New to composting - does this composter look worthwhile??

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Let's not forget our friends the worms! They will happily turn your compost for you. They just do it in smaller portions. :)

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

No no one new has contacted me. If you remember the name let me know. D

San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

lasagne gardening question mark

This is the first time I've seen the term. I'm going to poke around and see if I can find a definition, now, with my curiosity antennae all a wiggle.

As to the rolling compost bin $350-$400 vs. the stackables $35-$40, all I can say is that the black stackable we bought through the county recycling works for $35 is doing great for us. It's not the kind with the door in the bottom third, but is in three stacking sections - when it's time to turn, I just pull the top section off, place it where it's going, and move the top of this to the bottom of that, and rake the good dirt at the bottom around to where I want to plant. We're slowly rehabbing a portion of our landlady's assiduously ignored for seven years while she was out of the country big back yard this way, and love it. I don't imagine that turning a big barrel would be any better for a bad back than taking smaller fork- or shovel-fuls at a time in turning, and by the time it is, I could anticipate hiring a sturdy neighbor kid...

Peoria, IL

I think the biggest problem with the brand name machines is their price. If money is no object, then go ahead and get one.

(I rarely turn my pile, but I still get compost.)

Greensboro, AL

There is a guy here in Alabama that has a web site yo might want to check with.

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

White, the link didn't work for me...Can you try to resend it?


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