Spring swap - wants and haves

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Perhaps we should do something to make it easier to separate want lists from have lists. Perhaps put the haves in bold type to make them easier to find?

Please post here what plants you're hoping to find at the swap and what you will have to bring. Some of you, like me, would probably rather wait until closer to the swap to post and that's fine.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

hart - just a suggestion I've seen some of the co-op folks do...save a couple of message blocks at the top for you. Just put a one-liner in it to "save" it and also to remind you what you might want to use it for. And for us dufus heads...how do you post in bold on DG?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Good idea, Chantell. Don't think we need it in this thread, though.

I want to add bold, italics or underlining to my posts.
We permit limited .html formatting tags within posts (not within subject lines in new threads.)

If you're familiar with using html tags, you can easily add italics or bold or underlining to your text. If you're not familiar with html formatting, here are some quick steps:

To bold to a word or phrase, place < b > in front of the word/phrase and < /b > immediately following it.

Take out the spaces before and after the < and > above for the actual working tags.

So, if you wanted just the word bold to be bold, you'd type this (minus the extra spaces.)
< b >bold< /b >

Put any words you want to be bold inside those tags. If you want to make a list in bold and then go back to regular text and then another list in bold, you'd have to put in the < b > before the first list, < /b > after it to turn off the bolding, then the tags again before and after the second list.

This message was edited Jan 10, 2007 11:24 AM

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

What if you dont have allot of things to bring does that mean no one will "trade" with me? I am new to this type of stuff and I would buy if needed... I am trying to start a few things I have but I must admit most of my things are just plain and most people already would have.... I am trying the donkey tails like you said :-)
Going to my room now to read about what else flowers and seeds...LOL

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Susan, I'll bet if you look around your yard in the spring you'll be surprised at what you'll find. Do you have lilacs? It's easy to dig the little suckers that grow around the base. Groundcovers? Many of us are looking for those. And I certainly wouldn't worry about them being plain. Plain means sturdy and easy to grow and we have a lot of gardeners who love those.

One more time - you DON'T have to bring fancy, exotic plants. I don't have a lot of those. Among the things I brought to the last swap - white lilac, apple mint, trumpet vine, old timey irises, four o'clocks, golden moneywort. I didn't take any fancy plants. In fact, if I had known how much people would like the plain stuff, I'd have brought more.

I'll bet everyone will go nuts for the donkeytail.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have tried the "bold" and the "Italicized" stuff ( I have the directions printed out) and this is what happens.
When I add the or any of the other ones like that on both ends of the word I want to do that to, EVERYTHIG I write after that is bold or italicized! Like--the whole rest of the post! What am I doing wrong???

Thanks, Gita

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Shoot. The directions above don't have the tags. I guess because they're html code, they're not showing. Go to the link above and read the directions there and it will make sense. You have to have a tag before the text you want to change and after. If you don't have that second tag after, everything will be bold or italicized or whatever.

(I've edited the post above to add in the tags to use for bold and to close out bold. I've had to put in spaces after and before the <> so be sure to take those out.)

This message was edited Jan 10, 2007 11:26 AM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hart: What is a "tag?"

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Not sure, but in html or hyper text markup language, < and > with other characters between the arrows (or horizontal carets or whatever they're called) will alter the text. Dave's only lets us use a few. The site below shows a lot of them. Try the "very simple HTML document" on the link if you want to try it

Wants and haves...? I won't know until my winter sowing grows. I put the seeds I'm starting in my journal if anybody wants to look. There's a couple things I won't have enough of to bring, who knows... My brother has been after me to dig up hundreds of tiger lilies at his house for a year now. I wonder if that's a good time of year to dig 'em up? It probably doesn't matter in the long run. I'm not sure I can make it anyway until the community concert band schedule comes out.

This message was edited Jan 10, 2007 6:57 AM

Crozet, VA

Hope that you can come clay.


Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

oooooh, if you do get to make it i LOVE tiger lilies :-) they always remind me of going to my grandmother's when i was little!
also, thanks for the idea of listing seeds in journal....i know i have more to start/plant, but that will be helpful as i tend to loose all of the notebooks around the house with my list(s)....my young ones help with that as they consider anything paper (and i mean anything) to be for coloring!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sorry, Gita. Claypa is right. Tags are what you put before and after text to format it in html. You would use before and after with whatever other is needed to create the effect you want.

Going to try again with the info on tags for bold from the link I posted above.

To bold to a word or phrase, place < b > in front of the word/phrase and < /b > immediately following it.

Take out the spaces before and after the < and > above for the actual working tags.

So, if you wanted just the word bold to be bold, you'd type this (minus the extra spaces.)
< b >bold< /b >

Put any words you want to be bold inside those tags. If you want to make a list in bold and then go back to regular text and then another list in bold, you'd have to put in the < b > before the first list, < /b > after it to turn off the bolding, then the tags again before and after the second list.

Hah, that worked.

I am also hoping someone brings tiger lilies to the trade. Just FYI, some people call ditch lilies, the common orange daylilies, tiger lilies. I'm talking about the tall lilies that are orange with black spots.

This message was edited Jan 10, 2007 11:23 AM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'll try: ( do we each do a post?) (I can edit later as I think of things)
Lamiastrum, yellow archangel groundcover
Tiger lilies, the tall, spots on petals, neon orange, little bulbils in leaf axils
American holly seedlings
Canna, really tall red flowered
Carolina sweetshrub, aka bubby bush
Peperomia obtusifolia (houseplant, tough as nails, always green, never wilts)
Salvia lyrata Burgundy Bliss
Salvia coccinea Coral Nymph(maybe seeds only)
This message was edited Jan 11, 2007 7:23 PM

This message was edited Jan 11, 2007 7:27 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You don't have to post what you have or want. I know I'm going to wait until spring. Who knows what will or won't come up, what will or won't have spread.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


The problem I was describing happened a good half a year ago. I DID put the tags on both ends of the woed! Everything after that still was bold!
Now--I may have spaced. Never thought of that....Hmmm

I'm gonna try it here: No spaces.
Thanks for your help. Thats what I like about DG!


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

See! The "That's what I like about DG! " was not supposed to be bold. Only the "like" was supposed to be italicized--which it was. I put tags only around the "Thanks for your help" part
I did not space and put the appropriate tag on both ends of the first sentence. The second sentence should have been regular print.

I give up!!! Gita

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I edited all the html tag stuff that probably just confused things, and added the following:

The 'tiger lilies' that I can dig up are the Hemerocallis type, not the Lilium type. Oh, well. I'll bring some anyway.

This message was edited Jan 12, 2007 7:55 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Crozet, VA

Hart - How about house plants? Are they acceptable swapping material? I was looking around here today and realize that I might have a few things to share.



Shenandoah Valley, VA

Houseplants are fine, seeds are fine, shrubs, trees, perennials, annuals, water plants, whatever.

Gita, you have to be doing something wrong. Perhaps you're using the wrong slash mark? It's the one under the question mark on your keyboard.

< b > put this before anything you want in bold
< /b > put this after anything you want in bold

minus the extra spaces after < and before >

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I never used the "/" mark. I used the < > only--before and after the word. Maybe that's what went wrong.....

Will try again. I will bold the following words and see if they work....

it is getting VERY cold

If it worked this time, the above phrase should be the only one bolded. Not what i just wrote here following it.....

If it works--does the "/" have to ALWAYS be at the end of the desired word/phrase???

Holding my breath!!!!!! Gita

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

YEAHHHH!!!!!! It worked!!!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yes, you always have to have that slash mark in there. This one is to start the bold < b > ONLY so if you put that at the end, it's not closing out that code. This one has to be where you want to stop the bolding < /b > If you don't write it exactly like this, you're not putting an end to the bolding.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Say, does anyone happen to have any adenophora - ladybells - or uvularia - merrybells - they can bring to the swap?

Also, I'm kind of desperately still seeking comfrey that has purple/blue flowers and helenium.

This message was edited Jan 13, 2007 3:21 PM

somewhere, PA

Where is the swap? Did you already decide this?

Edited to say: I see its at Hart's. Found the other thread.

This message was edited Jan 14, 2007 5:39 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart I have plenty of comfrey. Thanks that's something else I have plenty of to bring. I've started a list and it keeps getting longer. Holly

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll wait to post all my haves. Gotta see what multiplies in spring. I divided ferns and foam flowers (tiarella) last fall but may be able to divide again.

Sally- Is Sweetshrub the same as Calycanthus? Just did a DG plantsearch- guess it is. It's got cool looking flowers.

Hart- I have Hellenium seed to winter sow. So we'll see what comes up.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hi greenkat- yes it is. an oldie but goodie. plantfiles has already told you about it, and mine has good fragrance. only concern would be suckering. tree root competition keeps that down, but I have it also in a corner where it's getting in all the nooks and crannies.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Oh, goody! Now if I can just find the ladybells and merrybells.

Sweet shrub I can tell you is very drought tolerant too. I don't get any suckering from mine but then it's growing in one of the driest spots of a very dry yard.

Crozet, VA

Well, so far I have only decided that I will bring at least spider plants. I seem to have plenty. It is normally a house plant. Last summer I planted one outside along with some other things. It did quite well, but has grown a bit differently than the ones that I have indoors. It actually seems to be a lot healthier than the only inside plants. I dug it up and brought in the house before the first frost.

I need to repot one that has loads of babies. I will stick the babies in water and definitely by june they will have some very nice roots. In fact, by that time I will have to pot them up. My hubby told me to ask if anyone is interested in day lilies? We have loads and loads of them. Only thing about these is that we won't know the names or even what type, so it is take at your own risk. If you know now that you would like some, let me know. I will also post closer to the swap what I will be bringing. John wants an idea of how many to dig up.

You know what? Now that I am sitting down and commiting to bring things, I feel myself becoming very protective of all my babies. I am thinking that no one will nurture and love these plants as much as myself. I don't want to share! ha-ha Just kidding, but it would bother me to know that someone is not taking loving care of them properly.

I have to stop at this comment and think a bit on it. I have decided that anyone who will travel as far as some of us are going to travel for plants, will make us all good care givers. So, I needen't worry.

I looked in front garden one day last week and see that I will be having some Lariopi(sp?), Lambs Ear, Dusty Miller and Sedum, Autumn Joy. The reason that I know that I will have these plants is because they are all still green or popping through the soil.

I am hoping to wintersow, so I will have some things from that too and will post later.

I hope that everyone will have a good week comng up. Take care.


McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I noticed that my dusty miller is still up and kicking also. I thought that this would be dead by now, but I guess the weather has been so warm, that it just hasn't killed it yet.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, I'll bet there will be people who would be thrilled to have daylilies and all the other things you listed. And give them good homes. LOL

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

hello....i love daylilies!!!! pretty much all lilies :-) ok, all flowers especially those that live!
i have to check my seedling/plant-lets today...the cypress vine, yellow angel trumpet, daneburg lace & moonflowers were all popping out....the yellow lilacs still seem to be holding their own although they were the baby plants & not cuttings....not sure what else will pop up...i know i saw some hostas in the yard when we moved in, but not sure what else is around to add to the walnuts!

will be starting some more seeds soon & some veggies


Crozet, VA

Hey, hey, hey. Two more Virginians have joined in. Good to hear from you both. The day lilies that we will have came from my in-laws home. They were both Master Gardeners. Hubby's mom sold the day lilies at a Farmers Market until she became unable to because of age.

The home place is being prepared for sale, and the 5 siblings have been meeting on weekends for months dividing up house hold and garden items. John brought home twelve fully grown azalea bushes. Of course he had to have a tractor to dig them up. I hope that they will live and bloom for us. He has put a whole lot of work in to digging and then transplanting a whole lot of plants. Our yard ought to be very interesting this year.

Everyone take care.


Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

Wow, that is a lot of work...it's great that the plants are finding a home :-)
Sometimes i drive by placing being torn down & i want to stop and ask for the plants/trees/stained glass, etc....in the case of the plants and trees the bulldozers would also be needed as well as the drivers!

Crozet, VA

Good morning larlienda. I have been known to dumpster dive. ha-ha Anyway, I too hate to see things that can be still used, go to landfill. A few years ago I would read a message board for dumpster diving. Some of those folks came home with good hauls. They would go to dumpsters at different types of stores and usually come away very happy. Another thing that they talked about doing is driving around a nice neighborhood on trash day before trash man gets there and confiscating things that they wanted. A lot of them had furniture and lamps and some other household things that they got that way.

I haven't visited, nor read the message board for several years now, but still kind of like the idea. One place that I was able to get some perfectly fine items is either before an auction house' sale starts in their trash, or after the sale. Sometimes people will buy box lots just for one item and leave the rest setting at trash pick up. The auction place that I used to go to had a stack of things outside the back door of their place where they put items that they didn't sell. Just ask, it can't hurt.

I wouldn't be too embarrassed to stop at housing demolition site and ask for things. Who knows, you might get very lucky.
Oh yeah, wouldn't it break your heart to know that any stained glass is being thrown away. Such a beautiful piece of artistry. Another place that I know that people "shop" is actually at the landfills. Most landfills keep an inventory of things that are too good to throw away and can be bought for a little of nothing.

If you haven't checked out "Freecycle" in your area, I suggest that you try it. I have both given and received things through that program of recyclers. Later today I am dropping off a bag of craft supplies for a little boy whose mother posted that she wanted supplies for him.

Anyway, just wanted to say howdy to a fellow Virginian.


Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

Good morning Ruby!

I do freecycle...have received a few things but have given away even more....was a great way to pass along baby stuff & maternity clothes and other things we just didn't (and don't!!) have room for but that others could use....i got some plants early last spring/summer....the bonus with that was it was a good lesson on dividing plants :-)

hadn't heard that advice with auctions...i'm not too surprised because i've seen stores that will mark down and combine things in a box & usually there is one thing in there i want
will also check about the landfill...haven't found any salvage yards around here, so maybe the landfills will provide some finds

i do think it's wonderful that your husband was able to get some plants from his parents' home...i think flowers and other plants can be a strong trigger for childhood memories....

glad to chat any time!

have to go check my two youngest...one is getting over the basic crud & one has decided she's grown up at 3 ;-)


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