Spring swap discussion only

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Let's try to keep this thread ONLY for discussion of the spring plant swap, planned tentatively for June 2 or 9 at my house in Fort Valley VA.

The old thread, which meanders everywhere LOL, is here:

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Hart, The more I look around the more I see to bring. Can't wait to see everyone in person. Holly

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh Hart you have dates.... Great.... Thanks...

Crozet, VA

I am thrilled to see that we will be having folks come from all over. It will be a fun day for all. See you there.


Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Diane, may we use this thread to post a wish list? I've just been updating my trade list and I'm struck by the uncertainty of counting your plants before they leaf out in the spring. I have a pretty good idea of what I can bring, but fate in the form of weather and squirrels and well meaning volunteer weeders can change things overnight.

The wish list on the other hand can only be damaged by fellow gardeners who say, "I grew that and these are the things you need to keep in mind." I wish some one had told me a couple of years ago what I learned on this forum about keeping passion flower contained.

It might work if we talk about what we would like to have. Then people who have that plant could check our trade lists to see if we have anything that they want and tell us so by e-mail. That would help keep the thread under controll?

Like most old gardeners, I think I'll have many more plants to find homes for than I have room to plant myself, but these are plants I would like to try:
a clematis with big flat flowers like Jackmani or Nelly Moser
a yellow deciduous azalea
wussy chives (already discussed)
an assertive balloon flower
I was complaining to a friend about how miserable my balloon flower was and she said that it sounded like a dwarf balloon flower. I didn't know that there was such a thing. I should pay more attention to the tags, I guess. Anyway I want the kind of balloon flower that grows large and elbows other plants out of the way. Real balloon flower!

If you might have these things and don't see any thing you like on my trade list, e-mail me I have lots of other stuff. I love peonies but I don't think the timing is right for trading in June.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

This board is dangerous ... I sat down at my computer this morning to WORK and all I've been doing is reading DG posts!

I would love to come to your swap, Hart. My schedule is wide open so any time is a good time for me.

Since my garden is new, there are no mature plants out there making babies yet, but one thing I have lots of are wild violets. I rather like them but I understand that a lot of folks see their pretty heart-shaped leaves as weeds. Same for morning glories (which I probably shouldn't even mention - I've seen some gardeners stroke out over them!). I've also just learned that I have a quite a bit of Sweet Autumn clematis - and I've also read that lots of gardeners think of them as invasive weeds. Are these the kinds of plants that one brings to a swap?

Thanks for organizing this. Your property sounds idyllic. I rode a bicycle through your area a few years ago and wondered why anyone would want to live anywhere else.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'll take that Sweet Autumn! I was going to buy some. I have wild violets and just love them. Holly

York, PA

I would love some sweet autumn clematis as well! I planned to buy one next spring and would much rather trade for one.

I'm a little unclear on how a swap works. Do we need to pre-arrange trades, wait and see what everyone has to offer or do a little of both? I would hate to step on anyones toes without realizing.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Netwiz, I haven't done this before so I'm not completely sure. My understanding is that by letting people know that we are interested in certain things it will give them an idea of what to bring or how much. Hart said she would start a special wish list thread for haves and wants. Holly

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'll start another thread for wants and haves. I'd really rather not have people have to plow through a jillion list posts to get general info on the swap, okay?

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

sounds great!
i'm going to practice with some seeds now...i had some labled from the old house...several envelopes in a ziploc bag...my older daughter thought they needed shaking up literally, so it's hard to say what's what now :-)

York, PA

Oops, sorry Hart. By the way, June 2nd and 9th are both open for me so I should be able to make it regardless of the weekend chosen. Can't wait!


Shenandoah Valley, VA


You don't have to prearrange trades. Simply pot up what extra plants you have or bring seedlings you've started from seed and bring them to the swap. At the swap, people look over what you have, you look over what others have and make trades.

Bring whatever you have. It doesn't have to be exotic. You may think what you have is too common but I'll bet someone will want them.

You can use whatever will hold the plants and soil. I save pots from plants I've bought and then whatever else I can find - plastic and styrofoam cups, coffee or other tin cans, I've even used the disposable Rubbermaid food containers.

It's easy to put drain holes in the plastic pots if you heat an icepick or screwdriver over a flame. It will poke right through the plastic like butter. Coffee cans - hammer a nail into the bottom a few times. If you pot your plants the day before the swap, you probably won't need drain holes at all.

I DON'T HAVE TABLES so unless you want to just spread your plants out on the ground, bring a card table and everyone should bring their own folding lawn chairs.

I would strongly suggest that no one bring small children. I have two water garden ponds and I don't think it's really terrifically safe for little ones.

We'll have to make some kind of arrangements to have everyone bring a dish or hamburger or buns or plates or whatever for lunch. I have a grill we can use to grill burgers and hot dogs if you all would like. There isn't anyplace close by where you can grab a bite to eat. I'll do a separate thread for that much closer to the swap.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)


Regarding the trading process, is it a "free for all" or will it be organized so that one person chooses one plant, then the next person chooses one plant, and so on...?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You bring what you have to trade and arrange swaps with the other people there, one on one. So, for example, if Chantell has hollyhocks you want, you offer her one of what you have in exchange.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Hello again... Is there a final date set, June 2nd vs June 9th? I'm trying to sort out my work schedule, etc. and see if I can swing this.

Also, can I assume that the new thread with the wish lists has not been posted yet? (I'm hunting for figs and brugmansias, but will no doubt have a list a mile long by June)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I don't think we decided. I almost have to keep it a little flexible at this point. My daughter and her family are coming home for a visit in June, finally, and I don't know yet when they're coming.

I'll be glad to give you some cuttings from my fig. I'm sure it will be hardy in your area.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, Could you or did you start a new thread for Haves and Wants, One that is just a list without a lot of chatter on it? Similar to the Co-op order threads. I'd like to start a list. There are things that I know I have and things I know I want. I thought maybe one post per person to be edited as necessary to add new things as they develop. I have been putting a list together in Word but thought if we started posting them it would give us all ideas about what other people have. I can hold off if you think it is still early.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sure. Only things I'm worried about is that some of us might have things we think we have but that were damaged by the warm/cold weather this winter and that if a lot of trades are arranged ahead of time I hope those people will be sure to attend.

Crozet, VA

I am glad to see that this topic is opening up for discussion again.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, Just getting antsy, I was thinking of my well-established perennials and my wish list. Not my questionable seedlings. I also see what you mean about private trades instead of attending the Spring Swap.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

At the swap last year, I brought several things that people who didn't attend wanted. There were people who were there who wanted them and I kept waiting for the others to show. It was kind of awkward to keep telling people those plants were reserved.

On the other hand, it would be a shame for someone to show up expecting a lot of plants and then not be able to get them. What I suggested in the wants post is if something comes up and you can't attend, to be sure to let the people you're arranged swaps with know ahead of time.

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