what other forums do you like?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Just for fun~~ want to tell what other forums in DG you like?
I go to Trees and Shrubs for a little info, but also for sometimes lively sarcastic remarks between a couple of the main players there.
ID forum I find fun to try the ID's
Bug ID is fun for the same reason but quiet this time of year.
Parenting seems heavily into babies, but maybe we'll change that ; ^)
Garden Design/Curb Appeal is a nice exercise in planning and planting
New Bird Watching has lots of bird feeder photos
Invasives- is an interest of mine , not too active a forum

Sometimes, I look at one of the most recent posts on the Home page. One recently in Recipes was on best food products , and ended up into a discussion of Trader Joe's stores.

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

i like the daylily, climatis & rose forums as well as trash to treasure...can always use new ideas on how to reuse things :-)
i also like to look at latest reviews on garden watchdog

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Mornin' Sally! I like the Mid-Atlantic ( ;), Weather, General Discussion, Photos, & Fern, Lichen, & Moss... There are so many! :D

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

It is interesting how varied we are! I look at wintersowing, perennials, plant trading, co-ops, shade, hostas, daylilies, etc. Occasionally I look at the cooking forums, but those aren't very active.

Marlton, NJ

Bird Watching
Gardening for Wildlife
Vines and Climbers
Trees and Shrubs

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Garden Watchdog is a great service to us all, I think. Boy, it's a shame how some people have been disappointed by some places..........
I have perennials but hadn't thought about reading that forum...? don't know why it never occurred to me.

and Mid Atlantic is my 'home' forum in DG

This message was edited Jan 8, 2007 4:30 PM

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Mid Atlantic is 1st on my list! Even though I am out of the growing area this forum was the first place I made friends at DG.

The rest is... shall I say as needed or seasonal, Butterflies & Hummers, Cooking, Cottage Gardens. Just to name a few.


Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Sallyg! I have been sampling a lot of the forums but have only participated in the Mid-Atlantic discussion so far. I have noticed your posts on Plant ID, Bug ID and Invasive Plants. Do I remember correctly that you have a degree in agriculture? Or was that someone else? So many forums, so little time.

I like reading the tomato forum threads, although I’ve not posted any comments. There are so many experienced tomato growers, including Carolyn, who wrote the book on heirloom tomatoes.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Great question!!! Other then "here:"
C & S
House Plants

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, So many forums so little time.
Of course Mid-Atlantic really looking forward to meeting a lot of you at the swap meet.
Photo, Great pictures and it's inspiring me to try something new.
Equine, I no longer have horses but did for 18 years. A wonderful group of people on that form.
Then there are the little trips to Trees, Moss, Vines, Trash to Treasure, Garden Art, Garden Design, Garden Talk, Water Gardens and just about anything else that looks interesting. There are a lot of interesting things out there. Holly

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

What does this tell us? I like how we wander all over Dave's touching down at various points. There seem to be more than a few experts in different aspects of horticulture in DG, and lots of people who have learned so much informally and are happy to share.
greenkat- I do have a 'degree' in agriculture, actually the school of agriculture, but a weird degree (water resources). don't even ask me what the hack I thought I could do with that! I ended up as an environmental(public) health inspector which was not bad

ID and Bug ID make me feel smart when I know them
Trash to Treasure sounds good, and Houseplants certainly fits my interest - may see you there...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sallyg, When you go to house plants check out my daughters Banana Tree.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

sure has thrived for them, huh! good thing they have the room,, or whoever gave it knew it was a great choice for the spot.
Beautiful house!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

My son, her brother had a friend that has a couple and he got one of their babies for her husband. Jul didn’t want it at the time. She has absolutely no interest in plants or gardening at all. But she just loves that tree now and is so proud that “her” Banana Tree is having a baby banana. She’s looking for a home for it.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Lemme throw in my 2 cents:
Hmmmm, others I just pop in and check every now and then!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I just wander all over the place. Of course this is my top forum.

I would really like to like the perennials forum but there doesn't seem to be a lot of discussion of interesting perennials over there. I love looking at the garden photos people have posted there, though. Indigenous plants is another forum that has a surprising lack of activity. Perhaps if it had a different name. I have a hunch some people don't know what indigenous means. LOL

The daylilies, cactus, roses and brugmansias forums are wonderful with lots of interesting posts, great advice and gorgeous photos. I won't touch the iris forum with a 10 foot pole. Wrote a post in there months ago complaining about vendors who list oodles of irises but no photos, which seems to be rampant among the iris sellers. My gosh, you'd think I'd written a post in support of eating baby ducks. The replies were so harsh, three people sent me private d-mail telling me they were sorry I had been attacked so viciously.

I always check seed and plant trading in case I have something someone wants or someone has something I've been looking for. I just participated in a couple of monster seeds swaps in seed trading, which were a lot of fun. I always check coops but goodness knows why. I haven't found a coop yet where I would actually save any money after paying for shipping both ways.

Frugal living is a disappointment. There used to be a similar forum with a different name that I liked much better and was much more active. People were more likely to post plant and seed bargains in there while now they just post them in the various plant forums.

I wish there was more activity in the carnivorous plants forum. I'd like to put in a bog garden with pitcher plants next spring. Water gardening and ponds is another forum I browse a lot in the summer. Bulbs, lilies, trees and shrubs - a lot of the plant specific forums I visit now and then.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I don't remember where I was poking around yesterday, but I came across something about a wolf worm, and it linked to a thread about a wolf worm in a mouse. It was far and above the most disgusting thing I have read about in a looooong time. Wolf worm is relative to bot flies and some others that a larva gets into an animals live flesh......ugghhhh. That's what I get for poking around!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hey Sally, Why is it when you are warned not to look we look! Is it the Lot's wife syndrome? LOL

Hart, if you start a bog garden next spring, could you post the steps. I'd be interested in seeing it. I have a very shallow end in my water garden that I have plants growing in pots, reeds and Siberian iris. The frogs really enjoy this spot.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

If you don't mind the blind leading the blind. LOL Actually, what I plan to do is dig out an area next to the pond, line it with a fairly shallow plastic container of some kind and fill that with a soil mix that's good for bog plants.

We have two ponds. There's a smaller one at the top, waterfall in between and the larger one below. I moved all my water lilies from the smaller one to the larger one last year and I have a couple of plants still in the upper one - water canna and miniature cattails. The min. cattails self sowed among the rocks in the waterfall last summer.

The frogs love that upper pond and I have at least a couple of kinds living up there and hanging around the lower pond too. A black snake discovered my little frog heaven last summer and considerably reduced my frog population. I finally managed to get rid of the snake with some pretty foul smelling snake repellant I found at the farm store.

Big cattails from my "swamp" - an actual boggy area on my land - have self sown a couple of plants among the rocks around the big pond too. It will be interesting to see if they actually get big enough to have cattails in that little bit of water.

Sally, when my siblings and I were all in college, I was the English major and they were all taking medical courses of one kind or another. They delighted in telling gross stories involving body parts at the dinner table when we were all at home. I learned then, some of us are English majors and some of us will tell/write anything no matter how gross so we can watch the English majors turn green. It's the nine year old boys with worms syndrome.

So, I saw the wolf worm header and opted not to read it. LOL

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Actually, your bog garden method was what I was thinking. I don't have enough room to do that next to my water garden as there is only enough room for one person to walk between the water garden and the property line, and I want to put up a privacy fence there, removing all the orange blossom shrubs, false bamboo and what ever there is that reaches out to grab you.

I do have a very wet end of the yard, (will dry out if no rain during the summer) that I would love to see a stand of Siberian Iris. Then I was thinking of damming up more of the shallow end of the water garden an filling with dirt, but then the shallow pots are working fine and I can lift them out and thin out the plants that grow over the pot, I have more control that way.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I wanted to grow some pitcher plants, which don't want to be in the water even in a shallow end, and white callas, which I think I can overwinter if I plant them in a bog rather than in the water. I'd also like to grow some skunk cabbage if I can find some.

Is this an actual earthen pond you're talking about or a water garden? If it's a water garden, I don't think damming one end is a good idea. Get a heavy rain and dirt is going to be washed over the dam. You'll never get it all cleaned out of the pond. Then you'll have an algae nightmare.

I had thought of using soil in some of the shallow areas around the pond that are surrounded by rocks but I'd have the same problem. I think it's going to be easier to just make a separate bog and then I can control the conditions/soil/etc for the plants better too.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Never thought about the rain and wash over, good point. I'll stick to the shallow pots. This is a water garden with a liner. Its free form, I have some native fish in it, nothing fancy. I enjoy watching the frogs and dragonfiles the most.

You should be able to find skunk cabbage this spring, just keep your eye's open for low lying areas around streams. Better have some water tight boots along for the trip. Don't know how well they would transplant.

Crozet, VA

Now.....do tell. What the heck is skunk cabbage?


Shenandoah Valley, VA

http://www.earthsanctuary.org/blog/?m=200604&paged=2 second picture down

I've never seen it growing around here anywhere. Anyway, nearly all of the land on the creeks here is federal land and I have no desire to go to prison for skunk cabbage rustling. LOL

I've seen the white Japanese skunk cabbage offered in a couple of water garden catalogs. I'd just as soon have the yellow wild ones if I could find some.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

looked at the picture and got curious.. What does that flower remind you of? ....Spathiphyllum? Yep, they are both in the same family Araceae, along with callas, and anthurium......

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I did a search; and from what I gathered it would be better to collect the seeds in the fall then to try to transplant as the roots are a bugger to get out. Actually I don't remember seeing the yellow "flowers" I just noticed the huge leaves. I read that they bloom before they leaf out. I'll have to pay more attention this spring, if I take one of the back roads to work. Sometimes I'll do that on a nice sunny spring day.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yes, Sally. All the same family.

Perhaps I've seen the leaves and not realized what they are. I know I haven't seen any at the creek down the road, where I could dig around if I wanted although I don't even know who owns the land so I could ask permission. Maybe if I got seeds, I could get them started in my swamp too.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm not mid-Atlantic, but I'm not too far. Mind if I answer the question?

I like the Northeast Forum, because that's where I belong.
And Photos.
Daves Garden
General Discussion
Garden Art


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I enjoy these forums:


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Nap, I'm not mid-Alantic either but I found many friends here and a home.

I pop into Northeast once in a while, but the threads have not pulled me in yet. Maybe it is just to busy there and I have a hard time catching up.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

please excuse my dumb Araceae comment- I was surprised to see that something I knew as a common cold swamp plant, was related to other varied things. I hadn't given it much thought. Except that aren't roses, apples and strawberries all in the rose family? I think it's about flower structure.
Shirley1- Thanks for making lots of entries into the directory of park, arboretums etc. It's nice to see MD looking pretty nice place to be. I want to add a few but have to round up the address etc first I guess. (cunningham falls, Patapsco) Been to the little cave and dam in the Daniels area of Patapsco?
I read just a couple of entries on the Craigslist site garden area, and was surprised at the not very friendly tone. I won't bother going back there for anything.
Personally, I welcome any member here, as those who were members already have been so nice to me : ) !

Shenandoah Valley, VA

We'll be happy to expand the geography of Mid Atlantic to include anyone who wants to join in. LOL We've already had to expand to include California for 4paws. Today New York, tomorrow the world.

Not a dumb comment, Sally. It's kind of amazing really the breadth of some families of plants.

Crozet, VA

I agree hart. And ladygardener1, I didn't realize that PA wasn't considered mid-atlantic. huh!!! or duh!!!

Of course, I am a bit partial to this wonderful forum. I too have found some special people here who I look very forward to meeting at some point.

Up until recently, I enjoyed reading General Discussion, Daves' Garden and maybe a few others. I haven't checked in those for a while though. Now, I try to read Healthy Living everyday. There is a depression thread that has gone in to number 12 discussion. Only on occasion will I stop in to some of the other forums. I believe that my scouting around has come a few times from seeing people that I think a lot of in here posting to the other boards. I tend to follow people. Don't be scared!! ha-ha I am not stalking you.

I am grateful to hart for beginning the swap page. That seems to have brough a few new people out and talking. Remember it is up to us to keep the forum going. If everyone just decided to lurk and never post, what a dull world it would be. I sometimes wonder if folks think that I am really tooting my own horn, when actually I am just trying to get some dialogue going.

This is an interesting topic sally, thank you for starting it.

See all you good folks later on.

Have a good one.


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, I'm far from home... but I recognize many of you from other forums and this is a neat topic. If I may, I love touring the following... Cactus & Succulents, Herbs, Perennials, House Plants, Garden Talk and MidSouth Gardening. I have found valuable info at Winter Sowing, Container Gardening, Hoya, Greenhouse and the folks at Georgia Gardening and Florida Gardening take their gardening serious! I go to Daves Garden when things go wrong and ID when nothing else is going on. Thanks for letting me say hello and join in... pod

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Hi there, Podster. Welcome to our little corner. Want to drive out for our swap this spring? I need all the Texas drought tolerant plants I can get. LOL

Thanks for your comments. It is fun to see what forums others like. Please come back any time.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

You're very welcome! I kinda got carried away with Go Gardening. Once I got going I couldn't stop! :~0
I haven't been to the little cave and dam in the Daniels area of Patapsco. I'll need to make a point to see them.

Welcome Podster!
We definitely can use some drought tolerant plants here during our Summer months. For the past couple of years, we've had record droughts and watering bans in addition!

I hope that 4paws & Podster will join us for the swap. That would be awesome.

Some DG'ers have been known to travel long distances to get to roundups. A couple of years ago when we had the Mid-Atlantic Roundup at Haighr's place near the MD/PA line, we had a surprise visit from BloomsWithAView. She was on her way back to UT and stopped in for the weekend. It was really wonderful to have her join us!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Shirley- it's off Daniels road, off Old Frederick near Rogers Ave and end of Rt 29. Went back there today with 15 yr old son and friend- they thought it looked like west virginia( haven't been to WV much ) they loved it. It seems popular, altho no facilities, just parking and trails
speaking of West Virginia, music2keep must be busy., haven't seen a post lately.................I tried to take some m2k-worthy pictures of the little waterfalls and moss

The person who comes th farthest to Swap deserves special recognition! maybe they get all the leftovers.....

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

I will be out of town for a week or so- leaving tomorrow. Going to Arizona to visit my folks. They are in their 70s and my mom has been sick these past few months.

I will try to check the MidAtlantic threads but will be busy.

Take care all. Button up your overcoats- some cold weather is on the way.

Glad I got my wintersown columbines done.

This message was edited Jan 15, 2007 11:00 PM

Crozet, VA

Have a good time green. You will be enjoying the warmth and sunshine while we are battling the freeze. Oh gosh, I have loved these past few days here. It has been 71 each afternoon and I have taken advantage of airing the house out by having all windows and doors sitting open. I have probably missed a really great chance to winter sow, while it was comfortable out. Hopefull I won't get too cold when I decide to begin winter sowing.

Welcome podster. A few months ago while being bored I began checking out some other forums. I found the Mid-South Gardening board to be hilarious at the time. Can't recall any thing in particular, but remember that I thought they were a hoot. I guess that I should make note that when I am feeling low, to go in there and see if the same mood is there. Probably not, but a girl can try.

Sally, you are right about Music2keep. She has become quiet again. She is attending school full time and that may be taking up a lot of her time. She does have some lovely places to take pictures. Hello.............out there.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hi! Everybody! :D Nice to know I've been missed. Makes me feel all warm inside! And thanx for the compliments Sally & Ruby!:D I haven't been too far away. I've been laying tile in the kitchen & working a 1500 piece puzzle. I needed to get all of that done before school re-opened. Finished the floor Saturday & the puzzle Friday. As for school, today is the 1st day that I go back, & I won't get out until 7:50 this evening. I love it ! All of my classes are crammed into 3 days a week.
I've also been taking pictures & playing with them with PSP. I've been getting lots o' help on the Photo Forum. A Great bunch of folks!
Sally, You have picked a winner, here. A good topic! Thanx.

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