comes back up and cant take any medicine because it come back up,and she hasnt slept good in 2 days but she did let me get some sleep last night thank goodness but she has stopped throwing up so far today but she wont take anything but something to drink which is fine by me as long as i can keep her from getting dehydrated i will be fine with her not eating lol,she is sleeping off and on,she says she cant sleep because she hurts to bad or acks so bad and still running a fever which i did make her take something for that,i had to fight her on that one because she hates throwing up but she needs to try to take something to help some of her pain lol so i hope i can get her feeling better soon thxs

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

well i read somewhere that this one person wanted to know how to keep track of their trades better and they suggested the folders and that is how i knew lol,thxs though moretz

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Janet, maybe you could edit the first post on the thread to include the instruction to put "AV BINGO" in the subject line when Dmailing your card...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL, it sounds like we may have both learned about the folders from the same thread... that sounds familiar!

Hope your daughter is getting a little rest and keeping down the meds so her fever goes down.... saying a prayer for her to feel better and for the rest of your family (especially you!) to stay well.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I will edit tomorrow...I edited the threads to correct Moretz name and have used all my edits for the day..LOL and I still didn't get them all corrected..so hopefully everyone will see the BOLD messages I have left concerning it and I will try to remember to add that tomorrow....

NOt sure how old your child is, but I know they told my daughter to just try to keep a teaspoon of gatorade every fifteen minutes or so in her little ones to help keep them hydrated...as long as they would keep it down...if they keep it down every fifteen is good, if it come back go to a teaspoon every thirty minutes etc...until you can work up to the fifteen minute period...they did pretty well with this method and kept them from getting dehydrated, hopefully it will be much better tomorrow...and then you will have to make her take it easy with food, because they are always starving the next day..LOL

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

well this is the 2nd day for her and she tried eating saltine crackers last night to settle her stomach but didnt wok so i am trying to keep sprite in her,i will have to get gatorade amd try that sounds like it would work better,on the sprite i read to get the carbon out and room temps before i give it to her and that has seem to help,she is almost 13,will be in may, aa teenager!!!!!!!! boy my work is cut out for me lol but she is great kid i cant complain, and thxs so much for the info will try that

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Bless her little heart!!! I can honestly say neither of my girls ever gave me a minutes worth of worry....now my son was and is another story! LOL

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

lol thxs

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Just sent my card via d-mail. Thanks for letting me join and a bigger thanks to JanetS and Moretz for hosting the bingo game!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i am so glad i could help,it has been fun for me and now i want you all to know how much fun it is hehehehe


Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Bump ~ Players one and all here is thread you pick your names for Bingo cards !
Please pick 15 and Dmail them to Moretz . The game will start Monday the 5th giving weekend people time to get their cards in too !
Please put Av Bingo in Subjest
Nice if you give her your full name and mailing address so she will have when she verfies your card to give to people taking care of prizes !
Good luck everyone !

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)





Hostess: JanetS
Card Holder: Moretz Please put Bingo for African Violets in subject line when dmailing cards.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Ok I'm in

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Yeah ! Great to have you ! Good luck have fun !

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i'm in it too. hello everyone. i don't get it yet. i am trusting janet. lol. so moretz if i did it wrong when i sent you my list lmk. also, i didn't look any of these up. know nothing of these african violets. so moretz i chose my names strictly on a psychological level . so now you know how ambivalent and at odds my brain is. lol.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i didnt know none of these ones i drew last time either lol but i have luck on my side hehehehe, so you might be the winner and not know it yet lol it is so much fun and you will enjoy it,i didnt know how to play either,so if you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask ok,we are here to help you and make it fun for you to play they did for me and i cant wait until i can play again lol
thxs for joining you wont regret it
p.s. and you did your card great thxs bunches

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Wlecome Barb!! You will enjoy....it can get pretty crazy and lots of these folks are wee hour lurkers and chatters too....we have brownies and cookies at the oddest hours...don't we ladies!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Janet, You know I'm always up! Maybe not too alert, but up never the less.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I have found there are a lot of people up at the darndest hours...LOL Allison has been known to go to bed and get up in the middle of the night too...I have seen just about all of you on here late at night and in the wee hours of the morning ..... isn't it great that we are not governed by a clock, and have this forum to visit with others any time of day!

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Sure is great ! If we can't sleep in our home we get up watch TV have a snack dadda :)) And go back to bed.
DG friends 24/7 !
Hi Mama nice to meet you !
What's really fun I think if I recall correct sorry if I'm wrong it's fun anyways, but when the plant is called Janet has been posting their pictures ! It's enjoyable to see all the pretty flowers and learn about new plants !
Have fun and Good luck :))

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

It is the best part to me Allison, to see the plants, and I have chosen a lot that I have never seen for this game...had tons to choose from too..it was hard to just pick fifty..LOL I saw some with names of "places" "people names" 'emotion names" "Indian culture names" just so many that were unreal in their beauty too...I never had a clue till I started playing and got some leaves from several of you here....it has been a great learning experience and just plain fun!

(Zone 1)

I think someone has already agreed to host March Bingo .... a GREAT theme for that game would be: "St. Patty's Day, or any plant with Irish in the name!

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Janet you have a great list ! :))
Yes we do have a Host for March ! She must have something Special planned ::)

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

so moretz, will you be calling out the names? i have questions. is this how it works............we all pick 15 names. do you moretz, or whoever is doing the name calling put all of these names (50 plant names one time) in a hat and pull a few out every day? then you post them and nothing happens till we get down to the day that number 15 and after comes up. then the excitment and anticipation builds to a frenzy. and everybody is shouting and squealing about what they have left in order to win? did i get it?

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