deal or no deal at Home Depot

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Amaryllis, white christmas or another white w bare pink edge-$3.50
Red daylilies growing in the bag also half off, and some hyacinths and bearded iris.....Looks like the rack got rained on once, but the am, paperwh and daylilies would be OK I think.

It's so tempting- wasn't planning or needing these things but......
And the sparrows driving me crazy chirping the whole time...
Thing I'll go back in a week and see if they're down more. It's that or throw them away. hell-O

Gloucester, MA

I got a amaryllis kit at sam's club, it was a mark down only 3 left, it came with 3 red amaryllis bulbs, soil, and a metal container.

But it all seems like a good deal to me.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally is this the one in Bowie or one of the Annapolis stores(450 or Forrest Dr)?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Pasadena - where Mountain Road meets Ritchie Hwy. Had quite a few unless they go and throw them away. There's another bigger HD in Glen Burnie, Ordnance Road, course don't know if they have these bulbs. Guess you could call. I tend to forget that I can try calling the store to ask questions, duh.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Cool, I actually know where both of those roads are, LOL.

I forget about being able to call all the time, of course I also figure that no one will understand what Im talking about so it would be easier for me to, um, check it out, yeah, just window shopping............

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

The Pasadena HD in part of a really long shopping center at that intersection; the HD faces Mountain Rd.
Well, very true that I figure it will be much more efficient and less aggravating for me to drive o a store( not too far) and look myself, than deal with the phone call to the big store/transfer to department/ nobody there to pick up or can't answer. I did enjoy browsing the steamy dripping plant aisles, refreshing my memory on some ID's and see what's new. Everything looked pretty healthy. Homestead Gardens is really a hike for me or I'd go there more often.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

I love Homestead Gardens except for the fact that they are soo expensive, even with their shoppers card.

Come spring or summer and your out this way again you need to go look at Maine's, when you leave Homestead make a right on 214 and go about 3-4 miles I think, make a left on Riva Rd(at the flashing lights and gas station) and a few yards up it will be on your right hand side. Not huge like homestead but a nice selection and decent prices, I can usually find at least one thing to carry around with me so no one else pics it up, LOL.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I have actually been to Main's a long time ago 15 plus yrs.. Glad they're still in business. I think I got my antennaria(pussytoes) there. I think I remember some interesting stuff there. I could get there a little quicker than Homestead. Thanks for the reminder.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

No problem, I like going there especially because it seems more welcoming and yes you can find some interesting stuff there.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sally, if you need more pussytoes, be sure to let me know. It grows wild here and I have as much as you could ever want.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey, nice offer! Bought them for the cute name factor. I read only last year that they prefer or need good drainage; I had them in poor drainage and they were in patches. WHat kind of site do they like? I moved some to the base of a maple in the fall to see what they'll do. Also that they are a host for some BF larva but never saw any on mine.
If I go out tonight I'll check at HD and if any cheaper, buy something. Dravencat, if they are I'll let you know

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Cool Thanks!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I would say grow them almost like cactus. Here, they thrive in the driest, hottest, sunniest spots in the yard. I don't know how well they would do in shade. They don't grow here at all in any of the shady spots, but then it could be they are getting too much competition there and do well in the spots where nothing else will grow and compete.

The pussy toes are cute in the spring but they come out so early, I don't think there are any butterflies around at that time. They are natives in some of the warm southwestern states too, so maybe they attract butterflies there.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Still no deal for me, still half price. Some gone but still some of above, the amaryllis are labeled Johnson(white with tiny red/pink edge) and Christmas Gift all white. I think the red daylilies were gone......some Chionodoxa..

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Ah well, too bad its not Lowes, they almost always lower their prices so things will fly off the shelf. Alot of times if I ask they will lower a price to make the sale.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Lowes does seem to do a better job of it. Wish one was closer to me.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

The closest one to me is in Bowie. When the old Hechenger's in Parole closed down I thought for sure they would put in a Lowes there especially since there was a large HD in Annapolis on 450. But nooo they built another HD and the two are only about 5 minutes from each other. Go figure.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Dravencat, sometimes a chain store will go into a location very close to another store they have just to keep a competitor out.

CVS (or Peoples Drug it was at the time) at one time had two stores within a block of each other in Manassas just to keep a competing drugstore from going into the other location.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

That Lowe's in Bowie is where I played as a kid. Back then it was sharecropped for tobacco and corn, and a forest. They put the Green Branch of the Patuxent River in a concrete culvert and graded and paved the whole place. It might as well be another planet to me now.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Took the longest time not to say 'Hechinger's' for hardware store.

Kind of like the way all the fast food will be on one corner, sort of.

ouch- such a shame. I loved playing in the stream down the street, and woods. I think of Patapsco as my 'home' river. My dream house would have a stream next to it.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

I called it Peoples until about a year or so ago, I didnt care what they called it, it was still Peoples! Oh and the Hechinger thing, I did that too until people finally started saying "whats Hechingers"?

Sally I have to agree, my dream home would have a stream nearby and a big covered porch so I could actually hang a swing and stick a couple of rocking chairs out there too.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh yeah, I can just picture it....... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Shenandoah Valley, VA

My house has a porch out front with a swing. No rockers, I have a couple of wicker chairs out there. But the porch needs some repairs and it's really narrow so we seldom use it. It's a lot more comfortable to sit on the patio.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hart, let dravencat and me try it out , we'll give you our expert opinion ;-).
I have no front porch, a slab at the door.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Not until I get that porch fixed. I'd just as soon you not end up on the ground under the porch. LOL

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)


Does Maines specialize in anything(s) particular? Decent selection of shrubs, perennials, annuals, statuary? I hardly ever travel that stretch of Riva Rd anymore, but I think I'd like to check them out . Thanks for mentioning them.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Maines mainly has annuals and perennials, no specializing that I know of. Also a decent selection of herbs, some tropicals inside. They have a small hothouse attached to the main building that I love to go into where they keep the tropicals, with a small pond inside they have a year around frog living in there too. They keep a small selection of decorative pots that I like to look at just havnt found one that screams for me to take it yet.
I bought my Ostrich fern there last year because they looked nice and the price was resonable. Alot of times I will go there and find something Ive only seen on the internet or here at DG so that is always a reason to go back numerous times. They are pretty knowledgeable about their plants wich always helps when getting something new.

Hart I have to agree with Sally, you will definatly need our expert opinion, I will do it for a tall glass of iced tea. LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

gee Dravencat, hart sounds pretty serious about that porch. She may be forced to lure us back to the patio with that iced tea; it'll get me!
hart- that's a drawback to those beautiful old places n'est pas? My friend has an old house in Salisbury MD, for about four years now, been working on it evr since and still things to do. I love the theory of it, but I don't know if I could take the work. Luckily, her husband loves to do that stuff. Not mine! He doesn't want another used house. There's a modular construction house going up here, it's amazing , they brought in a couple things on trailers and the next day this great looking house is there! minus siding of course but still, if I had a lot, with the requisite stream.......................

Shenandoah Valley, VA

There's always something although I have to say on the other side this old handmade stuff lasts a lot longer than what is put into new houses. But I'll be glad to lure you to the patio with some iced tea. LOL

This isn't one of those fancy Victorians. It's a funny little old box of a house, built probably right after the Civil War when people here didn't have money for fancy doodads.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)


Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

The Deal at Kmart: The Kmart in Crofton has hyacinths 75% off. At $1.75 for six bulbs that’s less than 30 cents a bulb. They had other types of bulbs, too. Not sure if this is really a deal because I read that forced bulbs require 12 to 16 weeks of cold storage to flower (and it’s too cold to plant anything outside). And yes, the bulbs are sprouting but I love hyacinths.

The Deal at Home Depot in Bowie: New display of Burpee brand seeds 40% off.

No deal at Lowe’s in Bowie! These guys are charging full price for their seeds.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the tip. Maybe if one's willing to chance no bloom this year............would they live. I was reading something to the effect that some thing planted too late would not have roots formed and then Would bloom because the bud is in there, but not be able to support it. (not produce in future) I think that's what I read...don't remember which bulbs I was thinking about. I know , I'm no help!!. Might be worth a chance...

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

I guess worst case scenario is: they don’t flower, then they die. If that happens I will learn not to buy bulbs out of season.

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Actually I have 2 pots of bulbs buried outside with my potted hostas and herbs. I didn’t bury them for forcing. My DH and I were looking to relocate (Crofton has gotten way too crowded) but haven’t found the right house. I wanted to take my hyacinths with me. I sort of forgot they were potted until I noticed them sprouting up last week. Thought I’d bring them inside.

My mom has lots of old Martha Stewart magazines. Think that’s where I saw an article on forced bulbs. Isn’t that something Martha would do?

As always there is lots of info on the web. Here is a link to info on forcing bulbs:

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sounds like your pots of hyacinths may be very nice for you, accidentqally forced. Yeah, amrtha probably has forced bulbs in bloom all winter.....And from reading that link, I think 30 cent bulbs could be worth buying.
I agree it's crowded around here. How far you thinking of going?

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

greenkat I have to agree that Crofton is getting really crowded, I lived in the Crofton Mews townhouses up until 6 years ago when we were finally able to buy this house. Id recommend Edgewater except that they are building like crazy over here(it stinks because I loved the small town feel when we moved here) and house prices are going thru the roof.

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Dravencat- When we moved to Maryland in 1990, we looked at Edgewater and Cape St. Clair before buying here in Crofton Meadows. Because many Crofton teens are bused down to South River High I have had the pleasure of watching Edgewater expand too. (South River turned out to be a great school.)

When you lived in Crofton Mews did Reidel Rd. go through to Johns Hopkins? Reidel dead-ended after Tilghman when we moved here. Now with it connecting Rt. 3 to 424 (Davidsonville Rd.) it has become dangerous.

Sallyg- DH and I had been searching in northern Calvert and southern Anne Arundel counties. Found some lovely older places with an acre or two. We don't have to worry about schools anymore, only son is in college. Our only concern was DH's commute to work. Then, last summer, DH changed jobs. So now we are rethinking the whole business of where to move. Plus the confusion about the housing market- are prices going up, down or what?

One of my hubby's coworkers suggested that we go ahead and buy our retirement home- we want to live in rural Pennsylvania. Then he could rent an apartment in DC. But he's not retiring for another 10 years!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Calvert Co so nice. PA too.
it's a relief to have the school issue done with but still a very difficult decision.
Just today saw a new sign for townhouses going up near me, knew it was coming. Another pasture bites the dust.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

greenkat, Reidel didnt connect till either right before or right after I moved out. I would assume they did that to try and cut down on some of the congestion on 3 but I dont think they put enough thought into what it would do to the safety around the homes when they did. The Waugh Chappell shopping center was built and up with a lot of the stores open by the time we moved which was May of 01.
When I moved to Edgewater there were still alot of trees around here, I loved it, then the townhouses started going up all over the place, then the Safeway built another Safewary less than 5 minutes away and closed the origonal which is now a Golds Gym, now the Gian is going to build a new Giant within walking distance of the old one in front of the airport and in the process are taking out a huge field, GGRRR. Now what they are going to do with the origonal building is anybodies guess until the signs go up. I had thought they had stopped all new building allowances right before we moved here but it seems as tho its not going to stop.

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