Dumb potato question (s)...

Missouri City, TX

Now, what did I do with those shoulder deep waders?

Orange Park, FL

Seems there are some non-believers out there. Probably the same mentalities who don't believe in Fox Mulder as well. That's OK. The truth is out there. Just can't get anybody to believe it.

Marshall, MO(Zone 5b)

Non beleivers? Heck no I always wear hip waders and a clothes pin when I go out a'sniping. Some times and I think this thread might qualify I wear a good sized floatation device ( inner tube), just to keep my head above it.

Missouri City, TX

Some how we got a long way from potato sets, didn't we?

Just remember, don't bend over when huntin' snipes in the garden, those potatoes have eyes! lol

Orange Park, FL

Huffy and Bubba,
Good to know that you are both belivers. HeeHee. Potato sets? Aah, the eyes have it.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

That is a great description blmlb, We did it a little different. Usually a visiting citifed cousin was taken snipe hunting. We furnished the burlap sack. Take the guest to a wooded creek bottom and have them hold the bag open. While we go down the creek and drive the snipe toward him (usually did not pull this on girls) This is the origen of the term "left holding the bag" Actually this was pretty easy to pull because the snipe is a small game bird that inhabits creek bottoms and they had probaly seen something about snipe hunting in an outdoor/hunting/fishing magazine.
Ever hear of Charles Atlas. He was a great muscle man. Use to emulate his technique by holding a 5 lb potato sack at owns lenght for as long as possible, when we had built up to 15 minutes, we changed to a 10 lb sack, then as edurance built, up to a 60 lb burlap sack. When mastered that we we start putting a few potatoes in the sack.

Orange Park, FL

Gosh, Farmer,
I hope Sequee has not become jaded by all the valuable, factual info that has been offered herein. I hope that Sequee understands that good gardening is not an art or a science, but a combo of both. Seems that Sequee has given up on all of us for the past week. Maybe he/she has been very busy out in the woods with a burlap bag.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Well thank you all kindly for the clarification. It appears that a few pages of my guide to Terra Firma were missing when I emerged from the sea and cut off my hair to trade for land legs.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)


This has just really made my day! And, of course, ya'll know how much I love to learn and teach!

Wonderful, simply wonderful! We done good!

Shoe (off to check my duck-billed platypus brooder box, just to make sure they are nice and cozy.)

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Here are my first ever potato plants! (They sure gave me a run for my money. I was so bummed that they were not growing and that I had so doggone many volunteer tomatoes - then - DUH! It hit me - "Potato Leaf Tomaotes". NOW I know where THAT came from!)

Sheesh - I need to get to Oz for that brain!

Thumbnail by Sequee

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