Oh, to be young again!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I can't remember a time that gardening was not a part of my life, I was always playing in dirt and mud, helping mom plant seeds and pull weeds.

Any one else have childhood pictures to share.


Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Aw, Chris, aren't you cute! I'll see if Mom can find the picture of me riding on the rototiller while Daddy was tilling the garden. He had a big block of concrete on the front to push the tines into the soil and would let us ride on that. (Which would probably be considered child abuse nowadays.) LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

That is a sweet picture!!! I should dig as well and see if my mom had me in my Nana's roses or Grandmas tulips....I loved them both...which would be why they're in my yard now. Great thread, Chris!!!

Crozet, VA

Yep, we can always count on Chris to begin some very interesting topics here. The picture is adorable. I too will try to find something to put up here. Thanks Chris for starting such a great thread.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks everyone! With not much gardening going on, just dreaming, planning and learning, topics are a bit lacking this time of year.

Do any of you keep a "cutting garden" Sometimes I hate to cut flowers since I live on a corner lot and I like to keep things blooming for passers by and the butterflies to enjoy. I am always deadheading to keep things fresh looking.
I have a place in the back yard that was a veggie garden but since we put in the new garage it doesn't get the morning sun like it use to. I'll sometime plant a row of zinnias, and some glads just for cutting.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

got us digging for pics while we can't dig dirt !
My mom likes to cut single roses, or to make a small arrangement for card club, but I never seem to get around to it as much as I could......

can't find my photo album of kid pix that I had.............totally stumped

well, whaddya know! found the album. now, where is the darn camera?

This message was edited Sep 26, 2009 1:16 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Easter, circa 1962 My bubbly personality shines thru my fingers!! Yes, I was always shy.
Looking for this I saw some of my college pictures, and hadforgotten that I always had several plants in my dorm room. I have been interested in the plant kingdom for a long long time. Now why did I never consider botany/horticulture?? I wish somebody had sat me down and talked about it..............obviously there are plenty of plant related jobs out here.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally, How cute is that! I love the pageboy hair cut your sister has, I think I had one too!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ladyg- I hope you have your picture in a frame and displayed. It's precious.
My dad has an awesome picture of himself and best buddy cousin girl, both about five yrs old, not poor but you should see the frayed pants he has on, that was acceptable play clothes for the time and place.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sally, you didn't think of horticulture because our stupid high school counselors never considered anything for girls except teaching or nursing. My counselor literally asking me that - "Which do you want to be, a teacher or a nurse?" She was stumped when I told her neither.

Of course if you weren't planning on college, they had two other choices - wife or secretary.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

many things have changed we hope
So what 'were' you?
my career test came back the classic forest ranger, but number two computer programmer- back in the jurassic period of computer science.
I went to college because I always thought it was expected of me, but really never thought about how my career life would be. chronically bad at planning.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

We didn't have computers when I was in high school and college except for our fingers and toes. LOL

I was a newspaper political reporter and editor, although I started out in radio. And that was back when women in radio were so unheard of, the city newspaper did a story on me because I was such a rare beast. Of course she wrote more about the color of my hair and eyes and what I was wearing than what I was doing. LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Wow, that's cool! The career, not the hair and style write up - HA!! My teenage boy is pretty interested in social studies and politics.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Tell him to see about becoming a page in the Maryland legislature or get involved now in local politics and he can probably get an internship with one of the legislators when he's old enough.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes...I'll sadly admit we didn't have computers in school when I graduated either...geez!!! Oh well...what to do...that's when you had to back space for every 2 characters from the middle point to center something!!! The fact that I remember that even?!! So where's everyone else's photos? I couldn't find one with flowers but I'll post later.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

This thread got me to finally scan my favorite picture of myself. I was about 18 months old. Looks like I was having lots of fun! Those were the days....


Thumbnail by bluekat76
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Is that the rest of your bare butt in the bowl, bluekat? LOL So cute!

Gosh, Chantell, I had forgotten about that and how much I hated it. I hated typing class. I don't know how I ever learned to type and I'm so fast now, I can write a 15 column inch news story in about 15 minutes. I used to amaze everyone, although I think they were freaked out more that I could write that fast than that I could type that fast. If they only knew my lowly typing beginnings. LOL

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Great photos everyone! I will try to search my parent's box of old pix while I'm visiting them this week in Phoenix, AZ. Maybe I can find a picture of me with a cactus.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes, dig it out greenkat. So how did you come about geenkat and me bluekat? So long ago....


Crozet, VA

I attended community college after high school. I was taking a business course and the instructor said that by the year 2000 everyone would have computers in their homes to help with their check books, grocery lists and other things. I shook my head and said - no way. Well, I was wrong, wasn't I? Gee, even then we had no idea what the Internet would mean. I still don't know all of the capabilities of this machine sitting here in front of me.

What I operated as a Bookkeeper in the late 70's at one of my jobs would be considered a computer of sorts. It was this great big heavy machine and you had to enter all the figures and things. Oh yeah, it was called Data Processing then. If you were in Data Processing, that meant something. ha-ha It meant that you sat like a trained monkey and hit keys all day. I did that for a lot of my work history, so can't complain too much. It has paid for several vehicles and houses.

I have found it interesting in some of my reading that as early as the 1930's and 1040's the Federal Government has had things that were referred to as computers. Those too would have been in the days when a computer would fill a room or a whole floor of an office building. Just amazing folks!!!! Still a fax machine is more baffling to me than a computer. ha-ha

Oh yeah, will make a note to find kiddie pic of myself to post. Thanks for starting this thread Chris.

I hope that everyone will have a great week coming up.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Here is a picture of me & my puppy, and one as we got older.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh my, how cute is that!

Crozet, VA

Oh Chris - How cute!!!!! i can see that you are an animal love from way back. I have gone through old family photos and I see that I too was showing affection for dogs when I was quite young. I hadn't realized until I thought about it, that I have actually had pets during all of my most satisfying times of my life.

The picture that pops in my mind after seeing yours, is one where my dog Boots, whom we had when I was in later elementary school years. Boots was laying on his back with all four paws straight up in the air. He is laying on the couch and I am sitting beside him in a dress. I must have been coming or going to church because I had put my "Sunday Shoes" on his hind legs and the picture is hilarious.

I was thinking of you and Penny this morning. How is she doing? Has she become accustomed to your place yet? Sweet, sweet Penny. Or at least I hope she is sweet, for your sake. Tell us about your dog. My three are all sacked out at the moment, doing what they do best......sleeping.

Well, Ben (older son) just called. I need to get ready to go and meet he and his fiance. They will be getting married next Saturday, January 27th. Man, oh man. I have appointments for every day next week except on Friday, and it isn't even next week yet. Busy, busy, busy.

Anyway, I hope that everyone reading will have a great weekend. For those in my state of Virginia, try to keep warm.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, when things quiet down after the wedding you will be posting that picture I hope, I'd love to see it.

Thank you for asking about Penny, she has settled in, she sticks to me like glue. I can't trust her off her lead out side though, so I have to get all my winter gear on to take her out. When I got Dutch is was about 1 1/2 weeks and I'd open the door and out he would go and right back in. She has not warmed up to my husband yet, but is getting better. The big cat, Fred has met his match, they got into it a few times, Fred is declawed, thank heavens, he likes to hit, and I can't take a chance with Penny's one eye. But Penny stands her ground with him.

We didn't get much snow last night but it was blowing hard. Lots of people off the roads, I guess driving last night was not the smart thing to do. I'm sure other areas around us got more, How about you Early Bloomer?

Well my daughter and son-in-law are on a Disney Cruise, now they are the smart ones!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Ye, cute ladygardener, and I was also reminded by it to ask about Penny. she's making sure you get plenty of fresh air...super windy here too today.

Crozet, VA

If we didn't have our dogs here for entertainment, what a dull place this would be. I am glad that Penny stands her ground with Fred. My hubby acts like his feelings are hurt whenever the dogs seem to prefer me over him. That is most times. ha-ha

I combed all three dogs on Saturday and again on Sunday. Wow, do they have a lot of excess hair. I believe that I could vacuum each day and fill up the canister of my "Dyson Animal." I love that vacuum. My friend and I cleaned all the carpets a couple of weeks ago and that has made a major difference in the amount of dust that settles on the furniture. It had been a very long time since I had last shampooed them and they really needed it.

I am thinking of possibly getting some new carpet at some point this year. I went to Lowe's a couple of weeks ago to look but am not yet ready to commit. This carpet is less than three years old and not in too bad of shape, but is white and we live in the country. Not a good match.

Anyway, enjoy Penny and I will talk with you good people later on.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Resurrecting an old thread, maybe we can get more pictures of our younger years here.

Thanks Sally for reminding me.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

There it is!! Glad you pulled it up Chris. I have a few I can add but first have to digitally lift them from an album.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Found these in the old archives.

Pictures of me in the Bahamas, my girl friend and I took a trip together. I think it was 1970? Boy, was I skinny!!

Paul, me and our 6 week old Janet Dec 1972 at Paul's mom's house for Christmas. Note the glasses and the long hair.

This message was edited Sep 26, 2009 3:17 PM

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

ok Here's the ones I posted on the NE forum's old pics...
6 months

Thumbnail by flowAjen
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Winter baby

Thumbnail by flowAjen
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Beach baby

Whoops sorry for the sideways pic!

This message was edited Sep 26, 2009 4:47 PM

Thumbnail by flowAjen
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

5th grade maybe???

Thumbnail by flowAjen
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

7th or 8th grade

Thumbnail by flowAjen
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Right after high school graduation

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Might have to retitle this That 70's Show LOLOL!

You guys are both such cuties!! Oh, Paul too--love the 'stache.

This is me (facing camera) and sister Chesapeake Beach about 1963??? I am amazed at the amount of shells on the beach. Just seems like a lot, and I would not be surprised if a difference considering the polluted state of the Bay.

This message was edited Sep 26, 2009 10:25 PM

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Classic cat eyes, circa...1968???

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

By eighth grade I gave up on plastering my hair to my head, and the white cat eyes. By tenth grade I still had the same glasses. We didn't get real concerned about trends then. in my family.., well , me...

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

But I did drag my girlfriend out to Catonsville Senior High School to make a leaf collection for science. And so it begins. I had several plants in my dorm room at college.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Love this thread, You guys are too funny great pics. I'll post some later. I have a few that are real winners and wait till you see some of RIc. LOL

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