funny weather and berry bushes

Poquoson, VA(Zone 7b)

So it's been so unusually warm here this winter so far. A house on my parent's street has daffodils up & in full bloom, I noticed this morning. And I have a have a bush full of Misty blueberry buds & blooms. Anyone care to guess if I'll get a really early crop of berries? Or none at all because the blooms freeze? I only put the bushes in last spring, so they're not terribly well established as yet ( though I did force myself to pluck off all but about 3 berries last year to give them some root-growing time. Couldn't make myself rid the bush of ALL of them.. )

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

While things are generally warmer, things still tend to even out after a while. If the US is having warmer than usual weather, someone overseas is likely taking up some of the slack. For instance, when it was cool here in a recent summer, Europe was super hot.

So just give up on your blueberries [just kidding].

Poquoson, VA(Zone 7b)

Oh, I have no doubt it will even out in the end SOMEWHERE, but I so wanted some actual berries this year. :-)

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