Successfully Sown

(Zone 6a)

I just had this idea the other night and I thought that maybe we should start our own wintersowing list here at DG of the plants we've successfully WSd. If we can't remember them all thats fine too.

What we do is first write the plant name, then the variety(if available), then your zone, then a rough germination rate(if available) and any notes or tips to go along with it. Here's what it would look like -
Petunia/Fantasy Mix/Z6/50% Thats just an example as this is my first year WSing. If everyone contributes we could have a very comprehensive list! I'll be adding my first plants in a few months, but if anyone else thinks this is a good idea, please start the list!


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

This has already been done for you.

(Zone 6a)

Wow, thanks for the link! I added it to my favorites right away!

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