New cats to my yard.....

St Augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

I guess mine is the Christmas Cassia and it is hardy!! It hasn't lost a leaf and we have had some cold temps (30's).

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

That giant Porterweed was all over the Butterfly center in the Houston museum. It was big, even in the shade but, kind of scraggly, and bfs all over them.

Paige, if I saw a Brug in front of someone's door, I would be sure and knock.....hoping they would give me a cutting. lol

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, wouldn't an acre be wonderful! I'm running out of space so it might be time for some things to hit the compost pile this year. I'll go out and tell them so they can prepare. "You'd better look good and bloom profusely or you're taking up my valuable dirt and space and you're out of here!" That usually works, although they wait until like the day before I'm ready to pull them.

There is always the option of cutting out more grass. Think the neighbor's would mind if I expanded into their yard? LOL! Actually, we already have use of the one yard where the fence fell down because that house is vacant. My son and his friends like to play in it since they can just go into it thru the open fence. lol Hey, if they don't like it then the owner can pay to finish the fence.

Actually Roxanne, if you saw my Brugs you'd probably laugh! It's so ugly!! The darned thing sits on the porch and looks scraggly all year and then when I put it in the garage it started blooming profusely! I need advice on how to cut it because it's so...weird, but I'm embarassed to post a pic of it. The Brugs forum would talk about me for years!

OH, I just thought of the perfect spot! I've got a Japanese Maple that is almost dead and hogging space. Here comes a Cassia!

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

I am just starting to get a few named brugs, all I had were 'unnamed'. So, I'm hoping for a photogenic group. lol
I am trying to prune my brugs so they have that beautiful canopy full of blooms. It seems to be an art, one I haven't mastered. I even purchased a few seeds on Ebay to try my luck, they were cheap.

That's weird it starts blooming in the garage, unless it likes the cooler temps.

I haven't had any luck with Jap maples here, too hot, but I love those trees.

I'm planning on taking out some old scraggly Sweet Gums to get more sun. I have to do it when DH is at work lol

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

ROFL, Paige! I love how you talk to your plants! I did the same thing with the African Iris and darn if it didn't bloom for the first time since I planted it over 2 years ago! I was all ready to jerk them out of the bog corner. LOL!

I was given some Brug seeds. No name seeds. Anyone ever grow them from seeds? I'm just wondering how easy they are to germinate and grow from seedlings.

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Mine has been enough "high maintenance" just from a cutting. You let me know how growing them from seed goes. ;) I have no idea what the name of mine is, but then I don't know official names for most of my stuff. It's yellow. And yes, I think it liked the cooler temperature, which would be near freezing, in the garage. It hasn't seemed to have been phased by the lack of light either.

It lost all it's bottom leaves last year from the heat so now it's long trunks with blooms on top. I'm really tempted to just chop it all back but wouldn't you know, it's got big Y's on it now so I'm not sure I want to. Fly, where can I read about this art of pruning?

I love Sweetgums but couldn't live with those spiny balls in my yard! Do you get Luna moths on them?

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 8b)

I haven't seen any Lunas, if I did, they would have some redeeming value.

Let me see waht I can find on the pruning....but I do know...DON'T cut below the Y!

I have never grown them from seed, so I'll let you know how hard it is.

Here's one that is helpful

This message was edited Feb 5, 2007 12:54 AM

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