New Years tradition

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Beside eating pork on New Years Day. Here is something I have done for 30+ years. New Years Eve place a $1.00 under the door mat, New Years Morning bring it into the house. That way money will come into the house all year long. Well, I'm not rich but I haven't been poor either.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Having blackeyed peas on New Years Eve-
Haven't been fabulously lucky this way, but we are all still here........could be worse !

Crozet, VA

Everyone - I am typing this on the laptop that I bought the day after Thanksgiving. It's about time that I began playing with it, isn't it? I am still having a few issues with it. Can you all guess where the first place that I went to was? Ta-da.....of course it was Dave's. Next thing is to see if I can operate it while out of town. If not, I will talk to you good folks when I get back on January 5.

Later gaters.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, Have a safe trip! Post when you get there, if you can. ; - ),

Blackeyed peas to go with that Christmas Hambone ? Sounds good Sally.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

How sad is this? I don't know that we have any New Year's traditions!!! Maybe I'll keep watching this and get some ideas to start one!!! I think we get traditioned out after Christmas...LOL

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Chantell.... Where have you been? To much Holiday Cheer. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

*hanging head* I was just told something similar on the C & S's been nutso the past month - not to mention dealing with DD's that are computer hogs. As my grandma says: "That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!" LOL Missed everyone!!! How have you been feeling? Ruby, you too?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I was always told eat hog jowls and blackeyed peas on New Years day for good luck all year. Well, even if I could find a hog jowl, I don't think I want to eat one. LOL So we always have blackeyed peas simmered with ham hocks.

There's a Chinese tradition something about sweeping your house. I'll see if I can find that. Here it is.

The entire house should be cleaned before New Year's Day. On New Year's Eve, all brooms, brushes, dusters, dust pans and other cleaning equipment are put away. Sweeping or dusting should not be done on New Year's Day for fear that good fortune will be swept away. After New Year's Day, the floors may be swept. Beginning at the door, the dust and rubbish are swept to the middle of the parlor, then placed in the corners and not taken or thrown out until the fifth day. At no time should the rubbish in the corners be trampled upon. In sweeping, there is a superstition that if you sweep the dirt out over the threshold, you will sweep one of the family away. Also, to sweep the dust and dirt out of your house by the front entrance is to sweep away the good fortune of the family; it must always be swept inwards and then carried out, then no harm will follow. All dirt and rubbish must be taken out the back door.

People here shoot off their guns and sometimes firecrackers at midnight on New Year's. My mom said people did the same out in the country when she was a kid.

Apparently that's a Chinese tradition too. (No Chinese folks out here though. LOL)

Shooting off firecrackers on New Year's Eve is the Chinese way of sending out the old year and welcoming in the New Year. On the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, every door in the house, and even windows, have to be open to allow the old year to go out.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Some more Chinese New Year traditions. (See above)

Everyone should refrain from using foul language and bad or unlucky words. Negative terms and the word "four" (Ssu), which sounds like the word for death, are not to be uttered. Death and dying are never mentioned and ghost stories are totally taboo. References to the past year are also avoided as everything should be turned toward the New Year and a new beginning.

If you cry on New Year's day, you will cry all through the year. Therefore, children are tolerated and are not spanked, even though they are mischievous.

Personal Appearance and Cleanliness

On New Year's Day, we are not suppose to wash our hair because it would mean we would have washed away good luck for the New Year. Red clothing is preferred during this festive occasion. Red is considered a bright, happy color, sure to bring the wearer a sunny and bright future. It is believed that appearance and attitude during New Year's sets the tone for the rest of the year. Children and unmarried friends, as well as close relatives are given lai see, little red envelopes with crisp one dollar bills inserted, for good fortune.

More New Year Superstitions

For those most superstitious, before leaving the house to call on others, the Almanac should be consulted to find the best time to leave the home and the direction which is most auspicious to head out.

The first person one meets and the first words heard are significant as to what the fortunes would be for the entire year. It is a lucky sign to see or hear songbirds or red-colored birds or swallows.

It is considered unlucky to greet anyone in their bedroom so that is why everyone, even the sick, should get dressed and sit in the living room.

Do not use knives or scissors on New Year's Day as this may cut off fortune.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

How cool are those!! Not to mention a good excuse for not sweeping New Years Day...LOL

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Wow! Those are for the really superstitious. huh? I just do the black-eyed pea thing. I also have the pork & fried cabbage to go with it. I've heard the cabbage (no matter how you fix it) is supposed to represent money ~ so the more ~ the merrier! I think I should over do the cabbage this year! :D


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Well then in that case...I'm making Stuffed Cabbage for New Year's Day dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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