Planting Question

Cedar Hill, TX

Using containers in my garden has been one of the most helpful things I've found for a full look while waiting for perennials to grow. I'm really not a "paint by number" person, but decided my garden might look better more quickly if I applied some of those principles.

Here is a website that I found and have enjoyed studying. I hope to use some of these ideas for containers this year. It also might help me use some of my surplus wintersown plants.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

That's a great idea! Just have to keep in mind that if and when you put it in the ground it won't be as tall as it is in the pot. I'm planning on setting a lot of potted herbs in the herb garden rather than putting them in the ground, in case the sun gets too brutal. (HAHAHAHAHA as if there's a chance it won't!)

Cedar Hill, TX

brigidlily, you are exactly right. Many of my containers were annuals that I didn't intend to plant in the ground. To avoid having it look like I just threw a lot of pots in the garden, I hid them among some of the taller perennials. That also kept their roots cooler. The Mystic Spires Salvia did a great job of that. Because the containers were mobile, I could just move them when I wanted to.

We've been in a drought for several years in my part of Texas. Brutal sun!? What brutal sun? That can be an issue when using containers, but I bought lighter colored very inexpensive, self-watering containers at Walmart. They did great!

It's hard to see, but in this picture the Datura and Wild Blue Yonder Rose are in pots that are hidden by the salvia and very large Fairy Rose.

Thumbnail by ohsusanna
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)


(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

LOL - I had a Datura that nearly hid my house one summer....

Cedar Hill, TX

I can see how Datura might try to take over a house. This was my first experience with Datura. Someone gave me five seeds toward the end of May, so by the time they germinated it was very hot. That probably stunted their growth somewhat, but didn't prevent them from blooming beautifully in September.

For me, my cottage garden is ever changing and a perpetual experiment. That's the fun of it and that's why I'm about to go plant 6 eggs and 5 bananas. Can you hear the explosion?

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

susanna, how did you like the "Wild Blue Yonder"? DId you get it as bare root or already leafed out?

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I LOVE the site you posted, thank you!!! I think there's a LOT to be learned from seeing what the pro's have put together in container combos. I've written down fav combos before and I'll copy some of these too, in beds and containers.

If anyone can plant by numbers I say go for it! But, if you're numerically challenged, like I am, then I say wing it! I've tried and tried, but I lose it somewhere between the paper and the earth for cottage gardens.

Susana the pic is beautiful!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Did you kids see Xeranthemum's new Secret Container Seed Swap in the seed exchange forum? I'm in it, but everybody else is in Z7-8. You might take a look see.


Cedar Hill, TX

greenjay - I absolutely love Wild Blue Yonder. I bought it bareroot in the middle of the summer from the Park's sale for a very low price. I had no idea what I was getting, but it sounded good. Bear in mind that we were having 100+ temps it was definitely not the time to plant a bareroot rose. I soaked it good, planted it in a large container and It took off running. It was blooming within a month and bloomed until our first hard frost.

heathrjoy - I enjoy looking and studying, but truth is, my favorite combinations are usually surprises that landed together. Thanks for the compliment!

Suzy - This is my first year to wintersow and I've probably bitten off more than I can chew. It has to be the best way to fill up those containers at a low cost and I can't resist the seeds. I'm off to look at the site you recommended.


Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

I planted 2 large container specimens of Wild Blue Yonder in September. They were still trying to grow leaves and bloom buds well into November, after 2 snows. That is one HARDY plant. I can hardly wait to see what it does next summer.

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

It doesnt matter if you leave some room between them at all.................. once they are grown, if there are any spaces left, plant some more in the spaces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the plants grow into each other and look superb................... trust me thats how i did mine!!!

If you are going to plant annuals..................... plant them at the front of the border............. not in the border!!!!


This message was edited Jan 6, 2007 7:01 PM

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Greenjay! Are you getting hit with all the snow we are hearing about in Colorado? I was just thinking about you and there you're posting, so I suppose everything is okay....fell so sorry for the cows or cattle or whatever you call them when they come in sad :(


Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

We got a total accumulation of about 4' over the last 2 weeks. Some melted off between storms, so we only have 3' on the ground, but drifts as high as 5' here and there. Silly me, I had all my landscaping tools and pots and all the plastic whatsits I intended to use for wintersowing neatly arranged in the landscaping closet first week of December. The door to that closet is now under a LARGE drift, so I may not get in there for a few weeks. I had to scramble around and assemble things from the few containers I have laying around inside to get the ASAP items wintersown. The rest will have to wait.

The roads are still quite hazardous even here in the s. suburbs of Denver. None of the municipalities have been able to keep up with the plowing, the groceries are really low on items that get shipped in from out of state, and of course gas prices are inching up. No xmas shopping, because it was impossible to get out, a rather minimalist xmas dinner, and a bottle of wine for new years was the extend of our holiday festivities.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, man! That sounds terrible!

I hope things improve very soon and that next weekend doesn't find you in the news AGAIN!


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

greenjay, just sit tight and get through it all!!


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

If anyone is looking for more plant combo recipes here are some beauties. Hope you enjoy!

You can search the combos by season, pot style, color scheme, and exposure just to name a few. You can also search by your favorite long as it's one that they sell. Very neat!

Cedar Hill, TX

greenjay, you are not forgotten. That's awful and I think I would go totally stir crazy. Hang in there and stay safe because Spring is coming! This July I'll be envious of you.

heathrjoy, thanks for the great site! I looked at it briefly and can't wait to sit down and study it.

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