flowering today

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I know this can be a real pest up north,but is easy to tame here in my garden.Would not recommend planting in sub/tropical area as would easily take over...loves the moisture and humidity!!!

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

This is canna En avant..an old type

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

This is plumbago..the darker blue....this self seeds for me,but is easily pulled.Is as tough as old boots!!!

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

The flowers on this angel trumpet aka brugmansia age to a rich apricot....are approx8-10"long and have a nice night time fragrance.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Pink crinum...another one with a nice fragrance!

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Flamingo Dawn

This message was edited Jan 23, 2007 2:35 PM

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

tropical biscuit

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

This has huge flower clusters in a soft lavender! All done now!!ok someone else's turn to show and tell!!

Thumbnail by brical1
nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

So interesting to see your plants. Loved that plumbago, have you got a name for it? Are your angel's trumpets safe from people who may come in and steal it to get a 'high'? Is that last photo some sort of potato vine?
I took a walk around my garden in December and took the following photos.

Asiatic lilies, name unknown, these came in with a shipment of oriental lily bulbs we had putchased.

Thumbnail by ferrymead
nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

Along the back fence, only planted out in October, chrysanthemems, iceberg rose, scabious

Thumbnail by ferrymead
nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

Verbena, I intend to divide this up to get more plants, such a pretty little flower.

Thumbnail by ferrymead
nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

Thisrose is called ' shocking blue', the colour has not come true in the photo. It has a sweet perfume.

Thumbnail by ferrymead
nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

This is 'Snow Queen' hydrangea. I bought it from a mail order firm. It came as a plant about 6 inches high and lived in a pot for three years and has just been planted out for a year.

Thumbnail by ferrymead
nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

Lupins! I don't know whether I like them or not. They look great for about three days and then the seed pods immediately come so the stems have to be cut off. The blue geranium was brought at a shcool fair.

This message was edited Jan 24, 2007 5:52 PM

Thumbnail by ferrymead
nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

'Apple blossom' carpet rose. it is a very vigourous grower.

Thumbnail by ferrymead
nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

Can't remember this ones name, maybe a convolvulus something?

So who will be the next one to show and tell?

This message was edited Jan 24, 2007 5:59 PM

Thumbnail by ferrymead
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Hi Ferrymead,Thanks.The plumbago is the one sold in the trade as:royal cape,it does seed true to type,I'm sure nurseries there would sell it.Have never had a prob with the angels trumpets...I have 4 different ones,the one in the pic though is not the most fragrant of these although it still has a lovely perfume.Unfortunately these(brugs) have had mixed reactions from a lot of people,yes they are poisonous...as are many many cultivated plants...and yes they have been used in various concoctions...by illinformed people...mainly teenagers,but I have noticed that they are becoming more and more popular(for the right reasons ie their beauty)..and deservably so,as they are truly a wonderful plant to have...one of these in full flower is a sight to behold...not to mention the perfume!!!Yes the last pic is solanum wendlandii aka potato vine aka costa rica vine...it is more spectacular than the others in this family....I have a couple of the others and they don't stand out as this one does.
Your pics are so lovely,love those lupins...and the roses,are they shasta daisies in the second pic?That convolvulus is such a lovely cooling shade of blue....looks so nice there next to the bench!

nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

I never knew that the angel's trumpet was fragrant. Is it frost tender, I have seen it growing near the ocean over here but not inland. The white flower is a low growing chrysantemum, they look best in their first season, get a bit leggy in the second year. I have a pink variety in the front garden which is pretty and I hope will make as many seedlings as the white one does.
Hope we will see others garden photos from more plant lovers..

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Yes it is frost tender...we do get frosts here and it gets cut back but always comes back with the warmer weather.Does your chrysanthemum flower in may too,and do you try to divide them each year...I've never had any luck with them self seeding..can you post a pic of your pink one sometime...that white one really is very pretty!

nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

You surprise me saying you get frosts in Brisbane, I would not have thought that. We get frosts for about 3 months of our winter time, with the odd ones coming too early and some coming really late. I have planted a bouganvillea that is really struggling, I wrapped it in frost cloth the first winter and it managed to get through fine. Last winter I thought it might be strong enough to manage on its own but it just had bare branches all through Spring and it has jus decided to put out a few leaves. So it will have to go back into wraps next winter.

The chrissies drop seed and new plants pop up around the parent plant. I take these and replant and they have done very well.. Here is a photo if the pink one in the front border.

How are the drought conditions in Aussie affecting you, are you restricted in garden watering or do you have your own well perhaps. Last summer N.z's storage lakes were very low and our cities own water starage dam was so low that we were only allowed to water with a hand hald hose on only two days a week and only on productive gardens. The city council when queried said that meant only vegetable gardens but they nemver advertised that this only applied to vegetable gardens and we keen flowere gardeners argued that our gardens were producing flowers.

Thumbnail by ferrymead
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

What a pretty front garden..it all looks so neat,your neighbours don't seem to have your green thumb...it certainly stands out from the others....
I don't actually live in bris but a couple hours inland....most people know where bris is in qld ,so was easier this way.Yes we do get frosts here and quite a few severe ones at times,but hasn't stopped me from growing lots of different plants...I love tropicals...some of these can be quite a challenge at times.....but has been surprising what will grow here.I am lucky,I do have bore water here but not in a big way...but yes we are all suffering from the drought....and I do my best not to waste this precious resource...I think most of the country except a lot of the north is on some form of restrictions...I think this is the way it will always be now...I didn't realize that you were this way too...I've always thought of nz as a lush green country,where it rained nearly every day...have to do a rethink on that one now won't I!!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Whats that first Flower looks like a Moutain Glory

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Thunbergia grandiflora..aka blue sky

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

What beautiful flowers especially the cannas. Luv the Thunbergia grandiflora. Does it get alot of seeds for you?

:) Donna

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Hi Donna,The thunbergia grandiflora has never produced seeds for me ...I suspect it would in the tropical regions though ..

Thumbnail by brical1

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