Need suggestions for fruit varieties (from scions)?

Vallejo, CA(Zone 9b)

The California Rare Fruit Growers Organization will soon have a scion exchange in my area and last year (my first year to go to one) there were so many varieties to choose from. I was wondering what varieties are your favorites and what should look out for.

We have apples, pears, asian pears, plums, italian plums, figs and persimmons tree which I would like to try to graft on.

Also, are there particular fruits that can be rooted from the scions? (Last year I tried a fig and pomegranate.)


Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

Of the fruit species you've listed, figs and pomegranates are the only ones that are routinely propagated by rooting cuttings - and for the most part, that's the preferred method of propagating those two.
Pomefruits, like apples & pears have a very low likelihood of rooting from scions collected for grafting, stonefruits not much better, though I have on occasion just stuck some plum cuttings in the ground, and had them root - but I've not moved them; don't know if their root system is sufficient to survive lifting & transplanting.
Persimmons *supposedly* can be rooted - but I've not had any success with them; recommendations I've seen were to collect scions early in the dormant period, seal basal and apical ends of the cutting to diminish rotting, and bury all but the top1". I'm trying some in this manner, this winter, but time will tell as to whether or not they'll work.

Vallejo, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks Lucky_P for your informative response.

I was able to root a fig, pomegranate and kiwi last year, but didn't try the other fruit scions. I wasn't able to graft them, so I'm hoping I'll have a chance to this year. I'll try to see if persimmon scions will root, but grafting may be better in my case.

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