How Cool Is This?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

My 2006 wintersown Primula, 'Danova Pink' is blooming again in December! Talk about some bizarre weather!!

Anyone else experiencing crazy things happening in their gardens too?

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh yes, my Lilac bushes have buds on them, a few other of my dh's flowers have buds on them, his climbing roses is getting ready to bloom again, and as you can see I am in zone 5... Some of the seeds I planted are starting to come up along with the bulbs I planted....

I just hope I don't lose them.... When winter does finally set in here...


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Weird weather we're all having! Lilac bushes, climbing Roses, flowers with buds & bulbs coming up - hope they won't get nipped by 'Ol Man Winter, whenever he decides to show up!

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

My roses have new leaf growth, as does my flowering quince. I'm not surprised at your primula, though. Mine bloomed pretty much all year round last year, with just a break during the coldest months. The foliage never did turn brown or anything. It's a pretty hardy plant!

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

My forsythia is usually the first to bloom in spring, but it isn't spring yet. LOL
The very tip of the highest branch keeps putting out one yellow flower at a time. It looks like a beacon in the yard. "Come on everyone, let's wake up." LOL

Coaling, AL(Zone 7b)

I discovered several dwarf iris blooming this morning -- I planted them about five weeks ago. And I have a few muscari that are sending up blooms as well. My forsythia also has a few flowers peeping out -- just a bit here and a bit there. While I'm anxious for flowers, I'm not sure I want everything coming up right now!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

My April and May blooming tall bearded iris have large almond sized flowerbuds forming already! The annual linaria I bought last summer apparently reseeded in the pots beneath it and up until a frost we had last week, I had new hot pink and gold linaria in bloom and the dahlias were trying to make a comeback:LOL: Just playing it by ear for now I guess=)

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