unidentified, color-changing plant

Chicago, IL

My sister bought me a plant for Christmas, which the seller said was a Spanish Jasmine. It's not, but I don't know what it is. It has small, slightly fragrant blossoms that start out white and gradually turn a dark purple. I've googled around but haven't been able to identify it. Any suggestions?

Thumbnail by becky09
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Did you mean to post this in the plant identification forum? Or perhaps someone in the tropicals forum could help.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Becky09 ~ It certainly favors my Brunfelsia, common name Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. The leaves look similar but the blooms start out purple and fade to white. There are variations, maybe? This is my journal link to my YTT.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Well duh! Guess I could add the link...

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Looks like my Night Blooming Jasamine - did the same thing, changed from white to purple - smells really good! :-)

This message was edited Jan 17, 2007 9:00 AM

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Meant to attach photo :-)

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Bec ~ does yours change colors? The bloom color changing made me think of the YTT. I agree tho, the bloom favors my jasmine ~ http://davesgarden.com/journal/j/viewentry/111261/ (I think I have maid of orleans) and looking at the leaves, they also favor Becky09s' plant. I think it is a jasmine but which one. I have only seen white or yellow.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Podster - Yes, it does, but only after blooming for a day and then they fall off! I must apologize - gave wrong name - I looked at old order form I had that came with wrong name, it is the "Maid of Orleans"! I liked it so much I am ordering 3 more for this spring - had it inside for the winter and DH did not water it enough when I was gone for 2 weeks, I am afraid it is a "gonner"! The Night blooming Jasmine has different flowers and a heavenly scent at nite!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Don't throw your plant out! I think it may well come back. Might look bad right now but I think the only real damage it could suffer would be if it froze? Wait till spring and set it outside. It should put on new growth. I love the fragrance but mine is white and turns to a yellow brown before it drops... Wonder what happened to Becky09 and her plant? Hope the ice didn't get her too...

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I have it sitting in my light rack for now - I water as needed but no new growth yet - we'll see, I am not giving up on it! I thought the Night Blooming one was a gonner as well, I cut it back and it is now sprouting new little leaves quite happily in the light rack! Along with the Bougainvillea :-)

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Good for you! ( and lucky for your DH )... : ))

Crozet, VA

Bec - One of my greatest thrills is to be looking at my plants and see little sprouts beginning to emerge. Doesn't take a lot to make me happy. ha-ha But that is true, I love watching plants grow and change from day to day. Most of us are like that I suppose, it is just such a wonder.

A agree with podster on not throwing out what we think are dead plants too early. I have on several occasions had things that I thought were goners for sure and they have surprised me by the conditions or season being right and they begin their new growth.

As I write this post, I am becoming aware of my lack of knowledge in the names of especially the indoor plants that I have. Maybe I need to go and check out the indoor plants forum and begin to be able to call the plants by their names. I have a couple of plants that I keep indoors who have cycles of life and then what apprears to be death, but actually is just a dormancy stage.

Who knows, this gardening stuff is a constant learning experience. I am so glad to have stumbled upon Daves Garden and the opportunity to meet and gain knowledge from all of you very kind people. Here is withing everyone a good weekend.


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Rubyw ~ hope you have a good one too. I agree the knowledge is wonderful and we are never too old to learn. I always find it fun to ID the plants I have and love to look at others. I have had plants which I thought were lost to frost, drought, etc and am always excited to see them revive to give me one more chance... : )) pod

Chicago, IL

I'm glad the question sparked some good conversation! Well, I thought for a minute it was a Maid of Orleans, but the flowers are triple, not single like the Maid of Orleans and they blossoms are pretty tiny. Hmm, any more thoughts?

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