Dwarf Lemon Tree

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hello. Update on my dwarf citrus, being raised indoors in NYC under a grow-light...it is budding! It had quite a bit of leaf loss until I started watering it less. I don't know if they were dropping because of the water or because energy was being put into budding.

Isn't she cute?? Cats have not bothered with her, I think it might be because I put spanish moss on top.

Thumbnail by brooklynbird
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Oh, wow, Brooklyn. loaded with buds! keep us posted...hope you get fruit!


Gloucester, MA

I went to a nursury and saw them and found a rotten fruit on the ground. I picked it up and found a seed. I put it in potting soil and watered it. Currently it only has 5 leaves. I have been growing it since the summer. How much longer will it take to get to about a foot tall?

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Didn't DawnLL have one of those?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

I ordered mine from a nursery, it was 2-3 years old I think. They sold one-year old plants but said that they wouldn't bear fruit til they were 2-3. So you'll have to wait a bit, but it sounds promising.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

OK, I've got flowers! Several buds have fallen off, along with leaves, but I think this is just the natural order of things.

Thumbnail by brooklynbird
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

ooooh, pretty! sure, fruit trees lose some flowers and fruit, too. this is pretty good for such a young tree. I really need to get one when the weather gets warm enough. for shipping.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Your message has given me hope! I have 2 varigated lemon and an orange tree under lights in my basement. There have been lots of new leaves on the lemons, but not much going on with the orange tree. I've told me kids that they'll have to wait a while to get any fruit off of them! I'm just waiting for the intoxicated scent of the blossoms.

Westford, MA(Zone 5b)

I just thought I'd share a photo of my husband's mini orange tree. He has had it since he was 8 years old when someone brought a small plant back for him from a trip to Florida. It has grown bigger all these years and must be at least 33 years old (knowing how old my DH is!). The flowers are very fragrant and it has oranges now. The oranges are edible just very tart. It is a fun plant to grow and does well in this south facing window. In summer he puts it outside to enjoy the full sun.


Thumbnail by sedum37
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Sue, what a beautiful tree and a very nice story to go with it! I've just planted a seed from a dwarf orange that a DG member sent me. I hope I have that kind of luck with it :0) thanks for sharing


Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Wonderful orange tree sedum Sedum.

Gram, Aren't you violating your own "I want an oak tree not an acorn" philosophy? If this continues I will be forced to report you to Pirl!

Southold, NY(Zone 7a)


That's a great orange tree/story.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Dave, does that look like an oak tree to you? boy are you silly!

Westford, MA(Zone 5b)

Thanks everyone for looking at my photo and your nice comments! So does anyone know if it can be propogated from cuttings and how to do it? People are always asking if there are any 'babies' available to take home.


Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

I've got to tell you all that this little tree is an excellent specimen, and I think the credit goes to Four Winds Growers from whence it came. http://www.fourwindsgrowers.com . Here's hoping some little lemons come along in the not too distant future! If a lemon tree can grow in Brooklyn (not that yucky Ailanthus), you know it'll make it anywhere.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

hmmm...time for a sequel to that Brooklyn tree book?

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I really think I'll order one from them when the weather warms up a bit. Why mess with success? and I might just be able to find something else I can't live without on their web site. Thanks for sharing this, brooklyn.

gram (who would love a citrus grove in her sunroom)

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