
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Nobody getting snow today except us? It's coming down pretty steady and the grown and roads are covered. They're only calling for up to 3 inches, but say we might get a lot of ice tonight. I hope they're wrong about the ice.

I just talked to SO's mom. It's snowing in Front Royal and Springfield where her sister lives too.

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7b)

It's snowing here, too-for about an hour now. I'm a mile south of Mt. Vernon & so far, it's just a dusting, I'm glad I lugged in more firewood this morning, it's a perfect day to lay in front of the fire & read...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

a fine but steady fall central MD, enough to have the kids talking school cancelation, but I doubt it! went out and played around and had a small bonfire to get rid of fallen sticks from the yard, and feel primal.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'd say we easily have the 3 inches they predicted now. For the past hour or so it's been alternating between very large flakes and thick snowfall and tapering down to a very light snow like it's trying to stop.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

So that's were I sent the snow!!! We had snow since Friday morning, it stopped today, really didn't get but a few inches, enough to get the snow blower out. And folks starting riding snow mobils again.

Crozet, VA

We have about the same as you Hart. It is pretty but sure does make traveling difficult on a hillside. ha-ha Sally, our schools announced their closing at about 8 PM last night. Are your schools open today? The temperatures are supposed to get to almost 50 today, so the snow and ice will leave pretty quickly I would think.

I am thinking of canceling the appointment that I have at 10. Hope that he won't charge a cancellation fee. Oh well. Anyway...everyone have a good week coming up.


Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

It is really sad when North Carolia gets Snow before Maryland
We got a whisper of the stuff MAYBE 1/2"

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I would imagine the mountains of NC often get snow before parts of Maryland. I'm guessing we got about 4 inches, just a little more than predicted. Some of that has melted off but everything is still snow covered. Not yet warm enough here and no sun so not a lot is melting today just yet.

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7b)

I think we got about 2", maybe more, but the roads are fine now, unless they ice up again. My kids had a 2 hour delay (they thought they would have a snow day), so they were grumpy. I went out & got a bit more firewood, so it will dry off a little for another fire tonight. I also went a bit crazy & limbed up an older scraggy cedar, & cut a few branches off my neighbor's redbud (on my side of the fence, though, I was tired of having to climb underneath it)-the poor thing is half dead, & really could use a good pruning.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sounds like we all got a bit!! I'll have to post pics of the "pup" (she's 3, not that you'd know it) pretending to be a snow plow yesterday afternoon....LOL

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Can't wait to see that, Chantell. Mine is always a bit scared of the snow and then she gets out in it and remembers. "Hey, this stuff is FUN!" Then she runs around like a maniac rooting around and throwing snow everywhere.

Apparently Manassas got the snow and then a glaze of ice last night. We managed to dodge the ice bullet here.

BTW, those ashes from your fireplace or woodstove or pellet stove are good for using as an ice melt. Just make sure you don't use it on the sidewalks leading up to your door or have people and animals who wipe their paws because it's messy.

Richmond, VA

Here in central va we saw snow for about 10 minutes.It didnt stick.What we did get was ice.Not even much of that.Thankfully.Just bone chilling humid cold with clouds.It was a perfect day to stay inside and sew.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I lived in Richmond for 10 years. Worst winter weather I've ever seen. Just cold, damp, like you said bone chilling rain most of the time instead of snow. And if you got the slightest little teensy dusting of snow, the entire city went haywire. Back then you had to have snow tires, no radials yet, and nobody in Richmond except us even owned snow tires. So every car on the road in a slight dusting would be sliding all over the place.

If you got a heavy snow, forget it. The city was shut down completely.

Then there were the summers, so humid you sprouted gills. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Here's Baby "clearing" the deck for us

Thumbnail by Chantell
Shenandoah Valley, VA

That's so cute!

Chantell, I found a pair of men's fuzzy bear claw slippers on clearance at WalMart last week. I had to get them for my guy. I told him they were his Java paws slippers. I see from Baby's paws you will know what I meant. LOL

So, he put them on and pranced around showing off his Java feet. They're mighty darned cute.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

You've got to get a pic of that....too, too cute!!

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