Can talk about Amaryllis Belladonna for 1 sec?

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I am new to Naked Ladies. Got bulbs last year which did nothing. Right now I have lush greenery which I think is from NL. Is this the time for green on them? I was lucky that I recently got a couple of whites, but I don't expect to see anything for a whole other year. Patience, patience! If my efforts towards patience were only 1/2 as good as my enthusiam for plant shopping, I would be in great shape....

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

If you are talking about Lycoris--yes they are winter growers and go dormant (here for me anyway) in late spring when it starts getting hot. Lycoris species usually take at least one full season to settle in, they dislike being moved; in my experience. Yours should bloom next fall, no problems. They also like it slightly acidic too--for me. I just scratch in some acidic organic granular plant food. There is also a great variation in bulb size too--L radiata var radiata the smallest L traubii being the largest. The other species fall in the middle size-wise.

I see you have revised the title on this thread, so never mind--you originally posted is at "untitled".

This message was edited Jan 1, 2007 2:17 PM

Chicago, IL

For me, they sulked big time. I didn't know much about them at first, so I moved them. Took their sweet time and bloomed the 3rd year. I left one behind unknowingly. That one just bloomed last year after sulking for 6 years. Once established, they do multiply readily. A compensation after a long sulk, I suppose.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

On the other hand, if you are talking about Amaryllis belladonna alba, they do grow in the autumn.

I have some young pink ones, as well as some I grew from seeds/bulbils at the beginning of the year, and they are both in full growth in the greenhouse.

They do like some shade I am told, but smgrower states full sun, perhaps that is for 'alba' or depends what your climate is like, ours certainly is not too hot.

You may have to wait for them to mature, also given settling in time, it will depend on how old they are.

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

I am in a comparable zone and mine are in the leaf growth stage now. Expect flowers around August 1. They may even take another year before they "settle in." but thereafter they divide and bloom on a regular basis.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

again, patience, patience. thanks everyone for your input

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